
上传日期:2023-09-08 07:01:54
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  FlowGen,,流量发生器,,

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Generate Flowcharts with AI (GPT-3.5)

![FlowGen Logo](https://github.com/akhil27styles/FlowGen/assets/52193850/212fc012-0faa-4988-847c-60a1116158a7) ## Overview FlowGen is a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of AI, specifically GPT-3.5, to automatically generate flowcharts. Whether you're diagramming a complex process or simplifying a concept, FlowGen streamlines the flowchart creation process. ## Output Examples ![Example 1](https://github.com/akhil27styles/FlowGen/assets/52193850/29807e47-c856-4e41-9a3f-9257fb0bbb31) ![Example 2](https://github.com/akhil27styles/FlowGen/assets/52193850/8dd7a6b9-841c-4fd6-b3de-bb397ea70351) ## Technologies Used - [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) - [Langchain](https://github.com/langchain) - [Mermaid](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) ## Requirements To use FlowGen, you need the following: 1. Node.js version >= 18 2. OpenAI API Key ## Key Features - Automatic syntax error detection and retry with a history of previous attempts. - User-friendly OpenAI API Key integration directly from the UI. - Share FlowCharts with ease. Feel free to contribute to the project and make it even more powerful! ## Getting Started 1. Clone this repository. 2. Install the required dependencies by running `npm install`. 3. Start the application with `npm start`. 4. Provide your OpenAI API Key when prompted. Happy flowcharting with FlowGen!


