
开发工具:Common Lisp
上传日期:2023-09-14 08:16:40
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ISLisp解释器编译器,
(ISLisp interpreter compiler,)

.lsp (251, 2023-11-24)
bench/ (0, 2023-11-24)
bench/boyer.lsp (14074, 2023-11-24)
bench/browse.lsp (4874, 2023-11-24)
bench/cpbench.lsp (913, 2023-11-24)
bench/ctak.lsp (590, 2023-11-24)
bench/dderiv.lsp (1967, 2023-11-24)
bench/deriv.lsp (1342, 2023-11-24)
bench/destru.lsp (2054, 2023-11-24)
bench/div2.lsp (1109, 2023-11-24)
bench/fft.lsp (4515, 2023-11-24)
bench/fib20.lsp (610, 2023-11-24)
bench/fprint.lsp (1392, 2023-11-24)
bench/fread.lsp (580, 2023-11-24)
bench/frpoly.lsp (6804, 2023-11-24)
bench/puzzle.lsp (4600, 2023-11-24)
bench/runbench.lsp (4369, 2023-11-24)
bench/stak.lsp (1484, 2023-11-24)
bench/tak.lsp (468, 2023-11-24)
bench/takl.lsp (754, 2023-11-24)
bench/takr.lsp (16793, 2023-11-24)
bench/tprint.lsp (1199, 2023-11-24)
bench/traverse.lsp (4932, 2023-11-24)
bench/triang.lsp (2372, 2023-11-24)
bignum.c (31706, 2023-11-24)
cell.c (28463, 2023-11-24)
cii/ (0, 2023-11-24)
cii/LICENSE (1132, 2023-11-24)
cii/custom.mk (7, 2023-11-24)
cii/examples/ (0, 2023-11-24)
cii/examples/basename.c (698, 2023-11-24)
... ...

# Easy-ISLisp Easy-ISLisp(EISL) is an interpreter and compiler compatible with the [ISLisp standard](https://minejima.jp/ISLispHyperDraft/islisp-v23.html). EISL was written by Kenichi Sasagawa https://qiita.com/sym_num/items/793adfe118514668e5b0 See [ISLisp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISLISP) YouTube [introduction of Easy-ISLisp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfrRyKMcTw8&t=330s) # Installation Change to the git cloned or downloaded Easy-ISLisp directory. - Type "sudo make install". - You can also supply a "PREFIX=$HOME" (or wherever) argument if you want. - For more advanced hacking on the interpreter itself, you can build a debug-mode executable by supplying a "DEBUG=1" argument to make, but this is unlikely to be needed by someone starting out. Update Easy-ISlisp - Type "sudo make clean". - Type "sudo make install". You may get an error that the curses.h file cannot be found when compiling EISL & Edlis. In this case, enter the following from the terminal ```sh sudo apt install libncurses-dev ``` Otherwise, support for `curses` can be disable with `WITHOUT_CURSES=1` in the `make` command. However, this will limit REPL support and will disable `edlis`. After version 1.4 Windows OS is not supported. Please use WSL on Windows. see [Visual Studio Code Remote Development Extension Pack](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack) We confirmed operation in the following environments. - Ubuntu 16.04 GCC 5.4 - Ubuntu 18.04 GCC 7.3 - Raspberry Pi3 Raspbian GCC 6.3 - Raspberry Pi3 Raspbian GCC 8.3.0 - Paspberry Pi400 - openSUSE Leap 42.3 GCC 4.8.5 - Debian GNU/Linux GCC 6.3 GCC 7.3 - Linux Mint GCC ver 5.4 - Linux Mint GCC ver9.3.0 - macOS 11.1 clang 12.0.0 - OpenBSD If you use Clang on MacOS, provide option to Clang compatible with GCC. If you want to use library files from anyplace other than the `PREFIX` argument (default */usr/local*), you should set the `EASY_ISLISP` enviroment variable to point to it. ### GNU Emacs support ISLisp-mode of Emacs is developed by Mr. sasanidas. Watch the video to see how to use it. https://vimeo.com/614514131 Repository URL: https://gitlab.com/sasanidas/islisp-mode # Invoke ```sh eisl ``` In the Linux version,the REPL is editable. If you do not want to use the editable REPL, invoke with the -r option. ```sh eisl -r ``` If you want to start after reading a file, use the -l command-line option. e.g. ```sh eisl -l foo.lsp ``` For other options, see `eisl -h`: ``` $ eisl -h List of options: -c -- EISL starts after reading compiler.lsp. -f -- EISL starts after reading formatter.lsp. -h -- display help. -l filename -- EISL starts after reading the file. -r -- EISL does not use editable REPL. -s filename -- EISL runs the file with script mode. -v -- dislplay version number. ``` You can also write ISLisp scripts, following the usual UNIX convention of pointing to the interpreter with the first line, e.g. ```lisp #!/Users/me/bin/eisl -s (format (standard-output) "Hello world~%") ``` # Quit In the REPL type (quit) or Esc+Q. In the non-editable REPL type (quit) or CTRL+D. # Introductory article Mr. Hiroi has published introductory articles about ISLisp. It's written in plain Japanese, so you can easily translate it into your native language with google translator. http://www.nct9.ne.jp/m_hiroi/clisp/islisp.html # Editable REPL Key bindings are as follows: | Key | Description | | ----------- | --------------------- | | ctrl+F or → | move right | | ctrl+B or ← | move left | | ctrl+P or ↑ | recall history older | | ctrl+N or ↓ | recall history newer | | ctrl+A | move to begin of line | | strl+E | move to end of line | | ctrl+J ctrl+M or return | insert end of line | | ctrl+H or back-space | backspace | | ctrl+D | delete one char | | ctrl+K | kill line from current positon | | ctrl+Y | yank killed line | | Esc Tab | completion | # Goal I hope that Lisp will become more popular. I hope many people enjoy it. EISL aims to be user-friendly. # Compiler EISL has a compiler. It generates C code that can be compiled using gcc or clang to object code. Invoke with the -c option, `eisl -c` or `(import "compiler")` in the REPL. Then you can ```lisp (compile-file "foo.lsp") (load "foo.o") ``` For example: ``` eisl -c Easy-ISLisp Ver1.6 > (compile-file "tests/tarai.lsp") type inference initialize pass1 pass2 compiling PACK compiling TARAI compiling FIB compiling FIB* compiling ACK compiling GFIB compiling TAK compiling LISTN compiling TAKL compiling CTAK compiling CTAK-AUX finalize invoke GCC T > (load "tests/tarai.o") T > (time (tarai 12 6 0)) Elapsed Time(second)=0.024106 > (time (ack 4 1)) Elapsed Time(second)=3.728262 > ``` # Invoke editor By default the `edit` function invokes the [Edlis](https://github.com/sasagawa888/Edlis) editor. But note that it respects the UNIX convention of the `VISUAL` and `EDITOR` environment variables, so if either of those is defined it will be used instead. (edit file-name-string) example (edit "foo.lsp") # WiringPi On paspberry PI, Eisl includes system function of WiringPi. ```lisp EISL <==================================> C (wiringpi-spi-setup ch speed) <===> wiringPiSPISetup (SPI_CH, SPI_SPEED) (wiringpi-setup-gpio ) <===> wiringPiSetupGpio() (pin-mode n 'output) <====> pinMode(n, OUTPUT) or 'input -> INPUT 'pwm-output -> PWM-OUTPUT (digital-write n v) <===> digitalWrite(n, v) (digital-write-byte v) <===> digitalWriteByte(value) (digital-read pin) <===> digitalRead(pin) (delay-seconds howlong) <===> void delay(unsigned int howLong) (delay-microseconds howlong) <===> void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int howLong) (pull-up-dn-control pin pud) <===> pullUpDnControl(pin,pud) (pwm-set-mode 'pwm-mode-ms) <===> pwmSetMode(PWM_MODE_MS); or 'pwm-mode-bal -> PWM_MODE_BAL (pwm-set-clock n) <===> pwmSetClock(n) (pwm-set-range n) <===> pwmSetRange(n) (pwm-write pin value) <===> pwmWrite(pin , value) ``` ### Examples. ```lisp ;;LED on/off (defglobal pin 5) (defglobal flag nil) (defun test (n) (cond ((null flag) (wiringpi-setup-gpio)(setq flag t))) (pin-mode pin 'output) (for ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((> i n) t) (digital-write pin 1) (delay-seconds 1) (digital-write pin 0) (delay-seconds 1))) ;;control servo moter. ;;SG90 Micro servo Digital 9g (defun setup () (cond ((null flag) (wiringpi-setup-gpio ) (setq flag t))) (pin-mode 18 'pwm-output) (pwm-set-mode 'pwm-mode-ms) (pwm-set-clock 400) (pwm-set-range 1024)) (defun test (n) (pwm-write 18 n)) ``` # Functions for debug - (trace fn1 fn2 ... fn) - (untrace fn1 fn2 ... fn) or (untrace) - (backtrace) - (break) - (macroexpand-1) # Extended functions | Function | Description | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | (atom x) | is x not cons? return T or NIL | | (eval x) | evaluate s-expression x | | (nconc x y) | append list x and list y destructively | | (random n) | random-integer from 0 to n | | (random-real) | random-float-number from 0 to 1 | | (set-random n) | set random seed to non-negative number n | | (gbc) | invoke garbage collection. | | (gbc t) | display message when invoke GC. | | (gbc nil) | not display message when invoke GC. | | (heapdump n) | display cell dump list from nth address | | (instance n) | display instance of nth address | | (defmodule name body) | see tests/module.lsp | | (import x) | import library. e.g. (import "compiler") | | (quit) | quit from interpreter | | (load filename) | load code from file e.g. (load "foo.lsp") | | (getenv var) | get environment-var e.g. (getenv "EASY_ISLISP")| | (line-argument n) | get nth argument from OS. n is zero base | | (line-argument) | get all arguments from OS. | | (print obj) | print obj to standard-stream | | (system cmd) | send bash command e.g. (system "ls") | | (funcp x) | is x user-defined-function? return T or NIL | | (subrp x) | is x subr? return T or NIL | | (macrop x) | is x macros? return T or NIL | | (fixnump x) | is x fixnum?(32bit) return T or NIL | | (longnump x) | is x longnum?(64bit) return T or NIL | | (bignump x) | is x bignum? return T or NIL | | (macroexpand-1 x) | macroexpand x only once | | (macroexpand-all x) | macroexpand x completely | | (pcall fun a1 .. an) | apply fun args with parallel. see PARA.md | | (pexec s1 ... sn) | progn with parallel. see PARA.md | | (plet forms body) | let with parallel. see PARA.md | | (plock s1 ... sn) | progn with mutex. see PARA.md |


