
上传日期:2023-09-19 16:09:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该GitHub存储库展示了一个机器学习项目,重点是使用随机森林回归模型将鸢尾花分类为三个物种。该项目包括数据清理、可视化、超参数调整和模型评估,结果是令人印象深刻的97.77%的准确性。
(This GitHub repository showcases a machine learning project focused on classifying Iris flowers into three species using a Random Forest Regressor model. The project includes data cleaning, visualization, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation, resulting in an impressive 97.77% accuracy.)

# Project Title: Iris Dataset Classification using Random Forest Regressor ## Overview This project aims to perform classification on the famous Iris dataset using a Random Forest Regressor machine learning model. The goal is to achieve high accuracy in classifying iris flowers into three different species based on their features: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. ## Dataset The Iris dataset used in this project is a well-known dataset available in scikit-learn. It contains 150 samples of iris flowers, each from one of three species: Setosa, Versicolor, and Virginica. The dataset comprises four features (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width) and their corresponding target labels. ## Project Steps ##Data Cleaning: + Checked for missing values: Ensured that there were no missing values in the dataset. + Removed duplicates: Checked for and removed any duplicate records in the dataset. + Validated data integrity: Examined the dataset for any erroneous or unrealistic values and corrected them as needed. ## Data Visualization: + Performed initial data visualization to gain insights into the dataset. + Visualized the distribution of the different iris species using histograms, scatter plots, and other relevant plots. + Explored the correlations between features using correlation matrices and pair plots. ## Model Selection: Chose Random Forest Regressor as the classification model for this project due to its effectiveness in handling complex datasets and its ability to provide feature importance scores. Hyperparameter Tuning: + Employed hyperparameter tuning techniques to optimize the performance of the Random Forest Regressor model. + Used Randomized Search Cross-Validation (RandomizedSearchCV) to search for the best combination of hyperparameters. ## Model Training and Evaluation: + Split the dataset into training and testing sets. + Trained the Random Forest Regressor model on the training data. + Evaluated the model's performance using various metrics, with a primary focus on accuracy. + Achieved a remarkable accuracy of 97.77%. ## Repository Structure The project repository is organized as follows: ## Data: Contains the Iris dataset used in the project. Notebooks: Jupyter notebooks used for data cleaning, data visualization, model training, and hyperparameter tuning. Scripts: Python scripts for specific functions or utility functions used in the project. Models: Saved trained Random Forest Regressor model(s). Results: Contains project results, including evaluation metrics and visualizations. This README file, providing an overview of the project and its components. Dependencies To run this project, you'll need the following Python libraries: + NumPy + Pandas + Matplotlib + Seaborn + Scikit-Learn


