jpeg svg tiff ppm psd 

上传日期:2006-04-11 14:36:56
上 传 者jetlan
说明:  Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF,PCD, PSD, RAS.
(Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap r Aster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG res ults using Apache Safari. Input formats are JPEG , PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, RAS.)

delineate (0, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5 (0, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\build.xml (3212, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\delineate.bat (127, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\delineate.jar (106767, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\ (127, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\img (0, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\img\delineate-icon.png (1516, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\img\talk.bmp (328770, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\img\walk.bmp (334590, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\img\walk.svg (29119, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\INSTALL.txt (2380, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib (0, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-awt-util.jar (351973, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-bridge.jar (239230, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-css.jar (219964, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-dom.jar (78692, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-ext.jar (76717, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-extension.jar (44639, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-gui-util.jar (134781, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-gvt.jar (142620, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-parser.jar (34795, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-script.jar (30314, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-svg-dom.jar (375680, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-swing.jar (125501, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-util.jar (76194, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\batik-xml.jar (19875, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\jiu.jar (442666, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.batik-1-5.txt (2605, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.dom-documentation.txt (4002, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.dom-software.txt (3526, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.jiu.txt (18009, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.sax.txt (786, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.xerces_2_3_0.txt (2754, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\LICENSE.xml-apis.txt (286, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\xerces_2_3_0.jar (885362, 2003-12-28)
delineate\0.5\lib\xml-apis.jar (107431, 2003-12-28)
... ...

D E L I N E A T E - R A S T E R T 0 S V G C O N V E R T E R What is it? ----------- Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, RAS. Delineate is distributed under the GNU General Public License, see LICENSE.txt For more information about Delineate, see Installing ---------- To install, see INSTALL.txt Change Log ---------- 0.4.2 to 0.5 - Users can now choose to do the conversion to SVG with potrace or AutoTrace. potrace produces superior black and white SVG results compared to AutoTrace. - Increased number of supported raster input formats by using Java Imaging Utilities (JIU). Now supports the following input formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, RAS. - User prompted to select the location of the autotrace or potrace application file when running a conversion for the first time. (In earlier releases an environment variable needed to be set). 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 - Fixed bug that occurred when running group by color optimization in Windows. 0.4 to 0.4.1 - No longer use style attribute in output SVG, now use separate fill and stroke attributes. - Reload image after doing group by color optimization. Sometimes this optimization results in the color layers being in the wrong sequence on the image, obscuring some image details. 0.3.1 to 0.4 - Now offer a choice of three SVG path grouping options: - No groups: Don't place paths in group elements. Each path element has its own style attribute. - Group by color: Place paths in group elements based on color. Use with color count setting to reduce file size. - One group: Place all paths in one group element that defines styles common to all paths. - Removed the create SVG style definitions option, because Mozilla and Sodipodi don't handle style definitions well. Use the group by color option instead. - Show wait cursor when conversion is running. - Fixed bug with result file being lost when output file setting is changed. 0.3 to 0.3.1 - Fixed bugs related to filenames that have spaces in them. - Now conversion runs properly when filenames have spaces in them. - Loading of conversion settings doesn't cause 100% cpu infinite loop. - Fixed bug that occurred when new result was significantly smaller in size than the previous result. 0.2 to 0.3 - Improved handling of background colour settings: - Background colour button now brings up a colour palette displaying colours contained in the last SVG result. - If background colour setting is on, Delineate now adds a rect element to SVG produced by AutoTrace, in order to set the specified background colour on the image. - A background colour history is available via a combo box list. - Reduced output file sizes, through modification of SVG generated by AutoTrace: - Use single 'g' element to set stroke=none for all paths. - Use 'fill' attribute instead of 'style' attribute in paths. - Remove the last unneeded "line to" command in each path. For example SVG from AutoTrace like this: Is converted by Delineate to this: - Optionally SVG style definitions can be created in the result SVG. This may reduce file size further when there are many paths and a limited number of colours. For example, if create styles is turned on, Delineate would change the above SVG to: - Split panes now allow the previous result view and/or the settings panel to be hidden. - Can see the number of paths in result SVG, next to the file size in the status bars. - Put 'zoom in' action onto the popup menu, it was meant to be there in the last release. - Fixed bug that occurred when trying to convert when a view source window was open. - Now close view source windows when a new conversion is performed. - Display warning dialog if trying to convert when autotrace is not installed. 0.1 to 0.2 - Key bindings and popup menu for zoom, scroll, reset and view source actions. - Ability to save, load and delete settings configurations. - Status bar for each of the two SVG result panels. - File sizes are displayed. - File browser dialog for input and output file selection. - Colour chooser dialog for background colour selection.


