
上传日期:2023-08-23 06:18:56
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  交通标志识别由高级分类器CNN(卷积神经网络)组成,精度为97%,
(traffic sign recognition consist of advance classifier CNN(convolutional neural network) with 97% accuracy,)

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# Project Overview The Traffic Sign Recognition project aims to demonstrate the application of AI and machine learning in recognizing traffic signs from images. The project includes a trained machine learning model and a Flask-based GUI for users to upload images and get real-time predictions for traffic signs. ### Installation: To get started with the project, follow these steps: #### Clone the repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/PruthvirajIngale81/Traffic_Sign_recognition.git ``` #### Navigate to the project directory: ``` cd Traffic_Sign_recognition ``` #### Install the required packages using pip: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Usage: #### Run the Flask application: ``` python app.py ``` Open a web browser and go to `http://localhost:5000` to access the GUI. Upload an image containing a traffic sign and submit it. The application will display the recognized traffic sign and its prediction. ### File Structure: app.py: The Flask application script. requirements.txt: List of required Python packages. static/: Folder containing static files (CSS, images). templates/: Folder containing HTML templates. model/: Folder containing the trained machine learning model. ### Technologies Used: Python: Programming language for the backend. Flask: Web framework for creating the GUI. HTML and CSS: Structuring and styling the GUI. TensorFlow/Keras: Framework for training and using the machine learning model. ### Machine Learning Model: The project uses a pre-trained machine learning model (traffic_sign_model.h5) to recognize traffic signs from images. This model was trained using a labeled dataset of traffic sign images. ### Flask GUI: The Flask-based GUI allows users to: Upload an image containing a traffic sign. Display the recognized traffic sign and its prediction. ### Contact Information: For any inquiries or feedback, contact `pruthvirajingale0081@gmail.com`.


