
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2023-08-19 00:28:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用从web收集的图像训练二值图像分类器,
(Train a binary image classifier with images gathered from the web,)

lab1-binary-classifier.ipynb (1608964, 2023-08-18)

# lab1: Binary Image Classifier ## Goal Train a binary image classifier with images gathered from the web. Choose one of the following binary classification problems: - Baseball vs. Cricket - Electric vs. acoustic guitar - Apple vs. Pear fruit - Arch vs. Suspension bridge - Apple vs. Samsung phone - Your own, choose two objects that are close, needs to be family friendly. Use notebooks seen in week 02 as reference to download images to Google drive, load images, train a classifier and analyze the results. ## What to hand in - In the Jupyter notebook `lab1-binary-classifier.ipynb`: - implement the steps indicated. - answer questions. - complete *Conclusion* - complete *Reflection* - Keep code clean and remove any unnecessary cells. During development, checkin progress with git and use descriptive commit messages. Hand in: Commit and push (or save in colab) `lab1-binary-classifier.ipynb` to github, verify on github, submit url on D2L. **Important:** Do **not** commit image data to github. Images do **not** need to be handed in.


