
上传日期:2023-08-31 17:58:38
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于macOS和Linux的现代Zsh tmux、Vim和Homebrew中心设置,
(A modern Zsh tmux, Vim and Homebrew centric setup for macOS and Linux,)

dot_aliases (1144, 2023-12-18)
dot_completions/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_completions/_circleci (7582, 2023-12-18)
dot_completions/_gt (515, 2023-12-18)
dot_completions/_parallel (121, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/broot/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/broot/conf.hjson (16087, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/fsh/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/fsh/current_theme.zsh (3760, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/fsh/secondary_theme.zsh (3368, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/nvim/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/nvim/coc-settings.json (7390, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/nvim/ginit.vim (717, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/nvim/init.vim (18676, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/smug/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/smug/dotfiles-personal.yml (164, 2023-12-18)
dot_config/smug/dotfiles.yml (137, 2023-12-18)
dot_gitconfig (1024, 2023-12-18)
dot_gitconfig_themes (12049, 2023-12-18)
dot_golangci.yml (87, 2023-12-18)
dot_prettierrc (165, 2023-12-18)
dot_tmux.conf (80343, 2023-12-18)
dot_tmux.conf.settings (20728, 2023-12-18)
dot_urlview (17, 2023-12-18)
dot_vim/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_vim/after/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_vim/after/autoload/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_vim/after/autoload/coc/ (0, 2023-12-18)
dot_vim/after/autoload/coc/ui.vim (855, 2023-12-18)
dot_vimrc (47718, 2023-12-18)
dot_zprofile (797, 2023-12-18)
dot_zshrc (23764, 2023-12-18)
notes/ (0, 2023-12-18)
notes/dot_vale.ini (286, 2023-12-18)
notes/styles/ (0, 2023-12-18)
... ...

# FluxNinja Dotfiles ![FluxNinja Neovim]( ## Introduction Welcome to FluxNinja optimized development environment that is well integrated with our stack. Please join discussion channel on [Slack]( ## Setup We use [chezmoi]( to manage FluxNinja dotfiles in your home directory. ### Automatic Setup ``` /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" ``` ### Manual Setup ``` cd $HOME chezmoi init # show diff of changes that will be made chezmoi diff # If you are happy with the changes, apply away! chezmoi apply -v ``` Please close and reopen the terminal to trigger first time install/updates. Recommend using `GitHub CLI` for authenticating with GitHub. Run `gh auth login`. Alternatively, add [SSH key to your GitHub account]( ## Git setup ### Username and local settings Provide username and email address by creating `.gitconfig_local` e.g. ``` [user] name = Harjot Gill email = [github] user = token = ``` You can generate [personal access token]( for GitHub in order to use HTTP API. Also, it's useful to add this token to your `$HOME/.netrc` file. Run - `echo 'machine login password ' >> $HOME/.netrc` ### GitHub org cloning script To clone FluxNinja, run: ` fluxninja $HOME/work`. This step is performed automatically on installation. ### Git pull all repos script To update all repos in a directory, run: ` $HOME/work/fluxninja`. This step is performed automatically on auto-updates. ## Preparing your terminal - **Nerd fonts**: Please enable a nerd font such as `Hack Nerd Font` in your terminal profile to see icons properly when using `nvim` in terminal mode. - **Terminal colors**: See the section about [colors]( ## Homebrew Homebrew is the default package manager for this environment. You can provide private packages by adding them to: `$HOME/.brew_local` ## Autoupdates This environment is set to autoupdate every 7 days by default. You can trigger autoupdates manually by calling `autoupdate.zsh --force` You can provide custom autoupdate commands by adding them to: `$HOME/.autoupdate_local.zsh` ## zshrc You can provide additional zshrc settings by adding them to: `$HOME/.zshrc_local` ![zsh]( ### Features - Fuzzy menus: Fuzzy menus are available for command completion (press `TAB`) menus and command history (press `^r`). - Vi mode: Press `ESC` to enter Vi `NORMAL` mode. Cool tip - while in normal mode, press `vv` to switch to visual mode (it will open `nvim` editor) and in that mode you can use GitHub Copilot to build sophisticated commands using AI! - Prompt flags: Type `yazpt_explain_git` to understand meaning of various flags in the prompt. - Forgit: You can use `forgit` as an interactive frontend for various git commands. E.g. try `git forgit log`. - iTerm2 integration: On macOS, please install iTerm2 shell [integration]( to use nice features such as navigating marks in prompt. ## tmux ![tmux Session Picker]( ![tmux Menu]( ![tmux Fuzzy Menu]( `tmux` sessions are automatically started as part of `.zshrc` execution. You will be shown an option to join an existing detached session if they exist, otherwise a new session will be created and attached to. ### Features - Prefix: `C-a` or `C-b` - Fuzzy menu: Press `C-a C-Space` to access fuzzy menu for quick tmux management and shortcuts to various commands. - tmux menu: Press `F12` to access tmux session/window/pane management menu. - Nested tmux sessions (e.g. remote ssh): Press `F1` to suspend/unsuspend local tmux. - [Smug]( Define and orchestrate tmux sessions with smug. e.g. use smug to start/stop local dev Kubernetes cluster and so on. - Fuzzy search tmux terminal buffer: Press `C-a C-/` - Vi bindings are enabled in tmux copy mode - Facebook PathPicker: Press `C-a C-P` to select any line from scrollback buffer (e.g. git status) and use those in another command. - Urlview: Press `C-a C-U` to select any url in scrollback buffer and open in browser. ## Neovim This environment is highly tuned towards providing a modern neovim/vim setup for development using modern languages such as Golang, Typescript etc. ![Fuzzy Menu]( ![IDE]( ### vimrc You can provide additional `vimrc` settings by adding them to: `$HOME/.vimrc_local`. You can also use **FuzzyMenu** (``) to tweak and persist local settings. In addition, you can provide additional vim plugins by adding them to `$HOME/.vimrc_plugins`. Several `colorschemes` are bundled and `gruvbox` is chosen by default. You can override `colorscheme` by providing `let colorscheme = ` in your `.vimrc_local` file. See `.vimrc` file for available `colorschemes`. Also see `~/.config/nvim/init.vim` for Neovim specific settings. ### Discoverability of commands and plugins - Landing page for new tabs contains several useful links that help with discoverability. - Press `` (double space) or `Shift + LeftMouse` click to open a contextual FuzzyMenu for the word under cursor or selection. ### AI-based autocompletion - GitHub Copilot - Type `:Copilot setup` in Neovim to set up. - CodeGPT - Just highlight the code and press `` to see CodeGPT options in the FuzzyMenu. You must provide `OPENAI_API_KEY` environment variable in your `.zshrc_local` to use this feature. ### LanguageTool If you have LanguageTool Premium, you can provide `LANGTOOL_HTTP_URI`, `LANGTOOL_USERNAME` and `LANGTOOL_API_KEY` environment variables to use the language server in Neovim. ## Colors Unlike `nvim` which allows setting themes easily via `.vimrc_local`, color themes for terminal interface are spread across multiple settings. - **Terminal theme** - - macOS: For iTerm2, the option will be provided to install bundled profile that contains font/color settings. If you do not wish to install the profile, then the colors will be set via terminal escape codes unless `SET_TERMINAL_COLORS` is set to `false` in your `.zshrc_local`. - Linux: Colors will be set automatically using terminal escape codes unless `SET_TERMINAL_COLORS` is set to `false` in your `.zshrc_local`. Alternatively, you can install default color profile using `$HOME/sw/assets/`. Make sure to set `SET_TERMINAL_COLORS` to `false` in your `.zshrc_local` if you would like to use terminal's color profiles. - tmux theme - See `.tmux.conf.settings` for example configuration and override it in your personal `.tmux.conf_local` file. The tmux theme configures the tmux status line and not the terminal itself. - bat theme (cat replacement) - Environment variable `BAT_THEME` sets the theme. See `bat --list-themes` to get the list. You can override this theme in your `.zshrc_local` file. Bat is used extensively for fzf previews, git pager (delta), less command filter and so on. - FZF colors - Get and source color schemes from [base16-fzf]( in your `$HOME/.zshrc_local`. - LS_COLORS - We use [vivid]( to set the themes. Run `vivid themes` to get the list. You can override this theme in your `.zshrc_local` file. - Git pager - See `.gitconfig_themes` to see the available themes. You can override them in your local `.gitconfig_local`. - Fast Syntax Highlighting (zsh) - You can run `fast-theme -l` to get the list. To set the theme, first, override `FAST_WORK_DIR` environment variable in your `.zshrc` and point it to `$HOME/.config/fsh_local`. Next, run `fast-theme ` to switch the theme. Note: Currently all these settings are configured to match `gruvbox-dark` color palette. But it's pretty easy to override them to match `onedark` or [Nord]( Bonus: - Slack Gruvbox - Paste this in your DM to Slackbot and click the `Switch sidebar theme` button. ` gruvbox dark #282828,#3c3836,#ebdbb2,#1d2021,#3e313c,#ebdbb2,#689d6a,#fb4934` ## Managing `*_local` override files You can use [vcsh]( utility to version local files and sync them across machines.


