
上传日期:2023-08-02 10:12:52
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以编程方式生成SVG(矢量)图像、动画和交互式Jupyter小部件,
(Programmatically generate SVG (vector) images, animations, and interactive Jupyter widgets,)

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docs/img/01_multilines.svg (264, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/01_multilines2.svg (406, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/01_polygon.svg (272, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/01_rect.svg (567, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/01_rectround.svg (634, 2023-08-06)
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docs/img/02_fsc.svg (509, 2023-08-06)
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docs/img/02_linecap.svg (527, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/02_mlimit.svg (469, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/02_strokewdth.svg (1407, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/03_pA.svg (516, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/03_pC.svg (2094, 2023-08-06)
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docs/img/03_pL.svg (349, 2023-08-06)
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docs/img/03_pT.svg (406, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/03_pZ.svg (312, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_align.svg (796, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_fill.svg (798, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_fonts1.png (10753, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_fonts2.png (12227, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_len.svg (781, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_multiline_text.svg (714, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_mutiline_text.svg (714, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_path.svg (1490, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_rot.svg (368, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_rot2.svg (355, 2023-08-06)
docs/img/04_tspan.svg (379, 2023-08-06)
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[![drawsvg logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/logo.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/cduck/drawSvg/blob/master/examples/logo.svg) A Python 3 library for programmatically generating SVG images and animations that can render and display your drawings in a Jupyter notebook or Jupyter lab. Most common SVG tags are supported and others can easily be added by writing a small subclass of `DrawableBasicElement` or `DrawableParentElement`. [Nearly all SVG attributes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG) are supported via keyword args (e.g. Python keyword argument `fill_opacity=0.5` becomes SVG attribute `fill-opacity="0.5"`). An interactive [Jupyter notebook](https://jupyter.org) widget, `drawsvg.widgets.DrawingWidget`, [is included](#interactive-widget) that can update drawings based on mouse events. The widget does not yet work in Jupyter lab. [SVG quick reference docs](https://cduck.github.io/drawsvg/) # Install Drawsvg is available on PyPI: ```bash $ python3 -m pip install "drawsvg~=2.0" ``` To enable raster image support (PNG, MP4, and GIF), follow the [full-feature install instructions](#full-feature-install). ## Upgrading from version 1.x Major breaking changes: - camelCase method and argument names are now snake\_case and the package name is lowercase (except for arguments that correspond to camelCase SVG attributes). - The default coordinate system y-axis now matches the SVG coordinate system (y increases down the screen, x increases right) - How to fix `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'drawSvg'` (with a capital S)? Either pip install `"drawSvg~=1.9"` or update your code for drawsvg 2.x (for example, change `drawSvg` to `drawsvg` and `d.saveSvg` to `d.save_svg`). # Examples ### Basic drawing elements ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(200, 100, origin='center') # Draw an irregular polygon d.append(draw.Lines(-80, 45, 70, 49, 95, -49, -90, -40, close=False, fill='#eeee00', stroke='black')) # Draw a rectangle r = draw.Rectangle(-80, -50, 40, 50, fill='#1248ff') r.append_title("Our first rectangle") # Add a tooltip d.append(r) # Draw a circle d.append(draw.Circle(-40, 10, 30, fill='red', stroke_width=2, stroke='black')) # Draw an arbitrary path (a triangle in this case) p = draw.Path(stroke_width=2, stroke='lime', fill='black', fill_opacity=0.2) p.M(-10, -20) # Start path at point (-10, -20) p.C(30, 10, 30, -50, 70, -20) # Draw a curve to (70, -20) d.append(p) # Draw text d.append(draw.Text('Basic text', 8, -10, -35, fill='blue')) # 8pt text at (-10, -35) d.append(draw.Text('Path text', 8, path=p, text_anchor='start', line_height=1)) d.append(draw.Text(['Multi-line', 'text'], 8, path=p, text_anchor='end', center=True)) # Draw multiple circular arcs d.append(draw.ArcLine(60, 20, 20, 60, 270, stroke='red', stroke_width=5, fill='red', fill_opacity=0.2)) d.append(draw.Arc(60, 20, 20, 90, -60, cw=True, stroke='green', stroke_width=3, fill='none')) d.append(draw.Arc(60, 20, 20, -60, 90, cw=False, stroke='blue', stroke_width=1, fill='black', fill_opacity=0.3)) # Draw arrows arrow = draw.Marker(-0.1, -0.51, 0.9, 0.5, scale=4, orient='auto') arrow.append(draw.Lines(-0.1, 0.5, -0.1, -0.5, 0.9, 0, fill='red', close=True)) p = draw.Path(stroke='red', stroke_width=2, fill='none', marker_end=arrow) # Add an arrow to the end of a path p.M(20, 40).L(20, 27).L(0, 20) # Chain multiple path commands d.append(p) d.append(draw.Line(30, 20, 0, 10, stroke='red', stroke_width=2, fill='none', marker_end=arrow)) # Add an arrow to the end of a line d.set_pixel_scale(2) # Set number of pixels per geometry unit #d.set_render_size(400, 200) # Alternative to set_pixel_scale d.save_svg('example.svg') d.save_png('example.png') # Display in Jupyter notebook #d.rasterize() # Display as PNG d # Display as SVG ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example1.png)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/example1.svg) ### SVG-native animation with playback controls ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(400, 200, origin='center', animation_config=draw.types.SyncedAnimationConfig( # Animation configuration duration=8, # Seconds show_playback_progress=True, show_playback_controls=True)) d.append(draw.Rectangle(-200, -100, 400, 200, fill='#eee')) # Background d.append(draw.Circle(0, 0, 40, fill='green')) # Center circle # Animation circle = draw.Circle(0, 0, 0, fill='gray') # Moving circle circle.add_key_frame(0, cx=-100, cy=0, r=0) circle.add_key_frame(2, cx=0, cy=-100, r=40) circle.add_key_frame(4, cx=100, cy=0, r=0) circle.add_key_frame(6, cx=0, cy=100, r=40) circle.add_key_frame(8, cx=-100, cy=0, r=0) d.append(circle) r = draw.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, fill='silver') # Moving square r.add_key_frame(0, x=-100, y=0, width=0, height=0) r.add_key_frame(2, x=0-20, y=-100-20, width=40, height=40) r.add_key_frame(4, x=100, y=0, width=0, height=0) r.add_key_frame(6, x=0-20, y=100-20, width=40, height=40) r.add_key_frame(8, x=-100, y=0, width=0, height=0) d.append(r) # Changing text draw.native_animation.animate_text_sequence( d, [0, 2, 4, 6], ['0', '1', '2', '3'], 30, 0, 1, fill='yellow', center=True) # Save as a standalone animated SVG or HTML d.save_svg('playback-controls.svg') d.save_html('playback-controls.html') # Display in Jupyter notebook #d.display_image() # Display SVG as an image (will not be interactive) #d.display_iframe() # Display as interactive SVG (alternative) #d.as_gif('orbit.gif', fps=10) # Render as a GIF image, optionally save to file #d.as_mp4('orbig.mp4', fps=60, verbose=True) # Render as an MP4 video, optionally save to file #d.as_spritesheet('orbit-spritesheet.png', row_length=10, fps=3) # Render as a spritesheet d.display_inline() # Display as interactive SVG ``` [![Example animated image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/playback-controls.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/playback-controls.svg) Note: GitHub blocks the playback controls. Download the above SVG and open it in a web browser to try. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2476062/221400434-1529d237-e9bf-4363-a143-0ece75cd349a.mp4 ### Patterns and gradients ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(1.5, 0.8, origin='center') # Background pattern (not supported by Cairo, d.rasterize() will not show it) pattern = draw.Pattern(width=0.13, height=0.23) pattern.append(draw.Rectangle(0, 0, .1, .1, fill='yellow')) pattern.append(draw.Rectangle(0, .1, .1, .1, fill='orange')) d.draw(draw.Rectangle(-0.75, -0.5, 1.5, 1, fill=pattern, fill_opacity=0.4)) # Create gradient gradient = draw.RadialGradient(0, 0.35, 0.7*10) gradient.add_stop(0.5/0.7/10, 'green', 1) gradient.add_stop(1/10, 'red', 0) # Draw a shape to fill with the gradient p = draw.Path(fill=gradient, stroke='black', stroke_width=0.002) p.arc(0, 0.35, 0.7, -30, -120, cw=False) p.arc(0, 0.35, 0.5, -120, -30, cw=True, include_l=True) p.Z() d.append(p) # Draw another shape to fill with the same gradient p = draw.Path(fill=gradient, stroke='red', stroke_width=0.002) p.arc(0, 0.35, 0.75, -130, -160, cw=False) p.arc(0, 0.35, 0, -160, -130, cw=True, include_l=True) p.Z() d.append(p) # Another gradient gradient2 = draw.LinearGradient(0.1, 0.35, 0.1+0.6, 0.35+0.2) gradient2.add_stop(0, 'green', 1) gradient2.add_stop(1, 'red', 0) d.append(draw.Rectangle(0.1, 0.15, 0.6, 0.2, stroke='black', stroke_width=0.002, fill=gradient2)) # Display d.set_render_size(w=600) d ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example2.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/example2.svg) ### Duplicate geometry and clip paths ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(1.4, 1.4, origin='center') # Define clip path clip = draw.ClipPath() clip.append(draw.Rectangle(-.25, -.25, 1, 1)) # Draw a cropped circle circle = draw.Circle(0, 0, 0.5, stroke_width='0.01', stroke='black', fill_opacity=0.3, clip_path=clip) d.append(circle) # Make a transparent copy, cropped again g = draw.Group(opacity=0.5, clip_path=clip) # Here, circle is not directly appended to the drawing. # drawsvg recognizes that `Use` references `circle` and automatically adds # `circle` to the section of the SVG. g.append(draw.Use(circle, 0.25, -0.1)) d.append(g) # Display d.set_render_size(400) #d.rasterize() # Display as PNG d # Display as SVG ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example3.png)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/example3.svg) ### Organizing and duplicating drawing elements ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(300, 100) d.set_pixel_scale(2) # Use groups to contain other elements # Children elements of groups inherit the coordinate system (transform) # and attribute values group = draw.Group(fill='orange', transform='rotate(-20)') group.append(draw.Rectangle(0, 10, 20, 40)) # This rectangle will be orange group.append(draw.Circle(30, 40, 10)) # This circle will also be orange group.append(draw.Circle(50, 40, 10, fill='green')) # This circle will not d.append(group) # Use the Use element to make duplicates of elements # Each duplicate can be placed at an offset (x, y) location and any additional # attributes (like fill color) are inherited if the element didn't specify them. d.append(draw.Use(group, 80, 0, stroke='black', stroke_width=1)) d.append(draw.Use(group, 80, 20, stroke='blue', stroke_width=2)) d.append(draw.Use(group, 80, 40, stroke='red', stroke_width=3)) d.display_inline() ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example8.png)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/example8.svg) ### Implementing other SVG tags ```python import drawsvg as draw # Subclass DrawingBasicElement if it cannot have child nodes # Subclass DrawingParentElement otherwise # Subclass DrawingDef if it must go between tags in an SVG class Hyperlink(draw.DrawingParentElement): TAG_NAME = 'a' def __init__(self, href, target=None, **kwargs): # Other init logic... # Keyword arguments to super().__init__() correspond to SVG node # arguments: stroke_width=5 -> ... super().__init__(href=href, target=target, **kwargs) d = draw.Drawing(1, 1.2, origin='center') # Create hyperlink hlink = Hyperlink('https://www.python.org', target='_blank', transform='skewY(-30)') # Add child elements hlink.append(draw.Circle(0, 0, 0.5, fill='green')) hlink.append(draw.Text('Hyperlink', 0.2, 0, 0, center=0.6, fill='white')) # Draw and display d.append(hlink) d.set_render_size(200) d ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example4.png)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/example4.svg) ### Animation with the SVG Animate Tag ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(200, 200, origin='center') # Animate the position and color of circle c = draw.Circle(0, 0, 20, fill='red') # See for supported attributes: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/animate c.append_anim(draw.Animate('cy', '6s', '-80;80;-80', repeatCount='indefinite')) c.append_anim(draw.Animate('cx', '6s', '0;80;0;-80;0', repeatCount='indefinite')) c.append_anim(draw.Animate('fill', '6s', 'red;green;blue;yellow', calc_mode='discrete', repeatCount='indefinite')) d.append(c) # Animate a black circle around an ellipse ellipse = draw.Path() ellipse.M(-90, 0) ellipse.A(90, 40, 360, True, True, 90, 0) # Ellipse path ellipse.A(90, 40, 360, True, True, -90, 0) ellipse.Z() c2 = draw.Circle(0, 0, 10) # See for supported attributes: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/animate_motion c2.append_anim(draw.AnimateMotion(ellipse, '3s', repeatCount='indefinite')) # See for supported attributes: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/animate_transform c2.append_anim(draw.AnimateTransform('scale', '3s', '1,2;2,1;1,2;2,1;1,2', repeatCount='indefinite')) d.append(c2) d.save_svg('animated.svg') # Save to file d # Display in Jupyter notebook ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/animated-fix-github.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/animated.svg) ### Interactive Widget ```python import drawsvg as draw from drawsvg.widgets import DrawingWidget import hyperbolic.poincare as hyper # python3 -m pip install hyperbolic from hyperbolic import euclid # Create drawing d = draw.Drawing(2, 2, origin='center', context=draw.Context(invert_y=True)) d.set_render_size(500) d.append(draw.Circle(0, 0, 1, fill='orange')) group = draw.Group() d.append(group) # Update the drawing based on user input click_list = [] def redraw(points): group.children.clear() for x1, y1 in points: for x2, y2 in points: if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2): continue p1 = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x1, y1) p2 = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x2, y2) if p1.distance_to(p2) <= 2: line = hyper.Line.from_points(*p1, *p2, segment=True) group.draw(line, hwidth=0.2, fill='white') for x, y in points: p = hyper.Point.from_euclid(x, y) group.draw(hyper.Circle.from_center_radius(p, 0.1), fill='green') redraw(click_list) # Create interactive widget and register mouse events widget = DrawingWidget(d) @widget.mousedown def mousedown(widget, x, y, info): if (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5 + 1e-5 < 1: click_list.append((x, y)) redraw(click_list) widget.refresh() @widget.mousemove def mousemove(widget, x, y, info): if (x**2 + y**2) ** 0.5 + 1e-5 < 1: redraw(click_list + [(x, y)]) widget.refresh() widget ``` ![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example5.gif) Note: The above example currently only works in `jupyter notebook`, not `jupyter lab`. ### Frame-by-Frame Animation ```python import drawsvg as draw # Draw a frame of the animation def draw_frame(t): d = draw.Drawing(2, 6.05, origin=(-1, -5)) d.set_render_size(h=300) d.append(draw.Rectangle(-2, -6, 4, 8, fill='white')) d.append(draw.Rectangle(-1, 1, 2, 0.05, fill='brown')) t = (t + 1) % 2 - 1 y = t**2 * 4 - 4 d.append(draw.Circle(0, y, 1, fill='lime')) return d with draw.frame_animate_jupyter(draw_frame, delay=0.05) as anim: # Or: #with draw.frame_animate_video('example6.gif', draw_frame, duration=0.05) as anim: # Or: #with draw.frame_animate_spritesheet('example6.png', draw_frame, row_length=10) as anim: # Add each frame to the animation for i in range(20): anim.draw_frame(i/10) for i in range(20): anim.draw_frame(i/10) for i in range(20): anim.draw_frame(i/10) ``` GIF: ![Example output gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example6.gif) Spritesheet (usable in most 2D game engines): ![Example output spritesheet](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example6.png) ### Asynchronous Frame-based Animation in Jupyter ```python # Jupyter cell 1: import drawsvg as draw from drawsvg.widgets import AsyncAnimation widget = AsyncAnimation(fps=10) widget # [Animation is displayed here (click to pause)] # Jupyter cell 2: global_variable = 'a' @widget.set_draw_frame # Animation above is automatically updated def draw_frame(secs=0): # Draw something... d = draw.Drawing(100, 40) d.append(draw.Text(global_variable, 20, 0, 30)) d.append(draw.Text('{:0.1f}'.format(secs), 20, 30, 30)) return d # Jupyter cell 3: global_variable = 'b' # Animation above now displays 'b' ``` ![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/example7.gif) Note: The above example currently only works in `jupyter notebook`, not `jupyter lab`. ### Embed custom fonts ```python import drawsvg as draw d = draw.Drawing(400, 100, origin='center') d.embed_google_font('Permanent Marker', text=set('Text with custom font')) d.append(draw.Text('Text with custom font', 35, 0, 0, center=True, font_family='Permanent Marker', font_style='italic')) d.save_svg('font.svg') d # Custom fonts work in most browsers but not in rasterize(), save_png(), or save_video() ``` [![Example output image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cduck/drawsvg/master/examples/font.svg?sanitize=true)](https://github.com/cduck/drawsvg/blob/master/examples/font.svg) --- # Full-feature install Drawsvg may be either be installed with no dependencies (only SVG and SVG-native animation will work): ```bash $ python3 -m pip install "drawsvg~=2.0" ``` Or drawsvg may be installed with extra dependencies to support PNG, MP4, and GIF output: ```bash $ python3 -m pip install "drawsvg[all]~=2.0" ``` An additional required package, [Cairo](https://www.cairographics.org/download/), cannot be installed with pip and must be installed separately. When Cairo is installed, drawsvg can output PNG and other image formats in addition to SVG. Install it with your preferred package manager. Examples: **Ubuntu** ```bash $ sudo apt install libcairo2 ``` **macOS** Using [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) (may require a Python version installed with `brew install python`): ```bash $ brew install cairo ``` **Any platform** Using [Anaconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) (may require Python and cairo installed in the same conda environment): ```bash $ conda install -c anaconda cairo ```


