
上传日期:2023-09-16 13:56:14
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Next.js构建的NextGen影响力增强中心,探索影响力营销的未来!我们致力于革命...,
(Explore the future of influencer marketing with NextGen s Influencer Empowerment Hub, built with Next.js! We re committed to revolutionizing influencer marketing by offering advanced tools and strategies. Join us in reshaping the future of influencer marketing – your journey to success begins here! ???? #InfluencerMarketing #NextGen)

.eslintrc.json (165, 2023-09-28)
.husky/ (0, 2023-09-28)
.husky/pre-commit (957, 2023-09-28)
.prettierrc (87, 2023-09-28)
.vscode/ (0, 2023-09-28)
.vscode/setting.json (225, 2023-09-28)
next.config.js (94, 2023-09-28)
package-lock.json (351246, 2023-09-28)
package.json (1247, 2023-09-28)
postcss.config.js (83, 2023-09-28)
src/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/forgot-password/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/forgot-password/page.tsx (189, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/layout.tsx (904, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/login/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/login/page.tsx (153, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/register/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(auth)/register/page.tsx (165, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(dashboard)/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(dashboard)/home/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(dashboard)/home/page.tsx (151, 2023-09-28)
src/app/(dashboard)/layout.tsx (633, 2023-09-28)
src/components/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/Form/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/Form/ForgotPasswordForm.tsx (1715, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/Form/LoginForm.tsx (2020, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/Form/RegisterForm.tsx (2243, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/ForgotPassword/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/ForgotPassword/ForgotPassword.tsx (714, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/Login/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/Login/Login.tsx (961, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/Register/ (0, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Auth/General/Register/Register.tsx (519, 2023-09-28)
src/components/Main/ (0, 2023-09-28)
... ...

This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`]( ## Getting Started First, run the development server: ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. ## Learn More To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: - [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API. - [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial. You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome! ## Deploy on Vercel The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js. Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.


