
上传日期:2023-08-07 00:20:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  DApp_Amazon:用于在区块链上购物的去中心化应用程序。使用加密货币安全地买卖产品#区块链...,
(DApp_Amazon: A decentralized application for shopping on the blockchain. Buy and sell products securely using cryptocurrency. #blockchain #DApp)

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src/components/Section.js (810, 2023-08-12)
src/config.json (132, 2023-08-12)
src/index.css (5302, 2023-08-12)
src/index.js (255, 2023-08-12)
... ...

# AmazonDapp __DApp_Amazon: A decentralized application for shopping on the blockchain. Buy and sell products securely using cryptocurrency.__ #blockchain #DApp ## Technology Stack & Tools - Solidity (Writing Smart Contracts & Tests) - Javascript (React & Testing) - [Hardhat](https://hardhat.org/) (Development Framework) - [Ethers.js](https://docs.ethers.io/v5/) (Blockchain Interaction) - [React.js](https://reactjs.org/) (Frontend Framework) ## Requirements For Initial Setup - Install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) ## Setting Up ### 1. Clone/Download the Repository ``` git clone git@github.com:ArnaudBand/dapp_amazon.git ``` ### 2. Install Dependencies: `$ npm install` ### 3. Run tests `$ npx hardhat test` ### 4. Start Hardhat node `$ npx hardhat node` ### 5. Run deployment script In a separate terminal execute: `$ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost` ### 6. Start frontend `$ npm run start`


