
上传日期:2023-08-24 06:46:42
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说明:  轻松流畅地与万事达卡帐户信息API集成
(Integrate with Mastercard Account Information APIs easily and fluently)

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Mastercard Account Information Services

linkedin Java

Integrate with Mastercard Account Information APIs easily and fluently

Mastercard Documentation

## :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Table of Contents - [Getting Started]( * [Prerequisites]( * [Installation]( * [Building the MastercardAis]( * [Consents]( * [Get Account Information Consent]( * [Exchange the PSU Authorization for Access Consent]( * [Get Raw Account Information Consent]( * [Delete Account Information Consent]( * [Accounts]( * [Get List of Accounts]( * [Get Account Details]( * [Get Account Balances]( * [Get Account Standing Orders]( * [Transactions]( * [Get Account Transaction Details]( * [Get Account Transactions]( * [ASPSPs]( * [Get List of Available ASPSPs](

## :rocket: Getting Started ### :round_pushpin: Prerequisites To access the AIS features you need setup an [Open Banking Connect Account Information Service project]( and provide to the library the `consumer key`, `keystore password`, `key alias` and the `certificate`. ### Installation ```bash io.github.nikosrig mastercard-ais 1.1.0 ```
### Building the MastercardAis | Options | Description | | ----------------------------------| ------------------------------------- | | `enableSandboxMode()` | Enable sandbox mode | | `withPkcs12FilePath(String)` | Set .p12 Certificate | | `withSigningKeyAlias(String)` | Set signing key alias | | `withSigningKeyPassword(String)` | Set signing key password | | `withConsumerKey(String)` | Set consumer key | #### Example ```bash MastercardAis mastercardAis = new MastercardAis.Builder() .enableSandboxMode() .withPkcs12FilePath("./mastercard-key.p12") .withSigningKeyAlias("your-key-alias") .withSigningKeyPassword("your-key-password") .withConsumerKey("your-consumer-key") .build(); ```
### Consents #### Get Account Information Consent | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withTppRedirectURI(String)` | Call back uri | | `addConsentPermission(ConsentPermission)` | allPSD2, accounts, balances, transactions, standingorders | | `addAccount(String iban, String currency, String schemeName)` | (Optional) Adds account | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withValidUntilDateTime(LocalDateTime)` | (Optional) Consent valid until date time. Сan only represent future date value | | `withCredentials(String iban)` | (Optional) Elements used to define the credentials provided by PSU | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | Consent | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `consentRequestId` | ID of the consent request | | `scaRedirectUri` | Redirect URL for SCA | #### Example ```bash GetConsentRequest request = new GetConsentRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withIsLivePsuRequest(true) .withPsuAgent("PostmanRuntime/7.20.1") .withPsuIPAddress("") .withPsuTppCustomerId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .addConsentPermission(ConsentPermission.allPSD2) .addAccount("ACCNUMBR1234567", "EUR", "IBAN") .withTppRedirectURI("") .withCredentials("DE357543513") .build(); Consent consent = mastercardAis.consents().get(request); ```
#### Exchange the PSU Authorization for Access Consent | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withAuthorization(String)` | The authorization query received after PSU has authorized the consent (e.g code=xx) | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | Authorized Consent | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `consentId` | Consent Id | | `consentRequestId` | ID of the consent request | | `originalRequestInfo` | Original xRequestId given by the client on request | | `signatureStatus` | Status of validation of ASPSP's signature | #### Example ```bash AuthConsentRequest request = new AuthConsentRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withIsLivePsuRequest(true) .withPsuAgent("PostmanRuntime/7.20.1") .withPsuIPAddress("") .withAuthorization("code=UKaccountEsbGdTB2a9MbSdt53serRsv0aUK001&state=38948933-38ae-45af-953e-25a69fefa39e") .build(); AuthorizedConsent consent = mastercardAis.consents().authorize(request); ```
#### Get Raw Account Information Consent | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | Raw Consent | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `rawConsent` | Raw consent data received from ASPSP and encoded Base64 | | `originalRequestInfo` | Original xRequestId given by the client on request | #### Example ```bash GetRawConsentRequest request = new GetRawConsentRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withConsentId("GFiTpF3:EBy5xGqQMatk") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withIsLivePsuRequest(true) .withPsuAgent("PostmanRuntime/7.20.1") .withPsuIPAddress("") .build(); RawConsent rawConsent = mastercardAis.consents().getRaw(request); ```
#### Delete Account Information Consent | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withConsentId(String)` | Consent identification | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | #### Example ```bash DeleteConsentRequest request = new DeleteConsentRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withConsentId("GFiTpF3:EBy5xGqQMatk") .withPsuTppCustomerId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .build(); mastercardAis.consents().delete(request); ``` ### Accounts #### Get List of Accounts | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withConsentId(String)` | Consent identification | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | AccountList | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `accounts` | List of Account Models | #### Example ```bash ListAccountsRequest request = new ListAccountsRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withConsentId("GFiTpF3:EBy5xGqQMatk") .withIsLivePsuRequest(true) .withPsuAgent("PostmanRuntime/7.20.1") .withPsuIPAddress("") .withPsuTppCustomerId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .build(); AccountList accountList = mastercardAis.accounts().list(request); ```
#### Get Account Details | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withAccountId(String)` | Account reference | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withConsentId(String)` | Consent identification | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | Account | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `resourceId` | Account reference identification | | `currency` | Currency code | | `accountHolderType` | Specifies the type of account | | `accountType` | Specifies the sub type of account | | `nameClient` | Accounts name client | | `name` | Account name | | `holderName` | Holder name | | `accountNumber` | Account number | | `schemeName` | List of Account Models | | `auxData` | List of Account Models | | `accountPsuRelations` | Description of relations between PSU and an Account | | `balances` | Balance Model | | `holderAddress` | | | `holderNameAddress` | | #### Example ```bash GetAccountRequest request = new GetAccountRequestBuilder() .withAspspId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .withMerchant("MerchantId", "MerchantName") .withConsentId("GFiTpF3:EBy5xGqQMatk") .withAccountId("aa:q648383844dhhfHhTV") .withIsLivePsuRequest(true) .withPsuAgent("PostmanRuntime/7.20.1") .withPsuIPAddress("") .withPsuTppCustomerId("420e5cff-0e2a-4156-991a-f6eeef0478cf") .build(); Account account = mastercardAis.accounts().get(request); ```
#### Get Account Balances | Request Options | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `withAspspId(String)` | Identification of ASPSP | | `withAccountId(String)` | Account reference | | `withIsLivePsuRequest(Boolean)` | Flag indicating if request is initiated by PSU | | `withConsentId(String)` | Consent identification | | `withPsuAgent(String)` | (Optional) PSU's browser agent details | | `withPsuIPAddress(String)` | (Optional) IP address of PSU's terminal device. Required when isLivePsuRequest=true | | `withPsuTppCustomerId(String)` | (Optional) Identifier of the PSU in TPP system | | `withMerchant(String MerchantId, String MerchantName)` | (Optional) Merchant id and name | | Account | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `resourceId` | Account reference identification | | `name` | Account name | | `balances` | Balance Model | | Balance | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `balanceType` | Type of balance | | `dateTime` ... ...


