
上传日期:2021-07-30 13:28:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于在Kotlin中执行类shell编程的工具,
(Tool for performing shell-like programing in Kotlin,)

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kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/BaseIntegrationTest.kt (3084, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/ProcessBaseIntegrationTest.kt (2442, 2021-07-30)
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kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/dsl/SystemProcessDSLIntegrationTest.kt (1921, 2021-07-30)
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kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/ShellCreationIntegrationTest.kt (572, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/ShellIntegrationTest.kt (8793, 2021-07-30)
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kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/PipingBaseIntegrationTest.kt (909, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/PipingForkIntegrationTest.kt (3940, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/PipingIntegrationTest.kt (5876, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/PipingSynchronizingIntegrationTest.kt (3147, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/PipingThroughIntegrationTest.kt (2328, 2021-07-30)
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kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/from/PipingFromByteReadPacketIntegrationTest.kt (3402, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/from/PipingFromChannelIntegrationTest.kt (3580, 2021-07-30)
kotlin-shell-core/src/integration/kotlin/eu/jrie/jetbrains/kotlinshell/shell/piping/from/PipingFromFileIntegrationTest.kt (3401, 2021-07-30)
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# Kotlin Shell ## about Kotlin Shell is a prototype tool for performing shell programming in Kotlin and Kotlin script. It provides shell-like API which takes advantage of Kotlin features. For examples go to the [examples](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#examples) section. ## intro Creating processes is extremly easy in Kotlin Shell: ```kotlin shell { "echo hello world"() } // echo hello world ``` Piping is also supported: ```kotlin shell { val toUpper = stringLambda { it.toUpper() to "" } pipeline { file("data.txt") pipe "grep abc".process() pipe toUpper } } // cat data.txt | grep abc | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' ``` ## content * [about](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#about) * [intro](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#intro) * [content](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#content) * [preliminary](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#preliminary) * [how to get Kotlin Shell](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#how-to-get-kotlin-shell) + [for scripting](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#for-scripting) + [as library](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#as-library) * [how to run the scripts](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#how-to-run-the-scripts) + [in Kotlin script](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#in-kotlin-script) - [kshell command](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#kshell-command) * [command line](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#command-line) * [shebang](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#shebang) - [kotlinc command](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#kotlinc-command) + [in Kotlin programs](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#in-kotlin-programs) * [usage](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#usage) + [writing scripts](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#writing-scripts) - [in Kotlin code](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#in-kotlin-code) - [in Kotlin Script](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#in-kotlin-script) * [blocking api](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#blocking-api) * [non blocking api](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#non-blocking-api) + [processes](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#processes) - [creating and starting processes](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#creating-and-starting-processes) * [system process](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#system-process) * [kts process](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#kts-process) - [multiple calls to processes](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#multiple-calls-to-processes) + [pipelines](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#pipelines) - [piping overview](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#piping-overview) * [piping introduction](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#piping-introduction) * [piping grammar](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#piping-grammar) - [creating pipeline](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#creating-pipeline) - [forking stderr](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#forking-stderr) - [lambdas in pipelines](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#lambdas-in-pipelines) - [lambdas suitable for piping](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#lambdas-suitable-for-piping) * [example](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#example) + [detaching](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#detaching) - [detaching overview](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#detaching-overview) - [detaching process](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#detaching-process) - [detaching pipeline](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#detaching-pipeline) - [attaching](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#attaching) + [daemonizing](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#daemonizing) + [environment](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#environment) - [system environment](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#system-environment) - [shell environment](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#shell-environment) - [shell variables](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#shell-variables) - [special variables](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#special-variables) + [shell commands](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#shell-commands) - [implemented shell commands](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#implemented-shell-commands) - [shell methods](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#shell-methods) - [custom shell commands](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#custom-shell-commands) - [custom shell methods](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#custom-shell-methods) - [special properties](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#special-properties) + [sub shells](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#sub-shells) - [creating sub shells](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#creating-sub-shells) - [sub shells use cases](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#sub-shells-use-cases) + [scripting specific features](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#scripting-specific-features) - [dependencies](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#dependencies) * [external dependencies](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#external-dependencies) * [internal dependencies](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#internal-dependencies) * [examples](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#examples) ## preliminary The library is designed primary for Unix-like operating systems and was tested fully on MacOS. Windows support is not planned at the moment. ## how to get Kotlin Shell > Kotlin Shell is distributed via GitHub Packages. ### for scripting [![Maven Central](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/eu.jrie.jetbrains/kotlin-shell-kts/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/eu.jrie.jetbrains/kotlin-shell-kts) Use `kshell` command for running scripts from command line. To read more about it and download the command go [here](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://github.com/jakubriegel/kshell). You can also [download](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/packages) binaries of `kotlin-shell-kts` to use the script definition in custom way. ### as library [![Maven Central](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/eu.jrie.jetbrains/kotlin-shell-core/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/eu.jrie.jetbrains/kotlin-shell-core) Gradle: ```kotlin repositories { dependencies { implementation("eu.jrie.jetbrains:kotlin-shell-core:0.2.1") } } ``` For more information about using GitHub packages with Gradle go [here](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-gradle-registry#installing-a-package) or to packages section of thi repository. Kotlin Shell features slf4j logging. To use it add logging implementation or NOP logger to turn it off: ```kotlin implementation("org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:1.7.26") ``` You can also [download](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://bintray.com/jakubriegel//kotlin-shell/kotlin-shell-core/_latestVersion) binaries of `kotlin-shell-core` to use the library in any other project. ## how to run the scripts ### in Kotlin script Kotlin Shell scripts have `sh.kts` extension. Some environment variables may be set to customize script execution. Go to the [environment](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#environment) section to learn more. #### kshell command ##### command line To run the script type: ``` kshell script.sh.kts ``` Read more and download the command [here](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://github.com/jakubriegel/kshell). ##### shebang Kotlin Shell scripts support shebang: ``` #!/usr/bin/env kshell ``` #### kotlinc command A more low level approach is supported with `kotlinc`: ``` kotlinc -cp PATH_TO_SHELL_KTS_ALL_JAR -Dkotlin.script.classpath -script SCRIPT.sh.kts ARGS ``` example: ``` kotlinc -cp lib/kotlin-shell-kts-all.jar -Dkotlin.script.classpath -script hello.sh.kts ``` ### in Kotlin programs Calling the `shell` block will provide access to Kotlin Shell API: ```kotlin shell { // code } ``` ## usage ### writing scripts Kotlin Shell is driven by [kotlinx.io](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-io) and [kotlinx.coroutines](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines). Therefore the API is fully non-blockign and most functions are suspending. To take advantage of that, you need to pass the script as `suspend fun` and `CoroutineScope` as parameters to the suspending `shell` block. #### in Kotlin code With given scope: ```kotlin shell ( scope = myScope ) { "echo hello world!"() } ``` With new coroutine scope: ```kotlin shell { "echo hello world!"() } ``` #### in Kotlin Script ##### blocking api The blocking api features basic shell commands without the need of wrapping it into coroutines calls: ```kotlin "echo hello world!".process().run() ``` It can be accessed in Kotlin code as well by using `ScriptingShell` class. ##### non blocking api The `shell` block gives access to full api of `kotlin-shell`. It receives `GlobalScope` as implicit parameter: ```kotlin shell { "echo hello world!"() } ``` ### processes #### creating and starting processes Before starting any process you need to create `ProcessExecutable`. Then you can start it directly or use it in pipeline. ##### system process To start new system process use dsl: ```kotlin val echo = systemProcess { cmd { "echo" withArg "hello" } } echo() ``` or extensions: ```kotlin val echo = "echo hello".process() echo() ``` or simply: ```kotlin "echo hello"() ``` To start process from file contents use `File.process()` extension: ```kotlin val process = scriptFile.process(arg1, arg2) process() ``` or simply: ```kotlin scriptFile(arg1, arg2) ``` ##### kts process _creating virtual KotlinScript processes is not implemented yet_ #### multiple calls to processes To run equivalent process multiple times call `ProcessExecutable.copy()` ### pipelines Pipelines can operate on processes, lambdas, files, strings, byte packages and streams. #### piping overview ##### piping introduction Every executable element in Kotlin Shell receives its own `ExecutionContext`, which consist of `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` implemented as `Channels`. In the library channels are used under aliases `ProcessChannel`, `ProcessSendChannel` and `ProcessReceiveChannel` their unit is always `ByteReadPacket`. `Shell` itself is an `ExecutionContext` and provides default channels: * `stdin` is always empty and closed `ProcessReceiveChannel`, which effectively acts like `/dev/null`. It It can be accessed elsewhere by `nullin` member. * `stdout` is a rendezvous `ProcessSendChannel`, that passes everything to `System.out`. * `stderr` is a reference to `stdout`. Beside them there is also special member `ProcessSendChannel` called `nullout`, which acts like `/dev/null`. Pipeline elements are connected by `ProcessChannel`s, that override their context's default IO. Only the neccessary streams are overriden, so not piped ones are redirected to the channels, that came with the context. Each element in the pipeline ends its execution after processing the last received packet before receiving close signal from `stdin` channel. Pipelines are logically divided into three parts: `FROM`, `THROUGH` and `TO`. The api is designed to look seamless, but in order to take full advantage of piping it is necessary to distinguish these parts. Every element can emit some output, but doesn't have to. They also shouldn't close they outputs after execution. It is done automatically by piping engine and ensures that channels used by other entities (such as `stdout`) won't be closed. Every pipeline starts with single element `FROM` section. It can be `Process`, [lambda](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#lambdas-in-pipelines), `File`, `String`, `InputStream`, `ByteReadPacket` or `Channel`. Elements used here receive no input (for processes and lambdas there is `nullin` provided). Then the `THROUGH` or `TO` part occurs. Piping `THROUGH` can be performed on `Process` or [lambda](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#lambdas-in-pipelines) and can consist of any number of elements. They receive the input simutanously while the producer is going (due to the limitations of `zt-exec` library `SystemProcess` may wait till the end of input) and can emit output as they go. Every pipeline is ended with single element `TO` section. Elements here take input, but do not emit any output. If no `TO` element is provided, the `pipeline` builder will implicitly end the pipeline with `stdout`. ##### piping grammar Schematic grammar for piping could look like this: ``` PIPELINE -> FROM THROUGH TO PIPELINE -> FROM TO FROM -> PROCESS | LAMBDA | FILE | STRING | INPUT_STREAM | BYTE_READ_PACKET | PROCESS_SEND_CHANNEL THROUGH -> PROCESS | LAMBDA TO -> PROCESS | LAMBDA | FILE | STRING_BUILDER | OUTPUT_STREAM | BYTE_PACKET_BUILDER | PROCESS_RECEIVE_CHANNEL ``` #### creating pipeline To construct and execute the pipeline use `pipeline` builder: ```kotlin pipeline { a pipe b pipe c } ``` Pipeline can be started with `Process`, lambda, `File`, `String`, `ByteReadPacket` or `InputStream`. Once the pipeline is created it cannot be modified. The `pipeline` builder takes an optional parameter `mode` of type `ExecutionMode`. It can be used for [detaching](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#detaching) or [demonizing](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#demonizing) the pipeline. By default it uses `ExecutionMode.ATTACHED` ```kotlin pipeline (ExecutionMode.ATTACHED) { a pipe b pipe c } pipeline (ExecutionMode.DETACHED) { a pipe b pipe c } pipeline (ExecutionMode.DAEMON) { a pipe b pipe c } ``` Constructed pipeline can be stored in an object of `Pipeline` type: ```kotlin val p = pipeline { a pipe b } ``` You can perform several operiations on it: * `Pipeline.join()` joins the pipeline * `Pipeline.kill()` kill all elements of the pipeline And access `processes` member, which is a list of all processes in the pipeline. #### forking stderr To fork `stderr` from process or lambda use `forkErr`: ```kotlin pipeline { a pipe (b forkErr { /* fork logic */ }) pipe c } ``` it redirects elements error stream to given pipeline. The builder function receives the new error `ProcessReceiveChannel` as an implicit argument. The function should return new `Pipeline`. If this pipeline wont be ended with `TO`, it will implicitly be appended with `stdout`. The fork logic can be stored in a variable: ```kotlin val fork = pipelineFork { it pipe filter pipe file } pipeline { a forkErr fork } ``` The fork belongs to process executable or lambda itself so it can be used outside pipeline as well: ```kotlin val process = "cmd arg".process() forkErr { /* fork */ } process() ``` ```kotlin val lambda = stringLambda { /* lambda */ } forkErr { /* fork */ } pipeline { lambda pipe { /* ... */} } ``` As a shorthand it is possible to fork error directly to given channel: ```kotlin val channel: ProcessChannel = Channel() val b = a forkErr channel ``` #### lambdas in pipelines Basic lambda structure for piping is `PipelineContextLambda`: ```kotlin suspend (ExecutionContext) -> Unit ``` It takes context which consists of `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr` channels. It can receive content immediately after it was emitted by the producer, as well as its consumer can receive sent content simultaneously. The end of input is signalized with closed `stdin`. `PipelineContextLambda` shouldn't close outputs after execution. #### lambdas suitable for piping There are several wrappers for `PipelineContextLambda`, that can make piping easier. Most of them follow the template `(stdin) -> Pair` name | definition | builder --- | --- | --- `PipelineContextLambda` | suspend (ExecutionContext) -> Unit | contextLambda { } `PipelinePacketLambda` | suspend (ByteReadPacket) -> Pair | packetLambda { } `PipelineByteArrayLambda` | suspend (ByteArray) -> Pair | byteArrayLambda { } `PipelineStringLambda` | suspend (String) -> Pair | stringLambda { /* code */ } `PipelineStreamLambda` | suspend (InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStream) -> Unit | streamLambda { } ##### example ```kotlin shell { val upper = stringLambda { line -> line.toUpperCase() to "" } pipeline { "cat file".process() pipe upper pipe file("result") } } ``` ### detaching #### detaching overview Detached process or pipeline is being executed asynchronous to the shell. It can be attached or awaited at any time. Also all of not-ended detached jobs will be awaited after the end of the script before finishing `shell` block. #### detaching process To detach process use `detach()` function: ```kotlin val echo = "echo hello world!".process() detach(echo) ``` To join process use `Process.join()` method: ```kotlin process.join() ``` You can perform these operations also on multiple processes: ```kotlin detach(p1, p2, p2) ``` ```kotlin await(p1, p2, p3) ``` To join all processes use `joinAll()`. To access detached processes use `detachedProcesses` member. It stores list of pair of detached job id to process #### detaching pipeline To detach pipeline use `detach()` builder: ```kotlin detach { p1 pipe p2 pipe p3 } ``` or `pipeline()` with correct mode: ```kotlin pipeline (ExecutionMode.DETACHED) { p1 pipe p2 pipe p3 } ``` To join pipeline call `Pipeline.join()`: ```kotlin val pipeline = detach { p1 pipe p2 pipe p3 } pipeline.join() ``` To access detached processes use `detachedPipelines` member. It stores list of pair of detached job id to pipeline #### attaching To attach detached job (process or pipeline) use `fg()`: * `fg(Int)` accepting detached job id. By default it will use `1` as id. * `fg(Process)` accepting detached process * `fg(Pipeline)` accepting detached pipeline To join all detached jobs call `joinDetached()` ### daemonizing > At the current stage demonizing processes and pipelines is implemented in very unstable and experimental way. > > Though it should not be used. ### environment Environment in Kotlin Shell is divided into two parts `shell environment` and `shell variables`. The environment from system is also copied. To access the environment call: * `environment` list or `env` command for `shell environment` * `variables` list for `shell variables` * `shellEnv` or `set` command for combined environment * `systemEnv` for the environment inherited from system #### system environment `system environment` is copied to `shell environment` at its creation. To access system environment any time call `systemEnv` #### shell environment `shell environment` is copied to `Shell` from the system. It can be modified and is copied to sub shells. To set environment use `export`: ```kotlin export("KEY" to "VALUE") ``` To make it read-only add `readonly`: ```kotlin readonly export("KEY" to "VALUE") ``` To print environment variable use `env`: ```kotlin env("KEY") ``` To remove use `unset`: ```kotlin unset("key") ``` #### shell variables `shell variables` are empty by default. They can be modified and __are not__ copied to sub shells To set variable use `variable`: ```kotlin variable("KEY" to "VALUE") ``` To make it read-only add `readonly`: ```kotlin readonly variable("KEY" to "VALUE") ``` To print shell variable use `env`: ```kotlin env("KEY") ``` To remove variable use `unset`: ```kotlin unset("key") ``` #### special variables Kotlin Shell uses some special variables for customisation of execution. They can be set explicitly by `shell` builders or can be inherited from system. If any of these will not be set, default values will be used. variable | type | usage | default value --- | --- | --- | --- `SYSTEM_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE` | `Int` | size of `SystemProcessInputStream` buffer | 16 `PIPELINE_RW_PACKET_SIZE` | `Long` | maximal size of packets used in piping | 16 `PIPELINE_CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE` | `Int` | size of `ProcessChannel`s used in piping | 16 `REDIRECT_SYSTEM_OUT` | `YES`/`NO` | Specifies weather `System.out` should be bypassed with `Shell.stdout`. As a result it will synchronize stdlib `print()` and `println()` with `shell` outputs | YES ### shell commands Kotlin Shell implements some of the most popular shell commands with additions of special methods and properties. To call the command use `invoke()`: ```kotlin cmd() ``` then its output will be processed to `stdout`. To pipe the command put simply put it in the pipeline: ```kotlin pipeline { cmd pipe process } ``` #### implemented shell commands * `&` as `detach` * `cd` with `cd(up)` for `cd ..` and `cd(pre)` for `cd -` * `env` * `exit` as `return@shell` * `export` * `fg` * `jobs` * `mkdir` * `print` and `echo` as `print()`/`println()` * `ps` * `readonly` * `set` * `unset` * setting shell variable as `variable` #### shell methods `Shell` member functions provide easy ways for performing popular shell tasks: * `file()` - gets or creates file relative to current directory #### custom shell commands To implement custom shell command create extension member of Shell class and override its getter: ```kotlin val Shell.cmd: ShellCommand get() = command { /* command implementation returning String */ } ``` such command can be declared outside `shell` block and be used as [dependency](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#internal-dependencies). #### custom shell methods To implement custom shell method use the basic function template: ```kotlin suspend fun Shell.() -> T ``` where `T` is desired return type or `Unit`. Such functions can be declared outside `shell` block and be used as [dependency](https://github.com/jakubriegel/kotlin-shell/blob/master/#internal-dependencies). #### special properties `Shell` members provide easy Kotlin-like access to popular parameters: * `detachedPipelines` * `detachedProcesses` * `directory` * `environment` * `nullin` * `nullout` * `processes` * `shellEnv` * `systemEnv` * `variables` ### sub shells #### creating sub shells To create sub shell ... ...


