上传日期:2023-08-26 00:36:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以WIP后端为中心的Spring Boot RESTful API实现,展示了重要的后端概念、软件开发最佳实践等...,
(WIP back-end focused Spring Boot RESTful API implementation showcasing essential backend concepts, software development best practices, advanced architectural approaches, database, and front-end integration.)

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src/main/java/com/example/mySpringApi/exception/UserException.java (2427, 2023-12-29)
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# User-Management-System The User Management System is a comprehensive backend-focused RESTful API, showcasing a range of backend concepts, software development best practices, advanced architectural approaches, and integration with databases and front-end systems. This system is designed for robust user management, featuring extensive CRUD operations, advanced security measures, role-based access control, custom exception handling, and thorough documentation. ## Features ### **CRUD Operations** - **Create**: Add a new user to the system with unique email identification. - **Read**: Retrieve user details based on their ID or name. Additionally, fetch a list of all registered users. - **Update**: Modify existing user details using their unique ID. - **Delete**: Remove a user from the system using their unique ID. ### **Exception Handling** - Customized responses for various exceptions to ensure clear communication of issues to the client. - Detailed error messages for instances such as duplicate email entries or when attempting to access non-existent users. ### **Javadoc Documentation** - Comprehensive documentation provided for each class and method to ensure clarity and ease of understanding for developers. - Annotations and clear documentation on the purpose and usage of each REST endpoint. ### **Logging** - Detailed logging provided at different levels (INFO, WARN) for better troubleshooting and system monitoring. - Traceable logs for every significant action, such as user creation, update, or deletion. ### **Data Integrity** - Enforced email uniqueness to ensure each user has a distinct email address. - JPA integration for seamless object-relational mapping and data persistence to the "user_info" database table. ### **Response Structuring** - Standardized response structure using `ResponseHandler` to maintain consistency in all API responses, which includes a status message and relevant data. ### **Role-Based Access Control** - Implemented RBAC to enhance security and provide differentiated access levels. - Users can be assigned roles (e.g., "ADMIN", "USER") with specific permissions for various operations ### **Enhanced Security with Spring Security** - Integrated Spring Security for authentication and authorization. - Database-backed user storage for secure user data management. - Password encryption using BCrypt for enhanced security. ## Technologies Used ### Core - Java - Spring Boot - Maven ### Web, Data & Testing - Spring Web - Spring Data JPA / Hibernate ORM - MySQL Connector - H2 Database - JUnit - Mockito ### Documentation - OpenAPI and Swagger - JavaDocs ### Validation - Spring Validation ### Utility - Lombok ## Usage ### **Get a User by ID** Retrieve a user by their ID. curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/userAPI/id/{id} Replace `{id}` with the desired user's ID. ### **Get a User by Name** Retrieve a user by their name. curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/userAPI/name/{name}" Replace `{name}` with the desired user's name. Ensure the name is URL encoded if it contains spaces or special characters. ### **Get All Users** Retrieve all users. curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/userAPI ### **Create a User** Add a new user to the system. curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/userAPI/createUser \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@example.com", "age": 25 }' ### **Update a User** Update an existing user's details. curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/userAPI/updateUser \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "id": 1, "name": "Johnathan Doe", "email": "johnathan.doe@example.com", "age": 26 }' ### **Delete a User** Delete a user by their ID. curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/userAPI/deleteUser/{id} Replace `{id}` with the ID of the user you wish to delete. ## Author Zachary Graceman


