
上传日期:2023-09-12 15:23:08
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Flutter制作的以电影为中心的移动应用程序。,
(A movie centered mobile app made with Flutter.,)

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# MooviTime An open source movie centered mobile app made with Flutter. ## App preview

MooviTime dark theme MooviTime light theme

## Clean Architecture Defined as 3 layers, from outer to the inner one - Presentation (ui, bloc) - Domain (has no access to layer, usecases, mapped objects from layer, repository interfaces) - Data (implements domain's interfaces, mappers, network responses) Read more about Clean Architecture [here](https://medium.com/ruangguru/an-introduction-to-flutter-clean-architecture-ae00154001b0) and [here](https://devmuaz.medium.com/flutter-clean-architecture-series-part-1-d2d4c2e75c47) ## Build Android apk ``` flutter build apk ``` ## Build iOS ipa ``` flutter build ipa ``` ## How to run the app for the first time? 1. Install all packages/libraries `flutter packages pub get` 2. Build generated models `flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs` 3. Click play ## Flutter cmd helper methods Clean built models ``` flutter pub run build_runner clean ``` Run build runner ``` flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs ``` Analyze dependencies to find which ones can be upgraded ``` flutter pub outdated ``` Upgrade all dependencies ``` flutter pub upgrade --major-versions ``` Flutter clean ``` flutter clean ``` Flutter get packages ``` flutter packages pub get ``` ## API The base url is a movie database api https://www.themoviedb.org. ### Features - Movies (Now playing, Popular, Top rated, Coming soon, Genres) - TvShow (Airing today, On the air, Popular, Top rated) - People (Popular) - Search Movies, TV Shows, and People - Account (Favorites, Watchlists, Lists) ## Google Play Store MooviTime is now available on the [Google Play Store](#TODO). ## Cloning Clone the GitHub repository and open the project in `Android Studio` or `Visual Studio Code`. ``` $ https://github.com/rok5ek/flutter_moovi_time.git ``` ## License MooviTime is licensed via [Apache License v2.0](LICENSE). ## Author Rok Petek, https://www.linkedin.com/in/rok-petek-4673b459/


