
上传日期:2023-08-07 03:08:43
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这个组合展示了我的技能、项目和对技术社区的贡献。我相信构建以用户为中心的可扩展性,因此...,
(This portfolio showcases my skills, projects, and contributions to the tech community. I believe in building user-centric and scalable solutions using cutting-edge technologies. Below, you ll find a diverse range of projects that demonstrate my expertise in front-end, back-end, and database development.)

.DS_Store (6148, 2023-08-16)
.prettierrc (3, 2023-08-16)
LICENSE.md (1073, 2023-08-16)
examples/ (0, 2023-08-16)
examples/example.gif (5039414, 2023-08-16)
examples/example.png (26432, 2023-08-16)
package-lock.json (187556, 2023-08-16)
package.json (905, 2023-08-16)
src/ (0, 2023-08-16)
src/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/ (0, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/.DS_Store (6148, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/Logo.png (13931, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/SmartBrain.png (404851, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/backgroundgen.png (6125, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/backgroundimage.jpg (50294, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/favicon.png (6629, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/macbookimage.jpg (629725, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/profile.png (87606, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/project.jpg (425666, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/resume.pdf (3028, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/resumepersonal.pdf (72722, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/robofriend.png (1417, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/robofriends.png (7448, 2023-08-16)
src/assets/videospace2.mp4 (46806013, 2023-08-16)
src/data/ (0, 2023-08-16)
src/data/scrollRevealConfig.js (1254, 2023-08-16)
src/index.html (15827, 2023-08-16)
src/index.js (250, 2023-08-16)
src/sass/ (0, 2023-08-16)
src/sass/abstracts/ (0, 2023-08-16)
src/sass/abstracts/_helpers.scss (55, 2023-08-16)
src/sass/abstracts/_mixins.scss (1782, 2023-08-16)
src/sass/abstracts/_variables.scss (258, 2023-08-16)
... ...

# Simplefolio [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/cobidev/simplefolio?color=blue)](https://github.com/cobidev/simplefolio/blob/master/LICENSE.md) ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/cobidev/simplefolio) ![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/cobidev/simplefolio) ## A minimal portfolio template for Developers!


## Features Modern UI Design + Reveal Animations\ One Page Layout\ Styled with Bootstrap v4.3 + Custom SCSS\ Fully Responsive\ Valid HTML5 & CSS3\ Optimized with Parcel\ Well organized documentation To view the demo: **[click here](https://the-simplefolio.netlify.app/)** --- ## Why do you need a portfolio? - Professional way to showcase your work - Increases your visibility and online presence - Shows you’re more than just a resume ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ### Prerequisites You'll need [Git](https://git-scm.com) and [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) (which comes with [NPM](http://npmjs.com)) installed on your computer. ``` node@v16.4.2 or higher npm@7.18.1 or higher git@2.30.1 or higher ``` Also, you can use [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) instead of NPM ``` yarn@v1.22.10 or higher ``` --- ## How To Use From your command line, first clone Simplefolio: ```bash # Clone the repository $ git clone https://github.com/cobidev/simplefolio # Move into the repository $ cd simplefolio # Remove the current origin repository $ git remote remove origin ``` After that, you can install the dependencies either using NPM or Yarn. Using NPM: Simply run the below commands. ```bash # Install dependencies $ npm install # Start the development server $ npm start ``` Using Yarn: Be aware of that you'll need to delete the `package-lock.json` file before executing the below commands. ```bash # Install dependencies $ yarn # Start the development server $ yarn start ``` **NOTE**: If your run into issues installing the dependencies with NPM, use this below command: ```bash # Install dependencies with all permissions $ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root ``` Once your server has started, go to this url `http://localhost:1234/` to see the portfolio locally. It should look like the below screenshot.


--- ## Template Instructions: ### Step 1 - STRUCTURE Go to `/src/index.html` and put your information, there are 5 sections: ### (1) Hero Section - On `.hero-title`, put your custom portfolio title. - On `.hero-cta`, put your custom button label. ```html

Hi, my name is Your Name
I'm the Unknown Developer.

Know more

``` ### (2) About Section - On `` tag, fill the `src` property with your profile picture path, your picture must be located inside `/src/assets/` folder. - On `

` tag with class name `.about-wrapper__info-text`, include information about you, I recommend to put 2 paragraphs in order to work well and a maximum of 3 paragraphs. - On last `` tag, include your CV (.pdf) path on `href` property, your resume CV must be located inside `/src/assets/` folder. ```html

``` ### (3) Projects Section - Each project lives inside a `row`. - On `

` tag with class name `.project-wrapper__text-title`, include your project title. - On `

` tag with `loremp ipsum` text, include your project description. - On first `` tag, put your project url on `href` property. - On second `` tag, put your project repository url on `href` property. --- - Inside `

` tag with class name `.project-wrapper__image`, put your project image url on the `src` of the `` and put again your project url in the `href` property of the `` tag. - Recommended size for project image (1366 x 767), your project image must be located inside `/src/assets/` folder. ```html
... ...
``` ### (4) Contact Section - On `

` tag with class name `.contact-wrapper__text`, include some custom call-to-action message. - On `` tag, put your email address on `href` property. ```html

``` ### (5) Footer Section - Put your Social Media URL on each `href` attribute of the `` tags. - If you an additional Social Media account different than Twitter, Linkedin or GitHub, then go to [Font Awesome Icons](https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/) and search for the icon's class name you are looking. - You can delete or add as many `` tags your want. ```html ``` ### Step 2 - STYLES Change the color theme of the website - (choose 2 colors to create a gradient) Go to `/src/sass/abstracts/_variables.scss` and only change the values for this variables `$main-color` and `$secondary-color` with your prefered HEX color. If you want to get some gradients inspiration I highly recommend you to check this website [UI Gradient](https://uigradients.com/#BrightVault) ```scss // Default values $main-color: #02aab0; $secondary-color: #00cdac; ``` --- ## Deployment Once you finish your setup. You need to put your website online! I highly recommend to use [Netlify](https://netlify.com) because it is super easy. ## Others versions [Gatsby Simplefolio](https://github.com/cobidev/gatsby-simplefolio) by [Jacobo Martinez](https://github.com/cobidev)\ [Ember.js Simplefolio](https://github.com/sernadesigns/simplefolio-ember) by [Michael Serna](https://github.com/sernadesigns) ## Technologies used - [Parcel](https://parceljs.org/) - Bundler - [Bootstrap 4](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/introduction/) - Frontend component library - [Sass](https://sass-lang.com/documentation) - CSS extension language - [ScrollReveal.js](https://scrollrevealjs.org/) - JavaScript library - [Tilt.js](https://gijsroge.github.io/tilt.js/) - JavaScript tiny parallax library ## Authors - **Jacobo Martinez** - [https://github.com/cobidev](https://github.com/cobidev) ## Status [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/3a029bfd-575c-41e5-8249-c864d482c2e5/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/the-simplefolio/deploys) ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments I was motivated to create this project because I wanted to contribute on something useful for the dev community, thanks to [ZTM Community](https://github.com/zero-to-mastery) and [Andrei](https://github.com/aneagoie) # porfolio # porfolio


