
上传日期:2023-09-22 01:14:29
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  小马音乐维基,,
(ponymusic wiki,,)

package-lock.json (124677, 2023-12-03)
package.json (1078, 2023-12-03)
public/ (0, 2023-12-03)
public/avatar.svg (5882, 2023-12-03)
public/discord.png (5751, 2023-12-03)
public/filter.svg (3286, 2023-12-03)
public/filterActive.svg (3289, 2023-12-03)
public/global.css (1075, 2023-12-03)
public/index.html (397, 2023-12-03)
public/later.png (2220, 2023-12-03)
public/menu.png (174, 2023-12-03)
public/notes.png (1169, 2023-12-03)
public/random.svg (1507, 2023-12-03)
public/rest.png (2124, 2023-12-03)
public/search-icon.svg (2729, 2023-12-03)
rollup.config.js (1859, 2023-12-03)
server.js (34964, 2023-12-03)
server/ (0, 2023-12-03)
server/auth.js (2902, 2023-12-03)
server/conversion.js (3368, 2023-12-03)
server/helpers.js (4196, 2023-12-03)
server/import.js (6938, 2023-12-03)
server/loader.js (914, 2023-12-03)
server/loaderLib.js (4870, 2023-12-03)
server/semaphore.js (600, 2023-12-03)
server/tables.sql (2370, 2023-12-03)
server/update titlecache column.sql (322, 2023-12-03)
server/useful queries.sql (759, 2023-12-03)
src/ (0, 2023-12-03)
src/AlbumImport.svelte (3835, 2023-12-03)
src/AlbumImportTrack.svelte (3065, 2023-12-03)
src/App.svelte (11211, 2023-12-03)
src/CircleSpinner.svelte (1448, 2023-12-03)
src/EditList.svelte (1729, 2023-12-03)
src/FilterButton.svelte (540, 2023-12-03)
src/FilterPopup.svelte (10665, 2023-12-03)
src/Grid.svelte (6916, 2023-12-03)
src/ImportTools.svelte (4973, 2023-12-03)
... ...

Pony Music Wiki ===================== This is some code to try to create a wiki-like database to keep track of music within the MLP fandom. It's basically a glorified spreadsheet that anypony can edit. Setup ============== Postgresql ------------------- The project uses [postgresql](https://www.postgresql.org/) as its server. Make sure to install it prior to setup. You will need to put the following information in an .env file in the same directory as server.js ``` PORT=80 # Database PGHOST= PGPORT= PGDATABASE=ponymusic PGUSER= PGPASSWORD= ``` On a local instance, there is no need to have OAuth2 authentication, however, a valid session is still needed. A test user and session can be created by running the following SQL on your database instance ``` INSERT INTO users (id, name, role) VALUES('1', 'System', 2); INSERT INTO sessions (session, user_id, expire_time) VALUES ('1', '1', NOW() + interval '1 year'); ``` Running from source ---------------------- ```bash npm install npm run dev ``` Allowing ---------------- If you want to allow anyone to have readonly access to the POSTGRES daetabase, consider adding a user like octavia. SQL: ``` CREATE ROLE octavia WITH LOGIN NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE NOREPLICATION VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ponymusic TO octavia; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO octavia; GRANT SELECT ON tracks, track_tags, track_tags_metadata TO octavia; ``` In postgresql.conf: In pg_hba.conf: ``` host ponymusic octavia trust ``` Sidenotes =============== This code is based off of a a project template for [Svelte](https://svelte.dev) apps. It lives at https://github.com/sveltejs/template. To create a new project based on this template using [degit](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit): ```bash npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app cd svelte-app ```


