
上传日期:2021-02-27 01:27:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  贝德福德海洋学研究所R研讨会,
(R workshops at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography,)

01_git/ (0, 2021-02-26)
01_git/Makefile (324, 2021-02-26)
01_git/algorithms.png (38014, 2021-02-26)
01_git/comic1.jpg (48047, 2021-02-26)
01_git/ (3806, 2021-02-26)
01_git/git-intro.tex (5497, 2021-02-26)
01_git/git.png (48767, 2021-02-26)
01_git/github.png (5271, 2021-02-26)
01_git/rstudiogit.PNG (22751, 2021-02-26)
01_git/versioncontrol.PNG (31862, 2021-02-26)
01_git/whatareyoudoing.jpg (98712, 2021-02-26)
02_Rbasics/ (0, 2021-02-26)
02_Rbasics/Rbasics.Rmd (8127, 2021-02-26)
02_Rbasics/ (721491, 2021-02-26)
02_Rbasics/Rhistory.Rhistory (12277, 2021-02-26)
02_Rbasics/script.R (378, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (0, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (3960, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (3601, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (5903, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (1164, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (2461, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (1109, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ (8982, 2021-02-26)
03_Datawrangling/ShellImage.jpg (243805, 2021-02-26)
04_readingPlottingAnalysis/ (0, 2021-02-26)
04_readingPlottingAnalysis/examples.Rmd (3183, 2021-02-26)
04_readingPlottingAnalysis/iris.csv (4026, 2021-02-26)
04_readingPlottingAnalysis/iris.xlsx (13353, 2021-02-26)
04_readingPlottingAnalysis/script.R (1434, 2021-02-26)
05_plottingBasics/ (0, 2021-02-26)
05_plottingBasics/plottingBasics.Rmd (9580, 2021-02-26)
05_plottingBasics/plotting_workshop.R (1013, 2021-02-26)
06_datesAndTimes/ (0, 2021-02-26)
06_datesAndTimes/datesAndTimes.Rmd (5831, 2021-02-26)
07_groupReinvigoration/ (0, 2021-02-26)
07_groupReinvigoration/group.Rmd (1864, 2021-02-26)
08_workflowOrganization/ (0, 2021-02-26)
08_workflowOrganization/rstudio-workspace.png (503339, 2021-02-26)
... ...

# Bedford Institute of Oceanography R workshops This repository collects materials related to a series of R workshops to be run regularly at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. While meant to be introductory, the workshops will in general be tailored toward the use of R (and other tools) in the ocean sciences. ## 01_git An overview of the [Git]( source control system, and why you should use it (to write R code). ## 02_Rbasics Some basics of the R language, including general syntax, data types, objects and classes, package system overview, and how to get help. "Super Noob" workshop given on 2017-10-20 and (mostly) repeated on 2017-11-03. ## 03_Datawrangling A "Noob" workshop, giving many of the details of doing complex data wrangling, given on 2017-10-27. ## 04_readingPlottingAnalysis The basis for the "super noob" workshop, on 2017-11-17 -- reading data (e.g. csv/spreadsheet), working with the data/columns, making plots, and doing some analysis (fitting models) ## 05_plottingBasics How to make plots using *base* graphics in R (i.e. not `ggplot2`, `lattice`, etc). ## 06_datesAndTimes Dealing with dates and times (yay, POSIX!) in R ## 07_groupReinvigoration The R noob group has been re-kicked off, starting in 2019! Look at all the fun topics we can cover! ## 08_workflowOrganization How to organize your work, use RStudio projects, etc ## 09_intro_ocean_data Some basics of the Rstats `oce` package for analyzing *real* ocean data ## 10_using_git A re-visit of the crowd-pleaser, Git! Essential for anyone who bashes on keyboards. ## 11_DataManipulation_dplyr Introduction to the grammar of data manipulation using `dplyr`. Test application with the rvdata. ## 12_R_Mapping Introduction to mapping in R. ## 16_R_dashboards Outcomes of the Interactive Tools Workshop


