
上传日期:2015-09-29 21:02:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  可链接编译时元编程,
(Chainable compile-time metaprogramming,)

LICENSE (1076, 2015-09-29)
dub.json (363, 2015-09-29)
source/ (0, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/ (0, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/attribute.d (2741, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/attributes.d (5818, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/d.d (1536, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/element.d (7443, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/helper.d (1144, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/overload.d (600, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/query.d (14223, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/tests/ (0, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/tests/regression.d (13021, 2015-09-29)
source/dquery/tests/validation.d (1067, 2015-09-29)

dquery - Chainable compile-time metaprogramming =============================================== dquery is a light helper for processing types, traits, and other information at compile time. It provides filtering, mapping, iteration, and validation functions for queried types and members. Example Code ------------ Here's a little demo class we're going to query in these examples. Assume the types for `@Id` and `@Column` are structs defined elsewhere. ```d class User { @Id @Column ulong id; @Column string username; @Column("email_address") string email; } ``` ### Queries The `query!()` template function produces a query for a type. This is the starting point for every dquery chain. ```d auto elements = query!User; ``` You can also query a type from a value via the `query()` function, shown here using UFCS. ```d User user = new User; auto elements = user.query; ``` ### Simple Filters dquery provides filters for the 5 common types of members defined in types; fields, functions, constructors, destructors, and aggregates. ```d // Filter fields in User. auto fields = query!User.fields; // Filter functions in User. auto functions = query!User.functions; // Filter constructors in User. auto constructors = query!User.constructors; // Filter destructors in User. auto destructors = query!User.destructors; // Filter inner types in User. auto aggregates = query!User.aggregates; ``` You also get a number of filters for common information about elements of a types, such as filters for names, types, return types, arity, parameter lists, etc. ``` query!Type // Filter only names, .names!("foo", "bar") // Filter types, .types!(int, string, bool) // Filter return types, .returns!(int, string, bool) // Filter accessible elements, .accessible // Filter arities, .arities!(0, 1, 2) // Filter functions that take (int, string, bool), .parameters!(int, string, bool) // Filter elements that have @A and @B and @C, .allOf!(A, B, C) // Filter elements that have @A or @B or @C, .anyOf!(A, B, C) // Filter elements that don't have @A or @B or @C, .noneOf!(A, B, C); ``` ### Simple Attribute Information Easily check for attributes on any type or element. ```d auto userQuery = query!User; // True if type User has @A and @B and @C. bool hasAll = userQuery.hasAllOf!(A, B, C); // True if type User has @A or @B or @C. bool hasAny = userQuery.hasAnyOf!(A, B, C); // True if type User has none of @A or @B or @C. bool hasNone = userQuery.hasNoneOf!(A, B, C); // Returns attributes attached to the User type. auto attributes = query!User.attributes; ``` ### Transformations dquery includes a `filter!()` for custom or advanced filtering in chains. ```d auto elements = query!User // Custom filter. .filter!(element => element.isTypeOf!string || element.hasAttribute!Id ); ``` dquery also includes a `map!()` transform function for transforming the result of a chain. ```d string[] names = query!User // Filter fields, .fields // That have @Id or @Column, .anyOf!(Id, Column) // Map to their names. .map!(field => field.name); ``` All dquery transform functions can take a function or delegate, or a template. ### Simple Validations dquery also provides simple functions to perform validations without breaking chains. ```d auto elements = query!User // Filter fields, .fields // That have @Id and @Column, .allOf!(Id, Column) // Ensure exactly 1 exists. .ensure!"length" .exactly!(1, "User needs exactly 1 @Id."); ``` ### Chaining Logic dquery focuses on chaining so that complex logic can be broken down into simple sequences like, ```d auto elements = query!User // Filter constructors, .constructors // With arity 0, .arity!(0) // Ensure at least 1 exists, .ensure!"length" .minimum!(1, "User needs a 0 argument constructor.") // Clear filters, .reset // Filter constructors, .constructors // That accept User, .parameters!(User) // Ensure none exist. .ensure!"length" .maximum!(0, "User must not define a copy constructor."); ``` ### Loops and Iteration Query results can be iterated over with a `foreach`. ```d foreach(element; elements) { static if(element.isTypeOf!string) { // Handle fields. } else { // Do something else. } } ``` You can also use the `each!()` template function to iterate over results without breaking a chain. ```d auto elements = query!User // Filter fields, .fields // That have @Id or @Column, .anyOf!(Id, Column) // Ensure at least 1 exists. .ensure!"length" .minimum!(1, "User needs at least 1 @Id or @Column.") // Do something for each, .each!( field => doSomething(field) ) // Keep going... .reset; ``` ### Joining Results Mutliple chains can be joined together to produce even more complex queries easily. ```d auto elements = query!User // Filter fields, .fields // That have @Id or @Column, .anyOf!(Id, Column) // And are a string, .types!string // Join with, .join( query!User // Filter functions, .functions // With both @Column and @Mappable, .allOf!(Column, Mappable) // And arity 0, .arity!0 // That return a string. .returns!string ); ``` You can also use a query's `unique` property to remove any duplicate elements. ### Attributes dquery also provides functions for handling attributes attached to queried types and elements. ```d // Iterate over the list of elements, foreach(element; elements) { // Iterate over each attribute that is a @Column, foreach(attribute; element.attributes!Column) { // Get value of attribute, or use a fallback if it's a type. Column column = attribute.getOrElse!(Column(element.name)); // . . . } } ``` In addition to `getOrElse!(Default)`, attributes provide a `get` method (defined only for expressions), and a `getOrThrow!(Exception)` which throws an exception at runtime if the attribute is not an expression. Limitations ----------- Because of how traits are setup in D, dquery can't operate on private or protected types, fields, or functions. Inaccessible members only provide limited information. License ------- MIT


