
上传日期:2023-09-08 00:11:44
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  函数编程工具箱,
(Functional programming toolbox,)

.dockerignore (21, 2023-07-27)
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# ToFu [![Build & Release](]( [![Maven Central](]( [![Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots) badge](]( [![Discord Chat](]( [![Zulip](]( [![Scala Steward badge](;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAA4AAAAQCAMAAAARSr4IAAAAVFBMVEUAAACHjojlOy5NWlrKzcYRKjGFjIbp293YycuLa3pYY2LSqql4f3pCUFTgSjNodYRmcXUsPD/NTTbjRS+2jomhgnzNc223cGvZS0HaSD0XLjbaSjElhIr+AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAHlJREFUCNdNyosOwyAIhWHAQS1Vt7a77/3fcxxdmv0xwmckutAR1nkm4ggbyEcg/wWmlGLDAA3oL50xi6fk5ffZ3E2E3QfZDCcCN2YtbEWZt+Drc6u6rlqv7Uk0LdKqqr5rk2UCRXOk0vmQKGfc94nOJyQjouF9H/wCc9gECEYfONoAAAAASUVORK5CYII=)]( **Functional programming toolkit aimed at taming the complexity of Tagless Final approach.** # Quick Start ## see [the docs on the microsite]( ## see the [examples in the `examples` directory]( To use the whole utils pack just add to your `build.sbt`: ```scala libraryDependencies += "tf.tofu" %% "tofu" % "latest version in badge" ``` Of course, you can also specify an exact list of `tofu` modules that you want to add to your dependencies (used in place of `"tofu"`): * `tofu-kernel` for core independent utils * `tofu-kernel-cats-mtl` for interop between `tofu-kernel` and [Cats MTL]( * `tofu-core-*` for core utils (replace suffix `*` with `ce2` or `ce3` depends on which cats-effect version you use) * `tofu-core-higher-kind` for higher kinded utils * `tofu-concurrent` for concurrent utils * `tofu-config` for config utils * `tofu-data` for data utils * `tofu-derivation` for derivation utils and [derevo]( annotations * `tofu-doobie` for [Doobie]( utils * `tofu-enums` for [Enumeratum]( utils * `tofu-env` for `Env` (a variation of a Reader Monad based on [Monix]( Task) * `tofu-fs2-interop` for interop with [fs2]( * `tofu-streams` for streaming utils * `tofu-logging` for the whole set of logging utils (derivation, layout, structured, util, interop) * `tofu-logging-derivation` for logging derivation only * `tofu-logging-layout` for logging layout only * `tofu-logging-structured` for logging structured only * `tofu-logging-util` for logging util only * `tofu-logging-refined` for interop between tofu-logging and [Refined]( * `tofu-logging-shapeless` for interop between tofu-logging and [Shapeless]( tag * `tofu-logging-log4cats` for interop with [Log4Cats]( * `tofu-memo` for caching utils * `tofu-observable` for `monix.reactive.Observable` utils * `tofu-zio-interop` for interop with [ZIO]( (core, logging) * `tofu-zio-core` for ZIO instances only * `tofu-zio-logging` for ZIO logging only # Adopters Proud user of ToFu? Feel free to [add your company!]( Raiffeisen Bank Russia Risk Management Solutions # Contributing Please note we use the following labels for automated release descriptions: * `chore` if your PR does not change any types and runtime semantics * `fix` if your PR merely fixes incorrect behavior ## Formatting We have an automated check for style conformance. You can run `sbt checkfmt` before PR. If you have any trouble during this check, just run `sbt fmt` and commit again. # Copyright Copyright the maintainers, 2019-2021 Logos made with love by [@impurepics](


