
上传日期:2023-09-17 03:05:28
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  MOD10挑战面向对象编程挑战,
(MOD10 Challenge Object-oriented Programming Challenge,)

LICENSE (1072, 2023-09-17)
index.js (2966, 2023-09-17)
lib/ (0, 2023-09-17)
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lib/shapes.test.js (1304, 2023-09-17)
package-lock.json (155537, 2023-09-17)
package.json (5885, 2023-09-17)

# SVG-Logo-Maker MOD10 Challenge//Object-oriented Programming Challenge User Story AS a freelance web developer I WANT to generate a simple logo for my projects SO THAT I don't have to pay a graphic designer Acceptance Criteria GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input WHEN I am prompted for text THEN I can enter up to three characters WHEN I am prompted for the text color THEN I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number) WHEN I am prompted for a shape THEN I am presented with a list of shapes to choose from: circle, triangle, and square WHEN I am prompted for the shape's color THEN I can enter a color keyword (OR a hexadecimal number) WHEN I have entered input for all the prompts THEN an SVG file is created named `logo.svg` AND the output text "Generated logo.svg" is printed in the command line WHEN I open the `logo.svg` file in a browser THEN I am shown a 300x200 pixel image that matches the criteria I entered


