上传日期:2021-12-27 09:23:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  关于编程语言(验证)的书籍、课程、论文、会议。,
(Books, courses, papers, conferences about programming language (verification).,)

# PL Some resources about PL(verification). ## Conferences [Most Influential POPL Paper Award]( [Most Influential PLDI Paper Award]( ## Courses [软件理论基础与实践]( [Formal Semantics of Programming Languages]( [Principles of Computer Systems]( ## Papers [Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers]( [Scaling symbolic evaluation for automated verification of systems code with Serval]( [Using concurrent relational logic with helpers for verifying the AtomFS file system]( [A lightweight symbolic virtual machine for solver-aided host languages]( [A Verified, Efficient Embedding of a Verifiable Assembly Language]( [Bugs, Moles and Skeletons: Symbolic Reasoning for Software Development]( [Finding Code That Explodes under Symbolic Evaluation]( [Growing Solver-Aided Languages with ROSETTE]( [Hyperkernel: Push-Button Verification of an OS Kernel]( [Ironclad Apps: End-to-End Security via Automated Full-System Verification]( [Push-Button Verification of File Systems via Crash Refinement]( [Refinement reflection: complete verification with SMT]( [Safe to the Last Instruction: Automated Verification of a Type-Safe Operating System]( [SpaceSearch: A Library for Building and Verifying Solver-Aided Tools]( [Satisfiability modulo theories: introduction and applications]( [Symbolic Execution for Software Testing Three Decades Later]( ## Videos Solver-Aided Programming for All ## Books [Coq'Art]( [types and programming languages]( [practical foundations for programming languages]( ## Tools [Rosette]( [CDCL]( ## Tutorials [serval-tutorial-sosp19](


