
上传日期:2023-09-09 20:20:55
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  红石电路启发模拟器,
(Redstone circuits inspired simulator,)

build.zig (3154, 2023-12-28)
deserializer/ (0, 2023-12-28)
deserializer/serializer.zig (8706, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/ (0, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/counter.zig (1141, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/examples.zig (52, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/models/ (0, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/models/sandboxed.zig (875, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/models/sandboxed_noalloc.zig (679, 2023-12-28)
lib_sim/simulation.zig (489, 2023-12-28)
src/ (0, 2023-12-28)
src/Direction.zig (5788, 2023-12-28)
src/argsParser.zig (1093, 2023-12-28)
src/block.zig (3353, 2023-12-28)
src/comparator.zig (1093, 2023-12-28)
src/controler.zig (18076, 2023-12-28)
src/main.zig (14012, 2023-12-28)
src/negator.zig (1049, 2023-12-28)
src/power.zig (2041, 2023-12-28)
src/repeater.zig (11492, 2023-12-28)
src/simulation.zig (28276, 2023-12-28)

# Yellowstone A Minecraft's Redstone inspired simulation written in [zig]( ### Meta Note that `---` are optmized for [slides]( # How to run * Run: ```console zig build run ``` * Build (executable is `zig-out/bin/yellowstone`): ```console zig build ``` * Run all tests: ```console zig build test ``` ## Zig Caveats ### Zig Compiler Version Note that zig is not released yet. This project is being developed with the following `zig version`: ```console $ zig version 0.11.0 ``` See: ([downloads page]( --- # Using the Simulation ## Available blocks |Name|Char|Redstone Analog|Explanation|Extra info| |----|----|---------------|-----------|----------| |Empty|`' '`|"Air"|Empty space, does nothing|-| |Source|`'S'`|Redstone block|Distributes powers to adjacent tiles|-| |Wire|`'w'`|Redstone dust|Transport power to adjacent tiles|Always "broadcasts" power| |Block|`'B'`|Any Solid Block|Can be powered, limits power transportation|-| |LED|`'L'`|Redstone Lamp|Similar to Block, but render diffentently when on power|-| |Repeater|`'r'`|Repeater|Extends power transportation|Cannot be "locked"| |Comparator|`'c'`|Comparator|Lets power through if higher or equal than from the sides|Cannot pass power throught Block and LED| |Negator|`'n'`|Redstone Torch|Negates power|-| --- ## Terminal Rendering Each tile is rendered as a 3x3 text (ignoring tile boundaries). Some tiles examples: ```console +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | | | | x| |***| |o | ^ | | | S | w | w | B |***| r>| c | n | | |* |f |e |1 |***|1 1|6 |1 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ ``` > **Note:** > "All stars" is a turned on LED A general tile is organized in this way: ```console +---+ |ddc| |dbd| |pdm| +---+ ``` where: * `d`: is a direction (one of " x^>v **Note**: LED is represented differently > * when `b` is "L" and others are " ", it is turned off > * when `b` is "L" and others are "*", it is turned on > * when all are "*", it is turned on behaving as a Source --- # Interactive Controls |Char|Action| |----|------| |`' '`|step| |`'\r'`, `'\n'`|put selected block and step| |`'w'`|move cursor up| |`'s'`|move cursor down| |`'a'`|move cursor left| |`'d'`|move cursor right| |`'z'`|move cursor above| |`'x'`|move cursor below| |`'h'`|move camera left| |`'j'`|move camera down| |`'k'`|move camera up| |`'l'`|move camera right| |`'u'`|move camera above| |`'i'`|move camera below| |`'H'`|retract camera left| |`'J'`|expand camera down| |`'K'`|retract camera up| |`'L'`|expand camera right| |`'f'`|flip camera left-right| |`'F'`|flip camera up-down| |`'g'`|flip camera below-above| |`'n'`|select next block| |`'p'`|select prev block| |`'.'`|next rotate selected block| |`','`|prev rotate selected block| |`'q'`|exit program| > _Note:_ > There are unmaped Actions like: 'expand camera left'. > Maybe there will be some kind of config file to (re)map Actions. --- # About the Simulation ## It Is NOT Redstone Despite having some similarities with Redstone, there are a couple of things that doesn't make sense "to copy" from. Most of them are related to interactivity with a player. For example: - Buttons, Pressure plates, ... - Minecarts related things - Hopper - Storage stuff (things that Comparators might read) Besides that, the goal of this project is **NOT** to simulate Redstone. Also, there are some design decisions that I wouldn't like to give up on (they will be listed in the following H2 heading). --- ## Design Decisions Here goes some things that I'd not like to give up on. (The order is not relevant, numbers are for reference) ### (1) Axis/Position Invariance The ideia is that translating (moving), reflecting or rotating the entire circuit 90 degrees in an arbitrary axis (clock or counter-clock wise) should keep the circuits behavior, i.e, not break it. Other way of stating that is to say: "No axis is special and no position is special". In Minecraft the Z-axis is a special-one. There is an implicit notion of gravity, "things" ("non-block-like" blocks) have to be on top of a block (Redstone dust and repeaters, for example). Redstone signals have a hard time to go up or down, many circuits have to be redesigned to be in a vertical configuration. That may be a fun property for some, but adds (unecessary) complexity. I want the simulation to be "simple, yet powerfull". About translation, I'm unaware of Redstone being position sensitive. The _Update Order_ might say otherwise. A example is in _Mario Maker (2)_, the position `x = 9` makes things behave in a have a different way. [Reference video]( > _Note:_ **reflection** is not mentioned > (here is a good place to say something about it!) Also, it sounds like a "pretty property" for the simulation to have; it brings a notion of positional symmetry to the simulation. > _(Yes! At the end, the important stuff is beauty!)_ --- ### (2) Determinism If the starting circuit state (configuration) and sequence of inputs are the same, all the deriving states (including the last one) should be the same. Besides sounds frustrating to a circuit to work "sometimes" but not "othertimes", it is a useful property to have: * Not having this property sounds confusing * A replay feature can save memory by storing only the initial state and the sequence of inputs. * The simulation can be "screen casted" by sending inputs (a just like a live-replay!) * There should be other reasons (but I don't remember :P) For the record, I believe that Minecraft has this property (but without any strong evidence about it). Usually, if a simulation does not have it, it is either a intetional thing or someone messed something really hard. Also, just being deterministic is not enough, it has to look deterministic: I do not want to allow pseudo-random stuff. The ideia is that this simulation should be intuitive and simple. --- ### (3) No "Update Order" Complexity Update Order is the notion of a simulation step may lead to 2 or more different states based on "what happens first". If the Update Order is known before and clear enought, "we" can simulate the next state before stepping the simulation. Imagine the following grid, in a Redstone environment: ``` 12 34 ``` On tiles 1 and 4 there are pistons facing tile 2. On tile 3 there is a button that, when pressed, will power both pistons at the same time. Once the button is pressed, what will happen? The possibilities are: 1. Nothing (no piston will extend) 2. Only piston 1 will extend 3. Only piston 4 will extend 4. Both pistons will extend I imagine that it's unituitive for both pistons to remain retracted (1), despite being a reasonable rule. Both pistons extending (4), does not sound possible. How will 2 piston-heads occupy the same tile? Between (2) and (3), which piston will extend? Maybe it is the piston 1, because its "tile number" is "smaller". Maybe it is the piston 4, because it is to the "east" of the power source. There may be a totally deterministic rule to figure that out, but when we simulate it in ours heads, which will we use? It boils down to a question of _priority_. Which piston has higher priority? --- In a general case, I believe that priority rules might come from the following places: 1. Absolute position 2. Relative position (where did the power came from) 3. Kind/Type of block 4. Throw of a dice _Absolute position_ was the first idea, that would lead to piston 1 extending. It is a rule based on the "tile number" that the block is on. _Relative position_ was the next, where piston 4 would extend. It is a rule based on "time", which is faster, which will happen first. It is somehow connected to a notion of _chain reactions_. "Power supply travels first to east, then to west ..." kind of reasoning. _Kind/Type of block_ was not pictured in the example. The ideia is to say that a repeater "reacts faster" then a comparator, so the piston connected from a repeater will extend first, comparing to another piston connected from a comparator. A similar situation was if one of the pistons were a stiky piston instead (let's say piston 4), and this kind of piston is faster, such that piston 4 would be extended. _Throw of a dice_ relies on "randomness" to solve the priority question, that being actuall-real random or pseudo-random. Those rules most likely come from "implementation details" and are not immediately obvious to newcomers. Arguably this entire section could be erased, because they offend another design rule (namelly, 1,2 - Position Invariance, 4 - Determinism) (I'll not extend it for now, it is already really big), being the 3rd one (_Kind/Type of block_) the least offender. The main reason this decision is there is to ease the conflicting principles on how to introduce pistons, currently I have no ideia how to make it work. --- # Ideas for the future Here will be ideias that had some thought put into them. They might be implemented in the future, or might not with some reasoning behind. They are subdivided in: * Simulation: new features, blocks, interactions, ...; stuff related to the simulation itself. * Environment: "stack blocks", record/replay, run on smartphone, ...; user interaction outside of simulation itself. * Implementation: runs faster, less memory, more efficient, ...; changes here should not consern "normal users" besides performance (speed/memory) reasons. > _Note:_ for now the sections are empty. > There should be an explanation in the future. --- ## Simulation ### (No) Pistons/Sticky Pistons A thought on rules for how Pistons work. Or a "proof"/good argument saying that they aren't worth adding. ### Subtractor Block Something similar to comparator on subtract mode from Minecraft. --- ## Environment ### Copy and Paste (Stacking) Ability to select a rectangle/box then: * copy/paste/move it, * set all to same block * ... This should ease construction of circuits ### File format text and/or binary (Serialization/Deserialization) Especify a way (maybe two ways) of describing a state and inputs in a file. This allows to load/write a circuit and inputs from/to a file. Good things: * save circuit to disk * show examples (send them to other people) * a step towards record/replay * write tests ### Support to Other Plataforms Because the simulation is a separate thing, it could be "easily" ported to other plataforms, like: * Window/Graphics stuff (GUI) * [Wasm4]( * Smartphones * ... --- ### Config/(Re)map file format Have a config file to (re)map buttons (see `# Interactive Controls`) --- ## Implementation ### Event List hold unique positions ### Events to Empty block are not stored ### Cache machines' positions


