
上传日期:2023-08-02 16:06:46
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  生成、可视化、玩迷宫,
(Generating, visualizing, playing around with mazes,)

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# 'Mazing *Generating, visualising, playing around with mazes* A Mazing animation ## What is this? A hobby project to familiarize myself with Git. Mazes are fun, so I whipped up some code to build arbitrarily large ones – and nothing easier for a computer than to solve, print, draw and color them in, too! In essence, [``]( provides a handy *`Maze`* class to play around with. ## How could I use it? Run `` directly to try stuff out on the command line! (I put some small effort into making this usable, too) I tried adding [Google-style]( docstrings to everything, so `help()` should yield sensible information for usage of any script/module (c.f. code examples in last section). ## What can it do? Functionality includes but is not limited to - **Randomly carving** (so-called) 'perfect' mazes with a unique solution. * Common algorithms implemented [Growing tree, backtracker, (simplified) Prim's, Kruskal's, Wilson's, divide-and-conquer] * Mix of different methods ('x-divide-and-conquer') - **Text art.** * 7 different ways to print maze as text (including 3 w/ solution path) - **Imaging.** * Normal PNG * Solution path * Colored by distance from entrance (heatmap) * Colored by algorithm usage (for mixed maze generation) - **Animation.** * Use any of above imaging methods to visualize building of a maze - **Computing information.** * Solution path * Longest possible path through maze, and other interesting stats ## Don't you have exams to write? Messing with mazes is tons of fun, and their [graph algorithms]( are interesting (lots of different ['flavors' of mazes](, also [ASCII art]( is cool, and, then I uh, kinda got lost learning about different [color spaces]( and what makes [good color gradients for scientific graphs]( too, and, and [Python decorators]( kept me occupied *(& did you know that [`yield from`]( is a valid syntax struct in Python?)*, so anyway uh.... # Gallery ## Text Art Examples ### ASCII *Timeless maze art for any (any?) console!* > ASCII 'frame' ``` + +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | + +---+ + +---+---+---+ +---+ + | | | | | | | + + + +---+ + +---+---+ +---+ | | | | | + +---+ + +---+---+---+---+---+ + | | | | | | | | + + +---+ + + +---+ + + + | | | | | | | | + +---+ +---+---+ + +---+ + + | | | | | | | + + +---+---+ + +---+---+---+ + | | | | | | + + + + +---+---+---+---+ + + | | | | | | | | + + + + + + + + +---+ + | | | | | | | | | | + +---+ +---+---+ +---+ + + + | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ + ``` > 'Minimalist' ASCII frame ``` , ______________________________, | ,__ |___, |_, , , |___, |___, | | | , , ,_| __| |_|_, | | __, | | |_|_| | |__ __|__ | | , | , | , | | |__ | |___, | ,_| __|___| |_| | | ,___| | __|__ | | , | ____|_, | | |__ |_| ________|_|_|___| __| | | ____| ,_, __| , , |____ ,__ | | |____ |_| | , |_| |__ , , |_____| | |_, | ,___|_| |_| , |_|_| ____| | ,_|__ | | ,__ | ,_|_| | |__ | | | | | __, ,_| __|_| |_, , |__ , | | , | , | |__ , |__ __| |__ , | | | | ,_| |_| , | , __, ,_| __|_| | | |_| |_| |_| | |_, | | |__ __|_| | ,__ | , |___|_| |_| | , ,__ __| |_|_____|___|_________|_|_|____ | ``` ### Unicode > *Note: Unfortunately it may happen that certain special characters don't display correctly (uneven character width)*
Show Unicode arts > 'Frame' ``` ┌───────────┬─────────────┬───┐ │ ┌───┬─ └─── ┌─────┘ │ │ ─┼─┘ └───────┐ ├─┘ ─┬─┘ │ ├─ │ ─┼─────┬─ │ │ ┌─┴─ │ ┌─┤ │ └─ ├─ ─┤ ─┴─┘ ├─┬───┘ │ │ │ ├─────┤ ┌─┐ └───┬───┘ │ ─┬─┘ │ │ │ ───┘ │ └───┐ │ ───┴─┐ │ ─┤ │ │ ─┬─┬─┴─ ┌─┘ │ ┌───┐ ├─ │ │ └─┐ │ │ ─┴─┬─┘ └─┐ └─┐ │ ├─ │ │ └───┐ └───┐ ├─ └─┬─┘ │ │ │ │ ┌─ ├─┬─┬─┘ │ ┌───┤ ┌─┤ │ │ └─┤ │ ├─┐ │ │ ─┘ └─┐ │ │ │ ├─┐ │ │ ─┤ └───────┼─┬─┘ │ │ │ │ ┌─ │ ├─ │ ┌─── │ │ │ │ │ │ ┌─┘ │ ┌─┘ └─┐ ─┴─┬─┴─┘ │ │ │ └─┘ ┌─┘ └─── ├─── └─ │ └───┴─────┴─────────┴─────────┘ ``` > 'Half-block' ``` █ ██████ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ ███ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █████ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ███ ████ █ █ █ █ █ ██ ██ ██ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ``` > 'Quarter-block' ``` ▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌ ``` > 'Pipes' ``` ┌──────────┐┌──────────────┐┌──────────────────┐ │ ┌┐ ┌┐ ││ ┌────┐ ┌┐ ││ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ │ │ ││ ││ └┘ │┌───┘ ││ └┘ ││ ││ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││ ┌┐ ││ ┌───┘│ ┌───┘│ ││ ││ ││ │ │ └┘ ││ ││ └┘ └────┘ │┌───┘ ││ └┘ └┘ │ │ ┌───┘│ ││ ┌┐ ┌───────┘│ ┌───┘└───┐ ┌───┘ │ │┌───┘ ││ └┘ │┌──────┐│ └───────┐│ └───┐ │ ││ ┌───┘└──────┘│ ┌┐ ││ ┌────┐ ││ ┌┐ │ │ └┘ │┌──────────┐│ ││ └┘ └────┘ ││ └┘ │ │ ┌───┘│ ┌┐ ┌┐ ││ ││ ┌────┐ ┌───┘│ ┌───┘ │ └───┐│ ││ ││ ││ ││ └────┘ └───┐│ └───┐ │ ┌┐ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ ││ ┌┐ │ │ └┘ ││ └┘ └┘ └┘ ││ └┘ ││ ││ └┘ ││ │ │ ┌───┘└───┐ ┌────┐ ││ ┌───┘│ ││ ┌───┘│ │ │ │┌──────┐│ │┌───┘ ││ └───┐│ └┘ │┌───┘ │ │ ││ ┌┐ ││ ││ ┌───┘│ ┌┐ ││ ┌───┘│ ┌┐ │ │ ││ └┘ ││ └┘ │┌───┘ ││ └┘ └───┐│ ││ │ │ ││ ┌┐ ││ ┌┐ ││ ┌───┘│ ┌────┐ ││ ││ │ │ └┘ ││ ││ └┘ ││ │┌───┘ │┌───┘ ││ └┘ │ └───┐ ││ ││ ┌───┘│ ││ ┌┐ ││ ┌───┘│ ┌┐ │ ┌───┘ └┘ ││ └───┐│ └┘ └┘ └┘ └────┘ ││ │ │ ┌────┐ │└───┐ ││ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌┐ ┌───┘│ │ │ └────┘ └────┘ └┘ ││ └┘ └┘ ││ └────┘ │ └──────────────────────┘└──────────┘└──────────┘ ```
## Images ### One Example *This 20×20 maze was generated by a randomized-DFS carving method, which usually leads to long, winding tunnels compared to other methods.* ![Test Maze](
Solution of above maze ![Maze Solution](
Distance heatmap of maze ![Maze Heatmap](
### Bigger Examples > Solution of a 128×128 randomized-Kruskal maze. ![Kruskal Solution]( > 'Great Wave off Kanagawa' ![Kanagawa]( > 1920×1080 maze wallpaper variation ([see others here]( ![Wallpaper]( > 'Magma' colormap. ![Magma]( ## Animations ### Comparing Algorithms
Backtracker ![Backtracker Animation](
Growing-Tree ![Growing-Tree Animation](
Prim ![Prim Animation](
Kruskal ![Kruskal Animation](
Divide and Conquer ![Divide and Conquer Animation](
### Mixing Algorithms 'x-divide-and-conquer' *(better name pending)* is a variation on normal divide-and-conquer where any recursive call may decide to let an arbitrary algorithm finish the remaining subsection. This allows mazes to be correctly and seamlessly built using independent perfect maze algorithms.
Mixed Divide-and-Conquer
xdivision animation xdivision endresult
# Code Examples
Generate a simple maze and print it to console (Unicode & ASCII). ```py from mazing import Maze # Blank, new maze my_maze = Maze(16,16) # Randomize maze my_maze.backtracker() # Choose a Unicode string function print(my_maze.str_frame()) # Choose an ASCII string function print(my_maze.str_frame_ascii()) ```
Generate a large maze and save a normal image and a solution. ```py from mazing import Maze # Blank, new maze my_maze = Maze(100,100) # Randomize maze my_maze.growing_tree() # Generate normal image, then save it img = my_maze.generate_image() # Generate solution image, then save it imgsol = my_maze.generate_solutionimage() ```
Generate an animation of how `backtracker` works. ```py from mazing import Maze # Generate animation frames (frames, my_unused_maze) = Maze.generate_animation(16,16, Maze.backtracker) # Save frames as .gif frames[0].save( frames[0].filename, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], duration=30, ) ```
Make a very large maze to be used as HD desktop wallpaper. ```py from mazing import Maze import colortools as ct # Blank, new maze my_maze = Maze(1920,1080) # ( dark raster=my_maze.generate_raster( wall_air_ratio=(0,1), show_distances=True ) ) # Save image ```
Generate an interesting maze, then slowly escalate customization when saving images. ```py from mazing import Maze import colortools as ct my_maze = Maze(256,256) my_maze.xdivision() # 1) Solution image imgsol = my_maze.generate_solutionimage() # 2) Normal image, altered colors img = my_maze.generate_image( wall_air_colors=(ct.COLORS['sepia'],ct.COLORS['vellum']), ) # 3) Algorithms map, raster adapted imgalg = my_maze.generate_algorithmimage( raster=my_maze.generate_raster( decolumnated=True, wall_air_ratio=(1,2), show_algorithms=True, ), ) # 4) Branch distances, colors and raster adapted my_maze.compute_branchdistances() imgdst = my_maze.generate_colorimage( gradient_colors=ct.COLORMAPS['redyellowblue'][::-1], # makes bright -> dark raster=my_maze.generate_raster( decolumnated=True, wall_air_ratio=(1,2), show_distances=True, ), ) ```
# More About ## Repository File Summaries Each file (obviously) has some specific purpose; - `` - Main maze functionality (see [beginning]( - `playground` - Sandbox functionality to try out `mazing`. - `` - Personal mini-benchmark, not specifically intended for use. - `` - Homebrewn color module. * Common/useful color constants * Interpolation functions * Color gradient presets * Conversion between color spaces - `` - Minimal timing decorators. * `timed` to time a function by its name * explicit `timed_titled` for lambdas - `` - Unfinished top-down maze navigator implemented using `curses`. I don't intend on continuing work on it. * Should correctly display and appropriately scroll large mazes. * Navigate the maze on-screen using **arrow keys** or **w**, **a**, **s**, **d**. * Use **shift** in combination with the latter to jump to next wall.
Console Screenshot ![Screenshot](
## Resources - Jamis Buck * [Online presentation slides (on maze algorithms)]( * [Blog posts on maze generation]( * [*Mazes for Programmers* book]( - Walter Pullen * [Maze Classification]( - Javidx9 * [Programming Mazes (YouTube)]( - armin-reichert * [GitHub wiki page on mazes](


