
上传日期:2023-04-04 09:52:15
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  浏览器中的电子电路模拟器,用于电阻抗断层成像(EIT)应用,
(Electronic circuit simulator in-browser, for Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) applications,)

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src/App.css (951, 2023-04-04)
src/App.js (4311, 2023-04-04)
src/App.test.js (1684, 2023-04-04)
src/Utils.js (6436, 2023-04-04)
src/components/ (0, 2023-04-04)
src/components/fileUploader.css (0, 2023-04-04)
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src/components/graphDisplay.css (74, 2023-04-04)
src/components/graphDisplay.js (7603, 2023-04-04)
src/index.css (366, 2023-04-04)
src/index.js (254, 2023-04-04)

# Electrical Impedance Tomography ![Deploy to Pages]( Access the app [here]( ![Electrical Impedance Tomography](/main_screenshot.png) This web app takes as input an image representing an electrically conductive medium. \ It solves for the voltage and current at every point of the medium, when two nodes are selected as the voltage source and the ground. \ For now, only the resistive nature of the medium is considered. (static domain simulations) ## Usage First, select the image you want to simulate. The image should be a black and white image, where black represents regions of high resistance and white represents regions of low resistance. \ You can use the image provided in the repository, or upload your own. \ The successively process the image (this converts the PNG to a pixel intensity matrix) \ Then, convert this pixel matrix into its electrical circuit representation. \ Finally, click solve and wait for the results. ## Future features -~~GPU Implementation of circuit solving~~ Already 15x speedup with fmgpu for 32x32 which now takes 1s to process, but 64x64 still takes 60s \ -Go through every ground/source node setting, animate the results \ -Use simulation results to attempt to reconstruct the original image \ -Future versions will simulate capacitive/reactive effects of the sliced medium. Time domain results will be shown


