
上传日期:2023-08-03 19:39:53
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Cyberonix是网络安全社区的完整资源中心。我们的目标是使该工具成为所有黑客的一站式解决方案...,
(Cyberonix is a complete resource hub for Cyber Security Community. Our aim is to make this tool an 1 stop solution for all the Hackers out there to get resources of various topics in Cyber Security. We will keep updating this tool & adding new & updated resources on the go.)

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Cyberonix is an open source & free tool by Team Defronix Solution. The tool at first is developed by a team of students as part of their Internship at Defronix Solution after their Diploma in Cyber Security Training.

It is a complete resource hub for Cyber Security Community. Our aim is to make this tool an 1 stop solution for all the Hackers out there to get resources of various topics in Cyber Security. We will keep updating this tool & adding new & updated resources on the go.

Feel free to suggest any feature that you want to see in this tool, We will be happy to include that in our next update.

--- **[
][Install]** **[
][Usage]** **[
][Categories]** **[
][ScreenShots]** **[
][Contributors]** --- [Categories]: #Categories [Install]: #Installation [ScreenShots]: #ScreenShots [Contributors]: #Contributors [Usage]: #Usage
# Installation ```shell script sudo apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y git clone cd Cyberonix chmod +x sudo python3 cyberonix ``` ## PIP intallation ```shell script pip install cyberonix ``` If you get Externally-Managed-Environment issue in your machine please check this blog click here # Usage ```sh cyberonix -h ctrl+c for exit enter for back ``` Please find below the instructions to access the tool's help function, along with a list of all available switches: ```console Cyberonix is a complete resource hub for Cyber Security Community. Our aim is to make this tool an 1 stop solution for all the Hackers out there to get resources of various topics in Cyber Security. We will keep updating this tool & adding new & updated resources on the go. options: -h, --help how this help message and exit --domain DOMAIN, -D DOMAIN Specify the domain --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT Specify An Output File (-o path/to/location) --file FILE, -f FILE Specify An Input File (-f path/to/file.txt) --ip IP, -ip IP Specify IP Address Main Arguments: --tools, -t Run Tools Function --cheatsheet, -c Run Cheatsheet Function --news [Date], -n [Date] Date In The Format yyyy-mm-dd IP: --getip, -gip Get Ip Of A Domain(options: --file,--domain,--output) --ipinfo, -ipi Get IP Infomation(Options: --ip,--file,--output) DNS Records: --dnsrecord, -dns To Get DNS Records(options: --domain,--file,--output) and use --record to specify record name --record RECORD, -r RECORD To Give Record For DNSrecord(Like: A,TXT,MX) Screenshoting: --screenshot, -s To Get Screenshot Of Websites(options: --file,--domain,--output) ASN Record: --asnrecord, -asn To Get ASN Record(Options: --ip,--file,--output) Password Generation: --passwordgen, -P To Generate Password --default-password-gen, -pass To Generate Random Password (Recommended)(You can only use --length,--checkpassword) --upper, -u For Uppercase --lower, -l For Lowercase --digits, -d For Digits --punctuation, -p For Punctuation --length LENGTH, -L LENGTH To Specify Length Of Password (Default=8) --checkpassword, -C To Check Your Generated Password HTTP Status: --http-status, -S To Get Http Status Code Of A Domain(Options: --domain,--file,--output) remove duplicate: --remove-duplicate, -rd To Remove Dublicates From a File(Options: --file,--output) ``` # Categories - ## Tools - ### Information Gathring - `Nmap` - `Maltego` - `Dracnmap` - `Red_Hawk` - `Th3Inspector` - `Hping3` - `Arping` - `Netdiscover` - `Wafw00f` - ### Vulnerability Analysis - `Wpscan` - `Wapiti` - `Nmap` - `Legion` - `Nikto` - ### Web Application Analysis - `Burp Suite` - `Owasp Zap` - `Nikto` - `Wapiti` - `Nessus` - `Dirb` - `Skipfish` - `Nuclei` - ### Password Attacks - ### Brute Force Attacks - `Hashcat` - `John The Ripper` - `Hydra` - `Johnny` - `Crackstatiion` - `cyberchef` - ### Dicitionary Attacks - `Hashcat` - `John The Ripper` - `Hydra` - `Medusa` - `Nrack` - `Johnny` - `Crackstation` - `Cyberchef` - ### Rainbow Table Attacks - `Rainbowcrack` - `Ophcrack` - ### Wordlist Generator - `Social-Engineer` - `Hiddeneye` - `R3Bu5` - `Zphisher` - `Shellphish` - `Gophish` - ### Phishing Attacks - `Social-Engineer` - `Hiddeneye` - `R3Bu5` - `Zphisher` - `Shellphis` - `Gophish` - ### Keylogger Attacks - `Zlogger` - ### Wireless Attacks - `Kismet` - `Wifite` - `Fern Wifi Cracker` - `Aircrack-Ng` - `Fluxion` - `Wifiphisher` - `Bettercap` - ### Exploitation Tools - `Metasploit` - `Crackmapexec` - `Searchsploit` - `Beef` - `Routersploit` - `Sqlmap` - `Airmitage` - `Commix` - ### Sniffing And Spoofing - `Wireshark` - `Bettercap` - `Tcpdump` - `Arpspoof` - `Dsniff` - `Scapy` - `Netsniff-Ng` - `Macchanger` - `Responder` - `Airgeddon` - `Sharesniffer` - `Wifi-Pumpkin-3` - ### Post Exploitation - ### Privilege Escalation - `Metasploit-Framework` - `Linpeas` - `Sudo Killer` - `Berrot` - `Linux Exploit Suggester 2` - `Lse` - `Pspy` - `Bashark` - `Linux Private-I` - ### Maintain Access - `Metasploit-Framework` - `Shellter` - `Amber` - `Upx` - ### Clearing or Removing Tracks - `Metasploit-Framework` - `Covermyass` - ### Pentesting And Bug-Bounty - ### Information Gathering - `Nmap` - `Maltego` - `Dracnmap` - `Red_Hawk` - `Th3Inspector` - `Hping3` - `Arping` - `Netdiscover` - `Wafw00F` - ### Configuration Management - `Dirb` - `gobuster` - `Nikto` - `Wfuzz` - `Skipfish` - `Dirbuster` - `Feroxbuster` - `Nmap` - `Httpie` - `Metasploit` - `Securityheaders` - `Sqlmap` - `Trufflehog` - `Gitleaks` - `Secretfinder` - ### Secure Transmission - ### Writeups - `Check Ssl Version, Algorithms, Key Length` - `Check For Digital Certificate Validity` - `Check Credentials Only Delivered Over Https` - `Check Session Tokens Only Delivered Over Https` - `Check If Http Strict Transport Security (Hsts) In Use` - ### Authentication - `User Enumeration` - `Authentication Bypass` - `Vulnerable Remember Me Functionality` - `Password Reset` - `Captcha Bypass` - `Autocomplete On` - `Multifactor Authentication` - `Logout Functionality` - `Cache Management` - `Default Credentials` - ### Session Management - `Owasp Zap` - `Burpsuite` - `Nikto` - `Nmap` - `Wapiti` - `Nessus` - `Nuclei` - `Fiddler` - `Penetration Testers Framework (Ptf)` - ### Authorization - `Burpsuite` - `Wireshark` - `Owasp Zap` - `Nessus` - `Hydra` - `Beef` - `Sqlmap` - `Metasploit` - `Nmap` - `Penetration Testers Framework (Ptf)` - ### Data Validation - `Xss` - `Xxe - Xml` - `Html Injection` - `Sql Injection` - `Command Injection` - `Http Smuggling` - `Http Parameter Pollution` - `Open Redirection` - `Lfi` - ### Denial Of Service - `Goldeneye` - `Slowhttptest` - `Thc-Ssl-Dos` - `Slowloris` - ### Business Logic - ### Writeups - `Business Logic` - `Exploiting Business Logic Vulnerabilities` - `Web Application — Business Logic Vulnerabilities` - `Business Logic Flaw` - ### Cryptography - `Sslstript` - `Bettercap` - `Ettercap (Graphical Of Bettercap)` - `Sslyze` - `0-Saft` - `Sslscan` - `Ssllabs` - ### Risky Functionality - File Uploads - `Fuxploider` - `Fuse` - ### Risky Functionality - Card Payment - `Burpsuite` - `Wireshark` - `Owasp Zap` - `Nessus` - `Sqlmap` - `Fiddler` - `Metasploit` - `Nmap` - `Penetration Testers Framework (Ptf)` - ### Html 5 - ### Writeups - `Web Messaging` - `Web Storage Sql Injection` - `Cors Implementation` - `Offline Web Application` - ## Cheatsheets - `Nmap Cheatsheet` - `Maltego Cheatsheet` - `Hping3 Cheatsheet` - `Netdiscover Cheatsheet` - `Wafw00F Cheatsheet` - `Metasploit-Framework Cheatsheet` - `Wireshark Cheatsheet` - `Bettercap Cheatsheet` - `Tcpdump Cheatsheet` - `Scapy Cheatsheet` - `Responder Cheatsheet` - `Airgeddon Cheatsheet` - `Wpscan Cheatsheet` - `Wapiti Cheatsheet` - `Legion Cheatsheet` - `Nikto Cheatsheet` - `Burp Suite Cheatsheet` - `Owasp Zap Cheatsheet` - `Nessus Cheatsheet` - `Dirb Cheatsheet` - `Skipfish Cheatsheet` - `Nuclei Cheatsheet` - `Wifite Cheatsheet` - `Aircrack-Ng Cheatsheet` - ## News - `Date Wise` # ScreenShots ![help]( --- ![home]( --- ![tools]( --- ![bug-bounty menue](


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