
上传日期:2021-12-13 09:42:02
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  播客功能,,

LICENSE (7048, 2021-04-24)
clients.json (216822, 2021-04-24)
features/ (0, 2021-04-24)
features/podcast-chapters.json (1586, 2021-04-24)
features/podcast-locked.json (855, 2021-04-24)
features/podcast-namespace.json (492, 2021-04-24)
features/sample-feature.json (1522, 2021-04-24)
features/schema.json (6364, 2021-04-24)
meta.json (3617, 2021-04-24)
validator/ (0, 2021-04-24)
validator/package.json (214, 2021-04-24)
validator/validate-features.js (917, 2021-04-24)
validator/yarn.lock (5282, 2021-04-24)

# podcast-features This project aims collect podcast features support data from all related components, e.g. native apps, web apps, directories, hosters, (WordPress) plugins, and other services. It aims to fit together with https://github.com/opawg/podcast-hosts and https://github.com/opawg/user-agents. Basically we want to build a dataset like https://github.com/Fyrd/caniuse but for podcast features instead of web browser features. The current idea is to reuse some of their ideas and tools (c.f. [#1](https://github.com/saerdnaer/podcast-clients/issues/1)) to create a web page like https://caniuse.com or simular. The inital database was a more machine readable version of https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c2L14UVH1xtN4iDG4awheLbMgPCQgaKEamUauWs1gps/edit#gid=0, which is in the process to be transformed into a [new structure](https://github.com/saerdnaer/podcast-clients/blob/main/features/sample-feature.json). This project is in it's very early stages, feel free to create Issues and PRs. :-) # Contributing to the feature data ## Filing issues Issues can be filed to make new **data suggestions**. Data suggestions can be voted on with thumbs up () reactions. ## Feature data The `features` directory includes JSON files for every podcast client feature. Maintaining these files on GitHub allows anyone to update or contribute to the support data on the site. ### Supported changes Currently the following feature information can be modified: * **title** — Feature name (used for the title of the table) * **description** — Brief description of feature * **spec** — Spec URL * **status** — Spec status, one of the following: * `ls` - Living Standard * `rec` - Recommendation * `pr` - Proposed Recommendation * `wd` - Working Draft * `other` * `unoff` - Unofficial, Editor's Draft * **links** — Array of "link" objects consisting of URL and short description of link * **bugs** — Array of "bug" objects consisting of a bug description * **categories** — Array of categories, any of the following: (Note that some of these categories are put into a parent category on the caniuse site) * `Player` * `Feed` * `Other` * tbc... * **clients**, **directories**, **providers**, **others** — The collection of support data for a given set of implementations. The keys should match the `app` value from https://github.com/opawg/user-agents/blob/master/src/user-agents.json or `hostname` from https://github.com/opawg/podcast-hosts/blob/master/src/hosts.json, respectivly. Values are space-separated characters with these meanings, and must answer the question "*Can I use* the feature by default?": * `y` - (**Y**)es, supported by default * `a` - (**A**)lmost supported (aka Partial support) * `n` - (**N**)o support, or disabled by default * `u` - Support (**u**)nknown * `d` - (**D**)isabled by default (need to enable flag or something) * `#n` - Where n is a number, starting with 1, corresponds to the **notes_by_num** note. For example: `"42":"y #1"` means version 42 is supported by default and see note 1. * **notes** — Notes on feature support, often to explain what partial support refers to * **notes_by_num** - Map of numbers corresponding to notes. Used in conjunction with the #n notation under **stats**. Each key should be a number (no hash), the value is the related note. For example: `"1": "Foo"` * **parent** — ID of parent feature * **keywords** — Comma separated words that will match the feature in a search ### Adding a feature To add a feature, simply add another JSON file, following the [example](/features/sample-feature.json), to the `features` directory with the base file name as the feature ID (only alphanumeric characters and hyphens please). ### Unsupported changes Currently it is not possible to: * Add any object properties not already defined above * Modify the **usage\_perc\_y** or **usage\_perc\_a** values (these values are generated) ### Testing Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your system. Run `npm run validate` If something is wrong, it will throw an error. Everything is ok otherwise.


