
上传日期:2023-08-17 09:39:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Sp3dObj渲染器。
(Sp3dObj renderer.)

文件列表: (5851, 2023-12-05)
LICENSE (1070, 2023-12-05)
example/ (0, 2023-12-05)
example/main.dart (2271, 2023-12-05)
lib/ (0, 2023-12-05)
lib/simple_3d_renderer.dart (433, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/ (0, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_camera.dart (6967, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_camera_rotation_controller.dart (4050, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_camera_zoom_controller.dart (1746, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_faceobj.dart (1277, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_gesture_detector.dart (12801, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_light.dart (3666, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_orthographic_camera.dart (2445, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_paint_image.dart (4738, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_renderer.dart (14181, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_v2d.dart (5790, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/sp3d_world.dart (6885, 2023-12-05)
lib/src/util_color.dart (2826, 2023-12-05)
pubspec.yaml (441, 2023-12-05)
test/ (0, 2023-12-05)
test/simple_3d_renderer_test.dart (3018, 2023-12-05)

# simple_3d_renderer (en)Japanese ver is [here]( (ja)この解説の日本語版は[ここ](にあります。 ## Overview This package is for rendering Sp3dObj. Sp3dObj is an implementation of the Simple 3D Format created for science. It is created mainly for use by scientists. Please refer to the following for the packages to be used together. [simple_3d]( [util_simple_3d]( ## Usage ```dart import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:simple_3d/simple_3d.dart'; import 'package:util_simple_3d/util_simple_3d.dart'; import 'package:simple_3d_renderer/simple_3d_renderer.dart'; void main() async { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _MyAppState(); } class _MyAppState extends State { late List objs = []; late Sp3dWorld world; bool isLoaded = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); // Create Sp3dObj. Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(200, 200, 200, 4, 4, 4); obj.materials.add(; obj.fragments[0].faces[0].materialIndex = 1; obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy() ..strokeColor = const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 255); obj.rotate(Sp3dV3D(1, 1, 0).nor(), 30 * 3.14 / 180); objs.add(obj); loadImage(); } void loadImage() async { world = Sp3dWorld(objs); world.initImages().then((List errorObjs) { setState(() { isLoaded = true; }); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (!isLoaded) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Sp3dRenderer', home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( backgroundColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0), ), backgroundColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 33, 33, 33), body: Container())); } else { return MaterialApp( title: 'Sp3dRenderer', home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( backgroundColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0), ), backgroundColor: const Color.fromARGB(255, 33, 33, 33), body: Column( children: [ Sp3dRenderer( const Size(800, 800), const Sp3dV2D(400, 400), world, // If you want to reduce distortion, shoot from a distance at high magnification. Sp3dCamera(Sp3dV3D(0, 0, 3000), 6000), Sp3dLight(Sp3dV3D(0, 0, -1), syncCam: true), ), ], ), ), ); } } } ``` ![Cube Sample]( ## Use Image File For example, rewrite sample code as follows.(*Note that some unnecessary parameters remain for simplicity) ### sample_image.png ![sample_image.png]( ```dart // Change Cube of initState(). Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(200,200,200,1,1,1); -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Change function void loadImage() async { this.objs[0].fragments[0].faces[0].materialIndex=1; this.objs[0].fragments[0].faces[1].materialIndex=1; this.objs[0].fragments[0].faces[2].materialIndex=1; this.objs[0].fragments[0].faces[3].materialIndex=1; this.objs[0].materials[1].imageIndex = 0; // You can use images by creating an assets/images folder under your project, adding images, and adding the asset path to pubspec.yaml. // For Flutter Web, you also need to copy it to your web folder. this.objs[0].images.add(await _readFileBytes("./assets/images/sample_image.png")); = Sp3dWorld(objs); (List errorObjs){ setState(() { this.isLoaded = true; }); } ); } // Add function Future _readFileBytes(String filePath) async { ByteData bd = await rootBundle.load(filePath); return bd.buffer.asUint8List(bd.offsetInBytes,bd.lengthInBytes); } ``` ![Texture Sample]( ### Triangle mesh If the drawing destination of the image is a triangular mesh, the image is automatically divided into triangles with the vertices at the upper left, lower left, and lower right, and displayed. ![Texture Sample]( You can also use the Sp3dMaterial parameters to control the cutout position with respect to the triangular mesh. *Note that the size of the image of paste to cone is (width, height) = (128, 128). Since textureCoordinates specifies the position where you want to cut out the image, it indicate the points on the image. And this image is (0,0) in the upper left and (128,128) in the lower right. For example, the following sample is cut out at the upper left, the middle of the lower side, and the upper right. In the case of a square mesh, it is necessary to specify two triangles, so six vertices are required. ```dart Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cone(100,200); obj.materials[0].strokeColor = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0); obj.materials[0].textureCoordinates = [Offset(0,0),Offset(64,128),Offset(128,0)]; ``` ![Texture Sample]( ## How to follow a user's touch event For example, rewrite sample code as follows. The return value Sp3dFaceObj in onPanDown is a class that contains information about the touched surface. The sample uses this information to move the object touched by the user. ```dart // Add variable to _MyAppState. ValueNotifier vn = ValueNotifier(0); -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rewrite Sp3dRenderer. Sp3dRenderer( const Size(800, 800), const Sp3dV2D(400, 400), world, // If you want to reduce distortion, shoot from a distance at high magnification. Sp3dCamera(Sp3dV3D(0, 0, 30000), 60000), Sp3dLight(Sp3dV3D(0, 0, -1), syncCam: true), allowUserWorldRotation: true, checkTouchObj: true, vn: vn, onPanDown: (Sp3dGestureDetails d, Sp3dFaceObj? info){ print("onPanDown"); if(info!=null) { info.obj.move(Sp3dV3D(50, 0, 0)); vn.value++; } }, onPanCancel: (){ print("onPanCancel"); }, onPanStart: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPanStart"); print(d.toOffset()); }, onPanUpdate: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPanUpdate"); print(d.toOffset()); }, onPanEnd: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPanEnd"); }, onPinchStart: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPinchStart"); print(d.diffV); }, onPinchUpdate: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPinchUpdate"); print(d.diffV); }, onPinchEnd: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onPinchEnd"); print(d.diffV); }, onMouseScroll: (Sp3dGestureDetails d){ print("onMouseScroll"); print(d.diffV); }, ) ``` ## Save or Restore the Sp3dWorld If you want to save / restore multiple Sp3dObj along with their location, Sp3dWorld also has toDict and fromDict methods. The extension when saving is recommended to be .s3dw to avoid confusion. ## Support If you need paid support for any reason, please contact my company. This package is developed by me personally, but may be supported via the company. [SimpleAppli Inc.]( ## Rendering Speed (300 paint average) When using CPU Ryzen5 5600, it is a consideration of the time it takes to draw in debug mode and on a web browser. There are some speed issues, such as running on a CPU and being single-threaded. In the case of real-time rendering, the limit is about 1000 cubes (8000 vertices), and anything higher than that is heavy. Note: Not all objects will perform equally well due to acceleration logic. For models such as spheres with many vertices, the amount you can comfortably manipulate is much smaller. ```dart /// use cube obj(8 vertices / 1 obj) Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1); ``` - 100 cube : 338.6 fps (800 vertices) - 1000 cube : 34.1 fps - 2500 cube : 13.6 fps ## About version control The C part will be changed at the time of version upgrade. - Changes such as adding variables, structure change that cause problems when reading previous files. - C.X.X - Adding methods, etc. - X.C.X - Minor changes and bug fixes. - X.X.C ## License This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file. ## Copyright notice The “Dart” name and “Flutter” name are trademarks of Google LLC. *The developer of this package is not Google LLC.


