
上传日期:2023-08-26 20:10:09
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该机器人程序旨在促进独特的Discord服务器上的开发和娱乐。它的主要功能是发送垃圾...,
(This bot is crafted to foster development and entertainment on a unique Discord server. Its primary function revolves around sending messages with specific contexts that enhance engagement and elevate the community s atmosphere.)

Game_Room-Game-Room/ (0, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/ (38342, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/ (1005, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/Procfile (27, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/ (258, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/poetry.lock (79221, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/pyproject.toml (356, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/requirements.txt (37, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/run.bat (14, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/runtime.txt (12, 2023-12-29)
Game_Room-Game-Room/setup.bat (19, 2023-12-29)

# An amazing bot from Andrey Muhammed's team for the Discord server: ^_^ Game Room( ^_^ ![Untitled-1]( The code you're looking at contains 20 Discord bot commands, each of which describes a specific action. Let's look at each of them: 1. Command `/отчёт`: - Description: Reports a violation of server rules. - Command arguments: - `ctx`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - `user': Mention of the user associated with the violation (`disnake.Member' type object). - `reason`: The reason for the violation (term). - `proof` (optional): Proof of violation (time limit). - Actions of the team: - Creates a complaint message containing information about the user, violation and evidence (if provided). - Sends a message to the specified channel for complaining about violations. - Sends a reply message to the author of the command about the successful sending of the violation message to the moderators. 2. The `/join` command: - Description: Sends a request to join the team. - Command arguments: - `ctx`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - `kem`: The role the user wants to join (string). - `age`: Age of the user (integer). - Actions of the team: - Creates a message with information about the request for the user to join the team, including the specified role and age. - Sends a message to the specified channel of requests to join the team. - Sends a reply message to the author of the command about the successful sending of the connection request. 3. Variable `QUESTION_CHANNEL_ID`: - Value: `922996283034177587`. - Description: ID of the channel in which questions will be sent. 4. `/help` command: - Description: Asks a question about the server. - Command arguments: - `ctx`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - `question`: Question about the server (string). - Actions of the team: - Gets the channel object using the ID `QUESTION_CHANNEL_ID`. - Sends a question to the specified channel on behalf of the team author. - Sends a reply message to the author of the command about the successful submission of the question. 5. `/pupupu` command: - Description: Sends an advertising message. - Command arguments: - `interaction`: Application command interaction object from `disnake` library. - Actions of the team: - Sends an advertising message in response to the command. Contains text and a link to order advertising. 6. Variable `anecdotes`: - Meaning: List of sentences representing jokes. - Description: Contains several anecdotes. 7. `/joke` command: - Description: Sends a random joke. - Command arguments: - `ctx`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - Actions of the team: - Selects a random anecdote from the `anecdotes' list. - Sends the selected joke in response to the command. 8. Function `on_ready()`: - Description: This event is triggered when the bot is successfully connected and ready for use. - Actions of the function: When called, the function simply outputs a message to the console with information about which user the bot logged into the system. 9. `/photo` command: - Description: Sends a random image of a cat. - Command arguments: - `context`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - Actions of the team: - Makes a GET request to "The Cat API" to get a random cat image. - Gets the URL of the image from the received data. - Sends an image URL in response to a command. 10. Variable `PLASH_API_KEY`: - Meaning: `"JU_FnZ9tmvKZ4xLX2POVUdg0GpU3uGc8lW-1GLp9EbE"`. - Description: API key for accessing the Unsplash service. 11. `/pc` command: - Description: Sends a random image associated with the computer. - Command arguments: - `context`: Object of command interaction (application command interaction) from the `disnake` library. - Actions of the team: - Makes a GET request to the Unsplash API using `PLASH_API_KEY` to retrieve a random image associated with the request "computer". - Gets the URL of the image from the received data. - Sends an image URL in response to a command. 12. Variables `message_threshold_1`, `message_counter_1`, `message_threshold_2`, `message_counter_2`: - Description: - `message_threshold_1` and `message_threshold_2` - values of the threshold number of messages, after which a certain message will be sent. - `message_counter_1` and `message_counter_2` are variables for tracking the number of messages that have already been sent. - Usage: -`message_counter_1` and `message_counter_2` increase by 1 with each message, not from the bot or in personal messages. - When `message_counter_1` reaches `message_threshold_1`, a message with text and links to the channel and server group is sent. - When `message_counter_2` reaches `message_threshold_2`, a message with text and links to project donations is sent. - After sending messages, `message_counter_1` and `message_counter_2` are reset to 0. 13. Dictionary `users`: - Description: This is a dictionary for storing user information. In the provided code, the dictionary is not used and remains empty. 14. Function `on_message(message)`: - Description: This event is triggered when each message is received in any channel on which the bot is located. - Function arguments: - `message': A message object from the `disnake' library containing information about the message. - Actions of the function: - Checks that the message was not sent by a bot and is not in personal messages. - Increases `message_counter_1` and `message_counter_2` by 1. - If `message_counter_1` reaches `message_threshold_1`, send a message with text and links to the channel and server group. - If `message_counter_2` reaches `message_threshold_2`, send a message with text and links to project donations. - Responds to greeting messages from users in a certain channel. - Responds to user messages in personal messages. - Calls `bot.process_commands(message)` to process commands from the message. 15. Variable `openai.api_key`: - Description: This is the OpenAI API key, which is used to execute requests to the GPT-3.5 model. - Usage: Paste your own OpenAI API key instead of `'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''. 16. Function `chat(ctx: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, vopros: str)`: - Description: This is a slash command that generates an answer in the GPT-3.5 style based on the entered question. - Function arguments: - `ctx`: Object of interaction with the command (interaction) from the `disnake` library, containing information about the command. - `question`: A string containing a question, on the basis of which the answer will be generated. - Actions of the function: - Calls the function `generate_chat_response(question)` to generate a response. - Sends the generated response to the chat. 17. Function `generate_chat_response(user_input)`: - Description: This is a function that uses the GPT-3.5 model to generate an answer based on a question entered by the user. - Function arguments: - `user_input`: A string containing the user's question. - Actions of the function: - Uses the OpenAI API key and calls the `openai.Completion.create()` method to create a request to the GPT-3.5 model. - Sets request parameters, such as engine (`engine`), input text (`prompt`), maximum number of tokens (`max_tokens`), temperature (`temperature`), number of generated responses (`n`), and stop period (`stop`). - Returns a generated response. 18. Function `communication_channel(ctx: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, channel: disnake.TextChannel, *, message: str)`: - Description: This is a slash command that sends a message to the specified channel. - Function arguments: - `ctx`: Object of interaction with the command (interaction) from the `disnake` library, containing information about the command. - `channel`: Text channel object (`disnake.TextChannel`) to which the message will be sent. - `message`: A string containing the text of the message. - Actions of the function: - Using the ``channel.send()`` method, sends a message to the specified channel. - Sends a reply message with confirmation of successful sending. 19. Function `untegratsiyu_kanal(ctx: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, channel: disnake.TextChannel, color: str, link_to_photo: str, message: str, upper_message: str = "<@&990306177617395713>, we have Game Room teams: Game news, available significant updates we'd like to share")`: - Description: This is a slash command that sends a message with integration (a message with a photo and description) to the specified channel. - Function arguments: - `ctx`: Object of interaction with the command (interaction) from the `disnake` library, containing information about the command. - `channel`: A text channel object (`disnake.TextChannel`) to which the integrated message will be sent. - `color`: A string representing the hexadecimal color code in #RRGGBB format. - `link_to_photo`: A string containing the URL of the photo that will be included in the integration. - `message`: A string containing a description of the message in the integration. - `верхнее_сообщение`: (Optional argument) A string containing the top message in the integration (by default "<@&990306177617395713>, we, the Game Room: Game News team, have significant updates that we would like to share"). - Actions fuactions: - Checks the correctness of the hexadecimal color code format. - Creates a `disnake.Embed' object with the specified color and message description. - Sets the image (`url`) in the `embed` object. - Using the ``kanal.send()`` method, sends a message with integration (with the specified top message and attachment) to the specified channel. - Sends a reply message with confirmation of successful sending. # I am not responsible for the functionality of the bot.


