
上传日期:2015-03-14 16:19:35
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个符合 Google Material Design 的 Android 校园新闻客户端,
(An Android campus news client conforming to Google Material Design,)

文件列表: (1071, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/.name (8, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/compiler.xml (711, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/copyright/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml (74, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/encodings.xml (166, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/gradle.xml (562, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/inspectionProfiles/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml (19885, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml (235, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/misc.xml (396, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/modules.xml (355, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/scopes/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml (139, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.idea/vcs.xml (166, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.navigation/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.navigation/app/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.navigation/app/raw/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/.navigation/app/raw/main.nvg.xml (3539, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/SUESNews.iml (828, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/app.iml (9491, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/build.gradle (2411, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ (0, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-Core-2.5.8.jar (144068, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-Email-2.5.8.jar (5419, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-Evernote-2.5.8.jar (32468, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-GooglePlus-2.5.8.jar (46108, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-QQ-2.5.8.jar (26355, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-QZone-2.5.8.jar (23717, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-ShortMessage-2.5.8.jar (6459, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-SinaWeibo-2.5.8.jar (27351, 2015-03-14)
SUESNews/app/libs/ShareSDK-Wechat-2.5.8.jar (4903, 2015-03-14)
... ...

腾飞新闻 ======== 一个符合 Google Material Design 的 Android 校园新闻客户端 ##效果图 ![Demo gif 1][1] ![Demo gif 2][2] ![Demo Screenshot 1][3] ![Demo Screenshot 2][4] ![Demo Screenshot 3][5] ![Demo Screenshot 4][6] ## 通过本项目你可以了解到 * 怎样使用不同的资源文件对不同版本的系统进行 **适配** * 怎样使用 **ORMLite** 进行数据库存储 * 怎样符合 **MaterialDesign** 的设计规范 * 怎样使用 **support-v4** 以及 **appcompat** 兼容包 * 怎样使用最新的 **RecyclerView** , **ToolBar** 以及 **CardView** * 怎样使用 **ViewPager** 以及 **fragment** 制作多页面滑动的效果 * 怎样通过制作自定义控件实现页面的 **滑动返回** 效果 * 怎样实现隐藏 ToolBar 以及其他的优美 **动效** * 怎样通过 **DrawerLayout** 实现侧滑菜单的效果 * 怎样进行网络内容的**异步加载**以及数据缓存 * 怎样使用 **Gradle** 轻松完成项目的构建 * 怎样使用 **PreferenceFragment** 方便地完成设置界面 * 怎样使用 **属性动画** ##下载 * 下载地址: ##更新记录 * V1.1.0-beta : 1.修复界面错乱的问题;2.修复“关于”页面返回键无法点击的问题;3.解决Android5.0上的各种问题 ##开发工具 * AndroidStudio * Gradle ##项目中用到的开源库 * [Ultra Pull To Refresh]( 下拉刷新组件 * [ORMLite]( 好用的ORM(对象关系映射)框架 * [Android System Bar Tint]( 为Android4.4以上系统的状态栏和导航栏填充颜色 * [Android PagerSlidingTabStrip]( Material Desig 风格的ViewPager导航条 ##关于作者 * lixu - ## License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 lixu Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. [1]: ./art/content.gif [2]: ./art/start.gif [3]: ./art/screenshot-1.png [4]: ./art/screenshot-2.png [5]: ./art/screenshot-3.png [6]: ./art/screenshot-4.png


