
上传日期:2023-08-11 19:14:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  以教学为中心的数字电路模拟器,
(Teaching-focused digital circuit simulator,)

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![][digitaljs-logo] # DigitalJS This project is a digital circuit simulator implemented in Javascript. It is designed to simulate circuits synthesized by hardware design tools like [Yosys]( (Github repo [here](, and it has a companion project [yosys2digitaljs](, which converts Yosys output files to DigitalJS. It is also intended to be a teaching tool, therefore readability and ease of inspection is one of top concerns for the project. You can [try it out online]( The web app is [a separate Github project]( # Usage You can use DigitalJS in your project by installing it from NPM: ```bash npm install digitaljs ``` Or you can use the [Webpack bundle]( directly. To simulate a circuit represented using the JSON input format (described later) and display it on a `div` named `#paper`, you need to run the following JS code ([see running example]( ```javascript // create the simulation object const circuit = new digitaljs.Circuit(input_goes_here); // display on #paper const paper = circuit.displayOn($('#paper')); // activate real-time simulation circuit.start(); ``` # Input format Circuits are represented using JSON. The top-level object has three keys, `devices`, `connectors` and `subcircuits`. Under `devices` is a list of all devices forming the circuit, represented as an object, where keys are (unique and internal) device names. Each device has a number of properties, which are represented by an object. A mandatory property is `type`, which specifies the type of the device. Example device: ```javascript "dev1": { "type": "And", "label": "AND1" } ``` Under `connectors` is a list of connections between device ports, represented as an array of objects with two keys, `from` and `to`. Both keys map to an object with two keys, `id` and `port`; the first corresponds to a device name, and the second -- to a valid port name for the device. A connection must lead from an output port to an input port, and the bitwidth of both ports must be equal. Example connection: ```javascript { "from": { "id": "dev1", "port": "out" }, "to": { "id": "dev2", "port": "in" } } ``` Under `subcircuits` is a list of subcircuit definitions, represented as an object, where keys are unique subcircuit names. A subcircuit name can be used as a `celltype` for a device of type `Subcircuit`; this instantiates the subcircuit. A subcircuit definition follows the representation of whole circuits, with the exception that subcircuits cannot (currently) define their own subcircuits. A subcircuit can include `Input` and `Output` devices, these are mapped to ports on a subcircuit instance. ## Device types * Unary gates: `Not`, `Repeater` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number) * Inputs: `in` (`bits`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`bits`-bit) * N-ary gates: `And`, `Nand`, `Or`, `Nor`, `Xor`, `Xnor` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number), `inputs` (natural number, default 2) * Inputs: `in1`, `in2` ... `inN` (`bits`-bit, `N` = `inputs`) * Outputs: `out` (`bits`-bit) * Reducing gates: `AndReduce`, `NandReduce`, `OrReduce`, `NorReduce`, `XorReduce`, `XnorReduce` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number) * Inputs: `in` (`bits`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (1-bit) * Bit shifts: `ShiftLeft`, `ShiftRight` * Attributes: `bits.in1`, `bits.in2` and `bits.out` (natural number), `signed.in1`, `signed.in2`, `signed.out` and `fillx` (boolean) * Inputs: `in1` (`bits.in1`-bit), `in2` (`bits.in2`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`bits.out`-bit) * Comparisons: `Eq`, `Ne`, `Lt`, `Le`, `Gt`, `Ge` * Attributes: `bits.in1` and `bits.in2` (natural number), `signed.in1` and `signed.in2` (boolean) * Inputs: `in1` (`bits.in1`-bit), `in2` (`bits.in2`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (1-bit) * Number constant: `Constant` * Attributes: `constant` (binary string) * Outputs: `out` (`constant.length`-bit) * Unary arithmetic: `Negation`, `UnaryPlus` * Attributes: `` and `bits.out` (natural number), `signed` (boolean) * Inputs: `in` (``-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`bits.out`-bit) * Binary arithmetic: `Addition`, `Subtraction`, `Multiplication`, `Division`, `Modulo`, `Power` * Attributes: `bits.in1`, `bits.in2` and `bits.out` (natural number), `signed.in1` and `signed.in2` (boolean) * Inputs: `in1` (`bits.in1`-bit), `in2` (`bits.in2`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`bits.out`-bit) * Multiplexer: `Mux` * Attributes: ``, `bits.sel` (natural number) * Inputs: `in0` ... `inN` (``-bit, `N` = 2**`bits.sel`-1), `sel` (`bits.sel`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (``-bit) * One-hot multiplexer: `Mux1Hot` * Attributes: ``, `bits.sel` (natural number) * Inputs: `in0` ... `inN` (``-bit, `N` = `bits.sel`), `sel` (`bits.sel`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (``-bit) * Sparse multiplexer: `MuxSparse` * Attributes: ``, `bits.sel` (natural number), `inputs` (list of natural numbers), `default_input` (optional boolean) * Inputs: `in0` ... `inN` (``-bit, `N` = `inputs.length`, +1 if `default_input` is true) * Outputs: `out` (``-bit) * D flip-flop: `Dff` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number), `polarity.clock`, `polarity.arst`, `polarity.srst`, `polarity.aload`, `polarity.set`, `polarity.clr`, `polarity.enable`, `enable_srst` (optional booleans), `initial` (optional binary string), `arst_value`, `srst_value` (optional binary string), `no_data` (optional boolean) * Inputs: `in` (`bits`-bit), `clk` (1-bit, if `polarity.clock` is present), `arst` (1-bit, if `polarity.arst` is present), `srst` (1-bit, if `polarity.srst` is present), `en` (1-bit, if `polarity.enable` is present), `set` (1-bit, if `polarity.set` is present), `clr` (1-bit, if `polarity.clr` is present), `ain` (`bits`-bit, if `polarity.aload` is present), `aload` (1-bit, if `polarity.aload` is present) * Outputs: `out` (`bits`-bit) * Memory: `Memory` * Attributes: `bits`, `abits`, `words`, `offset` (natural number), `rdports` (array of read port descriptors), `wrports` (array of write port descriptors), `memdata` (memory contents description) * Read port descriptor attributes: `enable_polarity`, `clock_polarity`, `arst_polarity`, `srst_polarity` (optional booleans), `init_value`, `arst_value`, `srst_value` (optional binary strings), `transparent`, `collision` (optional booleans or arrays of booleans) * Write port descriptor attributes: `enable_polarity`, `clock_polarity`, `no_bit_enable` (optional booleans) * Inputs (per read port): `rdKaddr` (`abits`-bit), `rdKen` (1-bit, if `enable_polarity` is present), `rdKclk` (1-bit, if `clock_polarity` is present), `rdKarst` (1-bit, if `arst_polarity` is present), `rdKsrst` (1-bit, if `srst_polarity` is present) * Outputs (per read port): `rdKdata` (`bits`-bit) * Inputs (per write port): `wrKaddr` (`abits`-bit), `wrKdata` (`bits`-bit), `wrKen` (1-bit (when `no_bit_enable` is true) or `bits`-bit (otherwise), if `enable_polarity` is present), `wrKclk` (1-bit, if `clock_polarity` is present) * Clock source: `Clock` * Outputs: `out` (1-bit) * Button input: `Button` * Outputs: `out` (1-bit) * Lamp output: `Lamp` * Inputs: `in` (1-bit) * Number input: `NumEntry` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number), `numbase` (string) * Outputs: `out` (`bits`-bit) * Number output: `NumDisplay` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number), `numbase` (string) * Inputs: `in` (`bits`-bit) * Subcircuit input: `Input` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number) * Outputs: `out` (`bits`-bit) * Subcircuit output: `Output` * Attributes: `bits` (natural number) * Inputs: `in` (`bits`-bit) * 7 segment display output: `Display7` * Inputs: `bits` (8-bit only - most significant bit controls decimal point LED) * Bus grouping: `BusGroup` * Attributes: `groups` (array of natural numbers) * Inputs: `in0` (`groups[0]`-bit) ... `inN` (`groups[N]`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (sum-of-`groups`-bit) * Bus ungrouping: `BusUngroup` * Attributes: `groups` (array of natural numbers) * Inputs: `in` (sum-of-`groups`-bit) * Outputs: `out0` (`groups[0]`-bit) ... `outN` (`groups[N]`-bit) * Bus slicing: `BusSlice` * Attributes: `slice.first`, `slice.count`, `` (natural number) * Inputs: `in` (``-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`slice.count`-bit) * Zero- and sign-extension: `ZeroExtend`, `SignExtend` * Attributes: `extend.input`, `extend.output` (natural number) * Inputs: `in` (`extend.input`-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`extend.output`-bit) * Finite state machines: `FSM` * Attributes: ``, `bits.out`, `states`, `init_state`, `current_state` (natural number), `trans_table` (array of transition descriptors) * Transition descriptor attributes: `ctrl_in`, `ctrl_out` (binary strings), `state_in`, `state_out` (natural numbers) * Inputs: `clk` (1-bit), `arst` (1-bit), `in` (``-bit) * Outputs: `out` (`bits.out`-bit) # TODO Some ideas for further developing the simulator. * Use JointJS elementTools for configuring/removing gates. * RAM/ROM import/export for Verilog format and Intel HEX. * Framebuffer element with character/bitmap display. * More editing capability: adding and removing blocks, modifying some of blocks' properties. * Undo-redo capability. * Saving and loading circuits, including layout and state. * Generic handling of negation for unary/binary gates (negation on inputs/outputs) for better clarity. * SVG export. * Verilog export. * Smartphone and tablet compatible UI. [digitaljs-logo]: docs/resources/digitaljs_textpath_right.svg


