上传日期:2023-09-23 18:07:50
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说明:  此存储库是您探索不同编程语言中的面向对象编程(OOP)概念的一站式资源。,
(This repository is your one-stop resource for exploring Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in different programming languages.,)

C++/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Abstract/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Abstract/Abstract.cpp (2818, 2023-10-07)
C++/AccessModifier/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/AccessModifier/PrivateAccessModifier.cpp (880, 2023-10-07)
C++/AccessModifier/ProtectedAccessModifier.cpp (1113, 2023-10-07)
C++/AccessModifier/PublicAccessModifier.cpp (634, 2023-10-07)
C++/Classes/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Classes/Class.cpp (991, 2023-10-07)
C++/ConstructorOverloading/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/ConstructorOverloading/ConstructorOverloading.cpp (2560, 2023-10-07)
C++/Constructors/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Constructors/Constructor.cpp (1943, 2023-10-07)
C++/Constructors/CopyConstructor.cpp (1343, 2023-10-07)
C++/Constructors/DefaultConstructor.cpp (699, 2023-10-07)
C++/Constructors/ParameterizedConstructor.cpp (798, 2023-10-07)
C++/Destructors/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Destructors/Destructor.cpp (1369, 2023-10-07)
C++/Destructors/VirtualDestructor/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Destructors/VirtualDestructor/VirtualDestructor.cpp (1168, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendClass/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendClass/FriendClass.cpp (1487, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendFun/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendFun/FriendFunMultiple.cpp (1082, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendFun/GlobalFriendFun.cpp (1573, 2023-10-07)
C++/FriendFunctionAndClass/FriendFun/MemberFriendFun.cpp (2144, 2023-10-07)
C++/Inheritence/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Inheritence/ConstructorInheritence/ (0, 2023-10-07)
C++/Inheritence/ConstructorInheritence/ConstructorInheritence.cpp (1404, 2023-10-07)
... ...

# OOPs This repository is your one-stop resource for exploring Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in different programming languages. ![OOPs](https://github.com/dev-madhurendra/OOPs/assets/68775519/89bfad58-2511-433c-b29e-667ce56cf6be)
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Before contributing to this repository, make sure to read our [Contribution Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). Our maintainers will guide you through how to make your contribution properly if you make any mistakes. The names of the maintainers of this repository are listed in the [CODEOWNERS file](.github/CODEOWNERS). You can find a list of the language oops concepts currently in the repository in the [directory](DIRECTORY.md). Explanations of many of the algorithms can be found in the [wiki][explanation]. ## One Concept per PR We follow a strict guideline in this project: **One Concept per Pull Request (PR)**. When contributing code or changes, please ensure that each PR focuses on a single concept, feature, or bug fix. This guideline helps maintain code clarity, simplifies code reviews, and ensures that each PR is well-contained and easy to understand. It also allows for more straightforward testing and troubleshooting. When creating a PR, make sure to: - Clearly describe the concept, feature, or fix addressed by the PR. - Avoid bundling unrelated changes in a single PR. - Keep the scope of the PR limited to the chosen concept. By following this guideline, we can maintain a clean and organized codebase that is easier to maintain and collaborate on. ## Branch Naming Convention In this project, we follow a specific branch naming convention to organize code related to different programming languages and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Branch names should follow the format: - `[DirName]`: The name of the directory or programming language you are working with. For example, `Java`, `Cpp`, `Python`, etc. - `[Oops-Concept]`: The specific OOP concept you are exploring or implementing. For example, `Inheritance`, `Polymorphism`, `Encapsulation`, etc. Here are some examples of valid branch names: - `Java_Multiple-Inheritance` - `Cpp_Class` - `Python_Polymorphism` By following this naming convention, it becomes easier to track and manage branches related to different programming languages and OOP concepts within the project. ## Thanks to all the contributors

devmadhurendra dev-madhurendra dev.madhurendra dev.madhurendra https://discord.gg/bUHuNRq7

[chat]: https://img.shields.io/discord/808045925556682782.svg?logo=discord&colorB=7289DA [discord-server]: https://discord.gg/bUHuNRq7


