
上传日期:2023-07-08 16:37:18
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说明:  从论文“特殊交付:使用邮箱类型编程”中实现类型检查器,
(Implementation of typechecker from paper "Special Delivery: Programming with Mailbox Types",)

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# MBCheck: A typechecker for the Pat language ## About This project is a typechecker for the Pat language, introduced in the paper [Special Delivery: Programming with Mailbox Types](https://simonjf.com/drafts/pat-draft-mar23.pdf). This paper extends the mailbox typing discipline introduced by de' Liguoro and Padovani at ECOOP 2018 (https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2018/9220/pdf/LIPIcs-ECOOP-2018-15.pdf) to the setting of a programming language. ## Credits Several core ideas of our typechecking algorithm originated in the following, both by [Luca Padovani](https://boystrange.github.io/index.html): * [MCC](https://boystrange.github.io/mcc/) * [A type checking algorithm for concurrent object protocols](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352220817301463) ## Installation The type checker for `Pat` is developed in OCaml, a general-purpose functional programming language. OCaml can be installed by following these instructions. ### macOS The easiest way to install OCaml on macOS is to use the Homebrew package manager. Homebrew can be downloaded and installed by following the instructions on the [website](https://brew.sh). Once Homebrew is installed and configured, the latest OCaml package manager, `opam`, can be installed as shown: ```bash $ brew install opam ``` ### Ubuntu `opam` on Ubuntu Linux can be installed via the `apt` package manager. ```bash $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install opam ``` On Ubuntu, one also needs to install `libgmp-dev`, which is a development library for the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic) that provides functions for performing arithmetic operations on large numbers. This library is used by the Z3 constraint solver invoked externally by the 'Pat' type checker. ```bash sudo apt install libgmp-dev ``` ### Initialising `opam` The next step is to initialise `opam`: ```bash $ opam init ``` Once the initialisation is completed, the following command updates the current shell environment. ```bash $ eval $(opam env --switch=default) ``` ## Downloading and building the `Pat` type checker `Pat` can be cloned from this GitHub repository as follows. ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/SimonJF/mbcheck.git ``` The `Pat` type checker uses a number of OCaml libraries that should be installed prior to compiling it. ```bash $ opam install dune menhir ppx_import visitors cmdliner z3 bag ``` The type-checking tool can then be compiled using `make` after installing these dependencies. ```bash $ cd mbcheck mbcheck$ make ``` ## Running Usage: `./mbcheck `. If the program completes successfully, then the program is correct. For more information, you can use the `-d` (debug) and `-v` (verbose) flags -- although the outputs of these are currently pretty unpleasant :) ## Mailbox Types Mailbox types characterise communication with *mailboxes*: incoming message queues with many writers and a single reader. In short, mailbox types consist of a *capability* : either ! for output, similar to a PID in Erlang, or ? for input; and a *pattern* which characterises the A pattern is a *commutative regular expression* which denotes the pattern of messages contained within that mailbox (for input capabilities), or the pattern of messages which must be sent (for output capabilities). There are various patterns: * 0: the unreliable mailbox (denotes an error) * 1: the empty mailbox * M: a message with tag M * E + F: either pattern E or pattern F * E . F: pattern E or F in any order * *E: many instances of pattern E As a concrete example, the receive endpoint for an empty future can be given the type ?(Put.*Get) which states that the mailbox contains at most one Put message and many Get messages; this would rule out the invalid behaviour of sending two Put messages. ## Base types Pat also supports base types: String, Int, Bool. ## Usable vs. Returnable Types In order to avoid some horrible name hygiene issues, Pat uses *quasi-linear typing*. In essence, this means that mailbox names can be used at most once in a thread as a 'full' name (i.e., being allowed to be returned as part of an expression, stored as part of a data type, etc.), and other times as a 'partial' or 'second-class' name (allowing it to be used as part of an expression -- e.g., sending or passing as an argument). Furthermore, the full or 'returnable' use must be the final lexical use of the name. Another point is that when receiving a mailbox name as part of a message, this can only be treated as usable (and may not, therefore, escape the scope of the `receive`). These restrictions in turn rule out bad aliasing, use-after-free, and self-deadlocks. ## Language Guide Pat is a concurrent functional language with first-class mailboxes and mailbox types. Examples can be found in the `examples` directory, but here we go over some of the main points here. ### Interfaces A message consists of a tag (i.e., a message name) and a list of message payloads. An *interface* describes the messages that a mailbox can receive. Note that it does *not* describe any sequencing or pattern information about the message. As an example, the interface for the `Future` example is as follows: ``` interface Future { Put(Int), Get(User!) } interface User { Reply(Int) } ``` Here, we can see that the `Future` interface says that a `Future` mailbox can receive a `Put` message (with an `Int` payload), and a `Get` message (with a `User!` payload), but it does not describe the invariant that the mailbox can only contain a single Put message, for example. Interfaces are used to provide type information for the inference pass. ### Programs A Pat program consists of a series of *definitions* followed by a *body*. Pat has very limited support for first-class functions, so instead a Pat program typically consists of a series of *definitions*, which are explicitly annotated with argument and return types, and contain an expression. Definitions must be declared at the top level, and do not close over any values. The body is a single expression, defined at the end of a file; a definition can be called in the usual way. Here is a simple Pat program: ``` def addTwoNumbers(x: Int, y: Int): Int { x + y } addTwoNumbers(10, 15) ``` This would have type Int. ### Basic Language Features As a functional language, Pat has immutable data. Therefore, typically a Pat expression consists of `let` bindings for intermediate computation steps: ``` let x = 5 in let y = 10 in x + y ``` Variables `x` and `y` are standard. Pat also includes side-effecting operations (such as sending messages), so we also allow sequencing `e1; e2` where `e1` returns the unit value `()`. The unit value is a value which conveys no information and is often used as a return value for side-effecting operations. ### Concurrency Primitives A mailbox is a message queue which can be written to by many processes, but read by only one. In the actor model, a mailbox is associated with every process, and messages are sent to that particular process ID. #### Spawn The `spawn M` construct spawns a term as a new process. Since the process will run concurrently, all usages are masked as 2nd-class. For example, whereas the following will not compile: ``` guard x : M { receive M() -> free(x) }; x ! M() ``` (since the first `guard` is returnable) the following is permitted, since the `guard` is in a separate thread: ``` spawn { guard x : M { receive M() -> free(x) } }; x ! M() ``` #### Mailbox creation (new) The mailbox calculus decouples *creation* of a mailbox from the process with which it is associated. For this, we use the `new` construct: `let mb = new[InterfaceName] in ...` Here, `mb` will have type `?1`, denoting that all messages must have been received. #### Message send To send a message to a mailbox, we use the `!` construct, which is similar to Erlang. `mb ! Foo(10)` Here, we are sending a message with tag `Foo` and payload `10` to mailbox `mb`. In this case, as a result of the send, `mb` will have type `!Foo`. By sending to a mailbox reference, we create an obligation that the message must be received by that mailbox. #### Guards Erlang has a `receive` statement to retrieve messages from a mailbox. The analogous construct in Pat is `guard`, which is slightly generalised in that it also allows us to free a mailbox that we know isn't being used. As an example, here is a guard expression on a mailbox for a mailbox with type `(M . N) + 1` (i.e., a mailbox which either has both `M` and `N` messages, or does not contain any messages) ``` interface Test { M(Int), N(Int) } let mb = new[Test] in if (rand()) then { spawn { mb ! M(5) }; spawn { mb ! N(10) } } else { () }; in guard mb : (M . N) + 1 { free -> () receive M(x) from mb -> guard mb : N { receive N[y] from mb -> free(mb) } receive N(x) from mb -> guard mb : M { receive M[y] from mb -> free(mb) } } ``` Note that in the `receive` clauses, the variable after `from` is a *binding* occurrence. Here, we specify the mailbox name we're guarding on (in this case, `mb`), along with the pattern it currently contains (`(M . N) + 1`). We then add three guard clauses: * `free` which handles the case where there are no messages in the mailbox, and the mailbox can be freed. Note that `mb` is not re-bound and so is unusable. * `receive M(x) from mb -> ...` which receives a message `M` from the mailbox, re-binding the mailbox name to `mb` with type `?N` * `receive N(x) from mb -> ...` which receives a message `N` from the mailbox, re-binding the mailbox name to `mb` with type `?M` In both of the receive clauses, we need a further receive to clear the other message. We can also write `free(mb)` as syntactic sugar for the more verbose: ``` guard mb : 1 { free -> () } ``` ## Overview of salient code locations * Lexer: `lib/frontend/lexer.mll` * Parser: `lib/frontend/parser.mly` * Desugaring: `lib/frontend/desugar_sugared_guards.ml` and `lib/frontend/insert_pattern_variables.ml` * IR conversion: `lib/frontend/sugar_to_ir.ml` * Constraint generation (backwards bidirectional typing): `lib/typecheck/gen_cosntraints.ml` * Constraint solving: `lib/typecheck/solve_constraints.ml` and `lib/typecheck/z3_solver.ml` * Examples: `test/examples` * Examples deliberately raising errors: `test/errors`


