
上传日期:2023-09-22 17:52:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  电影预订网络编程,,
(FilmBooking WebProgramming,,)

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# FilmBooking Project This project is a film booking system developed using Java, Servlet, and JSP. This project demonstrates the use of various technologies in creating a functional film booking system. It provides a good foundation for anyone looking to understand how to use Java, Servlet, and JSP in web development. ## Table of contents - ***[Getting Started](*** - [Prerequisites]( - [Clone this project]( - [Run this project]( - ***[Features](*** - ***[Technologies Used](*** - ***[Configure Tomcat 10 in IntelliJ IDEA](*** ## Getting Started - ##### Prerequisites: - Java 8 - Maven - Postgres SQL - Tomcat 10 - ##### Clone this project: - If you have no git already installed on your device, just download **zip** file and extract it. - If you have installed git, then follow these commands below: ```bash git clone ``` ```bash cd FilmBooking-WebProgramming ``` - In this project, we use IntelliJ IDEA to develop. You can use any IDE that you want. With IntelliJ IDEA, we can prompt `idea64 .` to open this project. - ##### Run this project: - Create database: you can create a database with sql file in the folder **sql**. The DBMS that we used is Postgres SQL. - Change the database information in the file ```src/main/resources/properties/```. - Configure Tomcat 10 in IntelliJ IDEA: You can follow [here]( to configure Tomcat 10 in IntelliJ IDEA. - Run the project: You can run the project by clicking on the **Run** button in IntelliJ IDEA or you can press `Shift + F10`. ## Features - **Book Film**: Allows users to book their desired films. - **Login/Logout**: Manages user sessions. - **Admin Management**: Provides administrative functions such as managing films, showtimes, and rooms. ## Technologies Used - **Java**: The main programming language used for developing the application. - **Servlet**: Used for extending the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed using a request-response model. - **JSP (JavaServer Pages)**: Used for creating dynamic web content. ## Configure Tomcat 10 in IntelliJ IDEA - Click on the **Run** menu and select **Edit Configurations...**. - Click on the **+** button and select **Tomcat Server** -> **Local** (or you can press `Alt + Enter`). - In the **Server** tab, click on the **Configure...** button. - In the dialog that opens, click on the **+** button and find the Tomcat 10 folder then press `OK`. - Now in the **Run/Debug Configurations** dialog, you select the **Deployment** tab and click on the **+** button. - Select **Artifact...** -> **FilmBooking:war-exploded** then press `OK`. - (Optional) You can change the **Application context** to `/`. - Press `OK` to save the configuration. © 2023 by **Nguyen Phuong Nha** and **Doan Quoc Dang**. This project is licensed under the **MIT License**.


