
上传日期:2021-08-09 17:03:00
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Sourcemod插件,用于在地狱中没有更多的空间,允许每个玩家翻译目标,
(Sourcemod plugin for No More Room in Hell that allows objectives to be translated on a per-player basis,)

LICENSE (35149, 2021-08-09)
gamedata/ (0, 2021-08-09)
gamedata/multilingual-objectives.games.txt (608, 2021-08-09)
plugins/ (0, 2021-08-09)
plugins/multilingual-objectives.smx (5748, 2021-08-09)
scripting/ (0, 2021-08-09)
scripting/multilingual-objectives.sp (4253, 2021-08-09)
translations/ (0, 2021-08-09)
translations/multilingual-objectives.phrases.txt (241, 2021-08-09)

# [NMRiH] Multilingual Objectives ### Important note If this is your first time trying to install this I'd urge you to use my other plugin [Map Translator](https://github.com/dysphie/sm-map-translator) instead. It provides support for a wider variety of messages and can auto-generate translation files for you. ### Description This plugin adds localization support for native objective messages. It differs from [\[NMRiH\]Multilingual Objective Beta 1.41]("https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2305894") in that it overrides the actual screen pop-up, rather than displaying additional game text. After you've included the translated text, players in your server will see objective descriptions in their preferred language. If a value for the preferred language does not exist, the original message will be shown. A client's language is determined by either the language that they have Steam set to, or any -language override on the game's launch options. ### Adding translations Each objective has a unique identifier associated with it, with the format "`map name` `objective name`". To translate an objective message into multiple languages, you must add its identifier to *translations/multilingual-objectives.phrases.txt* This is what the translation file might look like: ```c "Phrases" { "nmo_cabin objStart" { "fr" "Sors du grenier" "de" "Finde einen Weg, um aus dem Dachboden auszubrechen!" "nl" "Ontsnap van de zolder" // You can also override the default English message "en" "Hello world" } } ``` [List of country codes]("https://www.iban.com/country-codes"). You can get a list of all objective names for a map using the `dump_objectives` console command and looking at the second argument: ``` ] sv_cheats 1; dump_objectives 24: objStart - Break out of the attic. 21: ObjA - Find keys to unlock door. 25: ObjC - Family is the answer, find the secret book. 23: ObjB - Break planks to proceed. 26: ObjD - Release stair gate. 33: ObjI - Find the car battery, power up the generator and call for help! 30: ObjE - Blast through cabin wall. ``` Admins can also use the helper command `sm_oid` to fetch the translation phrase for the current objective. ``` Admin: /oid Current objective: nmo_cabin objStart ``` ### ConVars * **sm_translate_objectives** (1/0) (Default: 1) * Toggle the translation of objective messages.


