
上传日期:2023-08-02 14:39:25
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  MARS:用于自动驾驶的实例感知、模块化和现实模拟器,
(MARS: An Instance-aware, Modular and Realistic Simulator for Autonomous Driving,)

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MARS: An Instance-aware, Modular and Realistic Simulator for Autonomous Driving

CICAI 2023 Best Paper Runner-up Award

For business inquiries, please contact us at

> We have just finished a refactorization of our codebase. Now you can use `pip install` to start using mars instantly! Please contact us without hesitation if you encounter any issues using the latest version. Thanks! ## 1. Installation: Setup the environment ### Prerequisites You must have an NVIDIA video card with CUDA installed on the system. This library has been tested with version 11.7 of CUDA. You can find more information about installing CUDA [here]( #### Create environment Nerfstudio requires `python >= 3.7`. We recommend using conda to manage dependencies. Make sure to install [Conda]( before proceeding. ```bash conda create --name mars -y python=3.9 conda activate mars ``` #### Installation This section will walk you through the installation process. Our system is dependent on the tiny-cuda-nn project. ```bash pip install mars-nerfstudio cd /path/to/tiny-cuda-nn/bindings/torch python install ``` ## 2. Training from Scratch The following will train a MARS model. Our repository provides dataparser for KITTI and vKITTI2 datasets, for your own data, you can write your own dataparser or convert your own dataset to the format of the provided datasets. ### From Datasets #### Data Preparation The data used in our experiments should contain both the pose parameters of cameras and object tracklets. The camera parameters include the intrinsics and the extrinsics. The object tracklets include the bounding box poses, types, ids, etc. For more information, you can refer to KITTI-MOT or vKITTI2 datasets below. #### KITTI The [KITTI-MOT]( dataset should look like this: ``` .(KITTI_MOT_ROOT) ├── panoptic_maps # (Optional) panoptic segmentation from KITTI-STEP dataset. │ ├── colors │ │ └── sequence_id.txt │ ├── train │ │ └── sequence_id │ │ └── frame_id.png └── training ├── calib │ └── sequence_id.txt ├── completion_02 # (Optional) depth completion │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png ├── completion_03 │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png ├── image_02 │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png ├── image_03 │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png ├── label_02 │ └── sequence_id.txt └── oxts └── sequence_id.txt ``` > We use a [monocular depth estimation model]( to generate the depth maps for KITTI-MOT dataset. [Here]( is the estimation result of 0006 sequence of KITTI-MOT datasets. You can download and put them in the `KITTI-MOT/training` directory. > We download the KITTI-STEP annotations and generate the panoptic segmentation maps for KITTI-MOT dataset. You can download the demo panoptic maps [here]( and put them in the `KITTI-MOT` directory, or you can visit the official website of [KITTI-STEP]( for more information. To train a reconstruction model, you can use the following command: ```bash ns-train mars-kitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/kitti-MOT/training/image_02/0006 ``` or if you want to use the Python script (please refer to the `launch.json` file in the `.vscode` directory): ```bash python nerfstudio/nerfstudio/scripts/ mars-kitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/kitti-MOT/training/image_02/0006 ``` #### vKITTI2 The [vKITTI2]( dataset should look like this: ``` .(vKITTI2_ROOT) └── sequence_id └── scene_name ├── bbox.txt ├── colors.txt ├── extrinsic.txt ├── info.txt ├── instrinsic.txt ├── pose.txt └── frames ├── depth │ ├── Camera_0 │ │ └── frame_id.png │ └── Camera_1 │ │ └── frame_id.png ├── instanceSegmentation │ ├── Camera_0 │ │ └── frame_id.png │ └── Camera_1 │ │ └── frame_id.png ├── classSegmentation │ ├── Camera_0 │ │ └── frame_id.png │ └── Camera_1 │ │ └── frame_id.png └── rgb ├── Camera_0 │ └── frame_id.png └── Camera_1 └── frame_id.png ``` To train a reconstruction model, you can use the following command: ```bash ns-train mars-vkitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/vkitti/Scene06/clone ``` or if you want to use the python script: ```bash python nerfstudio/nerfstudio/scripts/ mars-vkitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/vkitti/Scene06/clone ``` #### Your Own Data For your own data, you can refer to the above data structure and write your own dataparser, or you can convert your own dataset to the format of the dataset above. ### From Pre-Trained Model Our model uses nerfstudio as the training framework, we provide the reconstruction and novel view synthesis tasks checkpoints. Our pre-trained model is uploaded to Google Drive, you can refer to the below table to download the model.
Dataset Scene Setting Start-End Steps PSNR SSIM Download Wandb
KITTI-MOT 0006 Reconstruction 65-120 400k 27.96 0.900 model report
0006 Novel View Synthesis 75% 65-120 200k 27.32 0.890 model report
0006 Novel View Synthesis 50% 65-120 200k 26.80 0.883 model report
0006 Novel View Synthesis 25% 65-120 200k 25.87 0.866 model report
Vitural KITTI-2 Scene06 Novel View Synthesis 75% 0-237 600k 32.32 0.940 model report
Scene06 Novel View Synthesis 50% 0-237 600k 32.16 0.938 model report
Scene06 Novel View Synthesis 25% 0-237 600k 30.87 0.935 model report
You can use the following command to train a model from a pre-trained model: ```bash ns-train mars-kitti-car-depth-recon --data /data/kitti-MOT/training/image_02/0006 --load-dir outputs/experiment_name/method_name/timestamp/nerfstudio ``` ### Model Configs Our modular framework supports combining different architectures for each node by modifying model configurations. Here's an example of using Nerfacto for background and our category-level object model: ```python model=SceneGraphModelConfig( background_model=NerfactoModelConfig(), object_model_template=CarNeRFModelConfig(_target=CarNeRF), object_representation="class-wise", object_ray_sample_strategy="remove-bg", ) ``` > If you choose to use the category-level object model, please make sure that the `use_car_latents=True` and the latent codes exists. We provide latent codes of some sequences on KITTI-MOT and vKITTI2 datasets [here]( For more information, please refer to our provided configurations at `mars/`. We use wandb for logging by default, you can also specify other viewers (tensorboard/nerfstudio-viewer supported) with the `--vis` config. Please refer to the nerfstudio documentation for details. ## Render If you want to render with our pre-trained model, you should visit [here]( to download our checkpoints and **config**. To run the render script, you need to ensure that your config is the same as the `config.yml` that you load in. You can use the following command to render. You can modify output format and directory by specificing `--output-format` and `--output-path` : ```bash python scripts/ --load-config outputs/kitti-recon-65-120/mars-kitti-car-depth-recon/2023-10-30_212654/config.yml --output-format video or python scripts/ --load-config outputs/kitti-recon-65-120/mars-kitti-car-depth-recon/2023-10-30_212654/config.yml --output-format images --output-path /path/to/your/output/directory ``` ## Citation You can find our paper [here]( If you use this library or find the repo useful for your research, please consider citing: ``` @article{wu2023mars, author = {Wu, Zirui and Liu, Tianyu and Luo, Liyi and Zhong, Zhide and Chen, Jianteng and Xiao, Hongmin and Hou, Chao and Lou, Haozhe and Chen, Yuantao and Yang, Runyi and Huang, Yuxin and Ye, Xiaoyu and Yan, Zike and Shi, Yongliang and Liao, Yiyi and Zhao, Hao}, title = {MARS: An Instance-aware, Modular and Realistic Simulator for Autonomous Driving}, journal = {CICAI}, year = {2023}, } ``` ## Acknoledgement Part of our code is borrowed from [Nerfstudio]( This project is sponsored by Tsinghua-Toyota Joint Research Fund (20223930097) and Baidu Inc. through Apollo-AIR Joint Research Center. ## Notice This open-sourced version will be actively maintained and regularly updated. For more features, please contact us for a commercial version.


