
上传日期:2023-08-22 19:08:06
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在Factor编程语言中实现的小型实用程序和词汇表。,
(Small utilities and vocabularies implemented in the Factor programming language.,)

99bottles/ (0, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/1/ (0, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/1/1.factor (554, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/2/ (0, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/2/2.factor (764, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/3/ (0, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/3/3.factor (820, 2023-12-29)
99bottles/99bottles.factor (845, 2023-12-29)
COPYRIGHT (97, 2023-12-29)
LICENSE (1201, 2023-12-29)
accessors/ (0, 2023-12-29)
accessors/maybe/ (0, 2023-12-29)
accessors/maybe/maybe-tests.factor (266, 2023-12-29)
accessors/maybe/maybe.factor (734, 2023-12-29)
anybar/ (0, 2023-12-29)
anybar/anybar.factor (412, 2023-12-29)
beer-advocate/ (0, 2023-12-29)
beer-advocate/beer-advocate.factor (3476, 2023-12-29)
birthday/ (0, 2023-12-29)
birthday/birthday.factor (366, 2023-12-29)
bitcoin-watcher/ (0, 2023-12-29)
bitcoin-watcher/bitcoin-watcher.factor (2977, 2023-12-29)
bowling/ (0, 2023-12-29)
bowling/bowling-tests.factor (948, 2023-12-29)
bowling/bowling.factor (1525, 2023-12-29)
calc-ui/ (0, 2023-12-29)
calc-ui/authors.txt (18, 2023-12-29)
calc-ui/calc-ui.factor (3197, 2023-12-29)
calc-ui/calc-ui.png (16134, 2023-12-29)
calc-ui/deploy.factor (353, 2023-12-29)
calc/ (0, 2023-12-29)
calc/authors.txt (18, 2023-12-29)
calc/calc-docs.factor (1190, 2023-12-29)
calc/calc-tests.factor (1661, 2023-12-29)
calc/calc.factor (3098, 2023-12-29)
calc/summary.txt (41, 2023-12-29)
cgi/ (0, 2023-12-29)
cgi/examples/ (0, 2023-12-29)
cgi/examples/brainfuck.factor (582, 2023-12-29)
... ...

# Re: Factor This project contains the source code for the [Re: Factor blog]( with various small utilities and libraries implemented in the [Factor programming language]( These include: * 99bottles: 99 bottles of beer on the wall * accessors.maybe: the "set if unset then get" accessor * anybar: support for * beer-advocate: support the BeerAdvocate API * birthday: sing birthday wishes from the command line * bitcoin-watcher: watch some Bitcoins * bowling: bowling score calculator * calc: an EBNF-based infix string calculator * calc-ui: a simple graphical calculator * cgi.examples: examples of Factor CGI pages * chemistry: parsing chemical symbols * cpu-speed: estimate the cpu speed of your computer * cycles: calculate cycle length between numbers * daytime: simple DAYTIME server * domainr: wrapper for API * duckduckgo: wrapper for DuckDuckGo API * dupe: duplicate file checker * emoji: some fun emoji alias for normal words * euler: estimating pi using approximation * facebook: implementing Facebook Graph API * factors: classify numbers based on the sum of their factors * fake-data: generate "fake" information * fast-fib: faster version of "fib" * fast-now: faster, cached-per-millisecond version of "now" * fast-pow: faster version of pow2, pow, log, exp for doubles * fizzbuzz: implementations of FizzBuzz problem * fortune: prints random quotations * friday-13th: date calculations for "Friday the 13th" * gaddafi: match the many names of Muammar al-Gaddafi * geekcode: the code of the geeks * geo-tz: convert lat/lon to timezones * geonames: support geonames API * github: implementing Github API v2 * godel: support Gdel numbering * google.translate: implementing Google Translate API * haikunator: making nice sounding random names * happy-numbers: tests if a number is "happy" * harshad: calculating harshad numbers * hello-ga: genetic "hello, world!" * experiment using tf-idf to search articles * iphone-backup: extract text messages from iPhone backups * ipinfodb: IP address geolocation tools using * isbn: working with ISBN * k-nn: implementation of K-nearest neighbors * magic-forest: implement magic forest benchmark * mail-ui simple UI for composing emails * missing-assocs: experiment with "default assocs" * misspell: reorder letters in words to play with brains * n-numbers: check for valid FAA "N Numbers" * n-partition: evenly partition an integer * pagination: some paging stuff * periodic-words: calculates if a word is "periodic", like "GeNiUS". * pig-latin: making words into pig latin words * plagiarism: a simple plagiarism detector * port-scan: simple port scanner * power-of-2: various methods of implementing "power-of-2?" * printf-example: simplified version of printf * pseudo-crypt: implementation of Kevin Burns "php-unique-hash" * psyng: implementation of Psydex API * random-names: generating random names * random-string: port of a "Random String" tutorial * re-factor: scrapping the Re: Factor blog * reasoning: experiment with expression parsing * reference-server: barebones unix socket servers * repopular: scraping "popular" Github projects * rgba-clock: implements unique colored timestamps * rock-paper-scissors: implements the rock paper scissors game * sanitize-paths: tool for sanitizing file paths * semantic-versioning.ebnf: experiment, unfinished * send-more-money: implements SEND + MORE = MONEY puzzle * shortuuid implements "shortuuid" concept * simple-rpg: simple role-playing game example * slot-machine: simple text-based slot machine * sorting.marriage: in-place marriage sort algorithm * square: determine if four points represent a square * ta-lib: support for TA-Lib library * telnet-server: simple example telnet server * ten-ten: calculate the 10:10 code for geographic locations * ternary-search-trees: implementation of ternary search trees * text-or-binary: heuristic to detect if a file is text or binary * text-summary: generate a summary of a block of text * tf-idf: simple tf-idf search engine * thesaurus: thesaurus using custom data file format * time: simple TIME server * todos: additional vocab metadata for todo lists * utils: miscellaneous utility words * vigenere: implements Vigenere cipher * voting: implements voting algorithms * wavsum: implements "fun with wav" wavsum benchmark * wordcount: implementation of "counting words" meme * wordgen: example of statistical paragraph generation * wordle: implements wordle answers * worldcup: following the world cup in factor * wp: implementation of the "wp" benchmark ( * xmode.code2pdf: turn code into PDF files * wrapper for Yahoo! Finance market data


