
上传日期:2023-09-07 19:44:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个重新设计和重新开发的版本的无忧移动网站。该网站是用Adobe XD设计的,并用Astro JS Rea...开发的...,
(A redesigned and redeveloped version of the No Worries Moving website. The website was designed in Adobe XD and developed in Astro JS/React using the Tailwind framework for styling the components. A few things still need to be done, including the backend part of it for the form validations and database manipulation, and website deployment.)

.vscode/ (0, 2023-09-18)
.vscode/extensions.json (87, 2023-09-18)
.vscode/launch.json (207, 2023-09-18)
astro.config.mjs (457, 2023-09-18)
package-lock.json (292278, 2023-09-18)
package.json (1124, 2023-09-18)
public/ (0, 2023-09-18)
public/apple-touch-icon.png (8739, 2023-09-18)
public/favicon-16x16.png (979, 2023-09-18)
public/favicon-32x32.png (1443, 2023-09-18)
public/footer-btm-extra.svg (770, 2023-09-18)
public/footer-btm.svg (707, 2023-09-18)
public/hero-bg.jpg (135324, 2023-09-18)
public/logo.svg (35276, 2023-09-18)
public/not-found-bg.jpg (112130, 2023-09-18)
public/pricing-bg.svg (6031, 2023-09-18)
public/robots.txt (24, 2023-09-18)
public/services-bg.svg (80168, 2023-09-18)
public/testimonials-bg.jpg (171767, 2023-09-18)
src/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/UI/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/UI/Btn.astro (243, 2023-09-18)
src/components/UI/BtnOverall.astro (340, 2023-09-18)
src/components/UI/IconWrap.astro (402, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-us/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-us/Circles.astro (472, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-us/MissionWrapper.astro (811, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-us/OurMission.astro (1861, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-you/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/about-you/AboutYouForm.jsx (4509, 2023-09-18)
src/components/contact/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/contact/ContactForm.jsx (3472, 2023-09-18)
src/components/contact/OurInfo.astro (968, 2023-09-18)
src/components/customers/ (0, 2023-09-18)
src/components/customers/CustomerData.jsx (7604, 2023-09-18)
src/components/customers/CustomerInfo.jsx (1266, 2023-09-18)
src/components/free-boxes/ (0, 2023-09-18)
... ...

# Astro Starter Kit: Minimal ``` npm create astro@latest -- --template minimal ``` [![Open in StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/github/withastro/astro/tree/latest/examples/minimal) [![Open with CodeSandbox](https://assets.codesandbox.io/github/button-edit-lime.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/github/withastro/astro/tree/latest/examples/minimal) [![Open in GitHub Codespaces](https://github.com/codespaces/badge.svg)](https://codespaces.new/withastro/astro?devcontainer_path=.devcontainer/minimal/devcontainer.json) > **Seasoned astronaut?** Delete this file. Have fun! ## Project Structure Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files: ``` / ├── public/ ├── src/ │ └── pages/ │ └── index.astro └── package.json ``` Astro looks for `.astro` or `.md` files in the `src/pages/` directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name. There's nothing special about `src/components/`, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components. Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the `public/` directory. ## Commands All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal: | Command | Action | | :--------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | | `npm install` | Installs dependencies | | `npm run dev` | Starts local dev server at `localhost:3000` | | `npm run build` | Build your production site to `./dist/` | | `npm run preview` | Preview your build locally, before deploying | | `npm run astro ...` | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro check` | | `npm run astro --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI | ## Want to learn more? Feel free to check [our documentation](https://docs.astro.build) or jump into our [Discord server](https://astro.build/chat).


