
上传日期:2019-12-07 20:11:58
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  具有紧单位球的赋范向量空间是有限维的Lean证明,
(Lean proof that a normed vector space with compact unit ball is finite dimensional,)

compact_unit_ball-lean-3.4.2/ (0, 2019-12-07)
compact_unit_ball-lean-3.4.2/leanpkg.toml (213, 2019-12-07)
compact_unit_ball-lean-3.4.2/src/ (0, 2019-12-07)
compact_unit_ball-lean-3.4.2/src/compact_unit_ball.lean (12517, 2019-12-07)

# A Normed Vector Space over a Nondiscrete Normed Complete Field with Compact Closed Unit Ball is Finite Dimensional We give a proof of this theorem in lean using [mathlib]( This is the precise statement ```lean theorem compact_unit_ball_implies_finite_dim (Hcomp : compact (closed_ball 0 1 : set V)) : finite_dimensional k V ``` The mathematical proof we formalize goes like this: Let V be a normed vector space over k and assume its closed unit ball B is compact. Because the norm on k is nontrivial there exists x in k such that `0 < |x| < 1` Cover B with finitely many open balls of radius `r = |x|` with centers `a_1, ..., a_N`. It suffices to show show that any v in B is in the span of `a_1, ..., a_N`. So let v in B and define a sequence `u n` by `u 0 = v` and `u (n+1) = 1/x (u n - b_n)`, where `b_n` is of the `a_1, ..., a_N` such that `|u n - b_n| < r`. Then `v n = b 0 + x b 1 + ... + x^n b n` satisfies `|v n - v| < r^(n+1)` and hence `v n` converges to `v` and since the span of a finite set is closed over a complete field this implies that `v` is in the span of `a_1, ..., a_N`.


