
上传日期:2023-05-12 18:03:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  新蜂鸟iOS和Android应用程序的HTML JS网站组件。允许使用Snap对蜂鸟进行编程-像int...,
(The HTML/JS website component of the new Hummingbird iOS and Android apps. Allows the Hummingbird to be programmed using a Snap!-like interface.)

.idea/ (0, 2022-10-27)
.idea/Git.iml (363, 2022-10-27)
.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml (281, 2022-10-27)
.idea/dictionaries/ (0, 2022-10-27)
.idea/dictionaries/Tom.xml (550, 2022-10-27)
.idea/inspectionProfiles/ (0, 2022-10-27)
.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml (377, 2022-10-27)
.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml (187, 2022-10-27)
.idea/markdown-navigator.xml (4167, 2022-10-27)
.idea/markdown-navigator/ (0, 2022-10-27)
.idea/markdown-navigator/profiles_settings.xml (104, 2022-10-27)
.idea/misc.xml (289, 2022-10-27)
.idea/modules.xml (258, 2022-10-27)
.idea/vcs.xml (180, 2022-10-27)
.idea/watcherTasks.xml (139, 2022-10-27)
.idea/workspace.xml (151582, 2022-10-27)
AppIcon.png (4594, 2022-10-27)
Block/ (0, 2022-10-27)
Block/Block.js (58501, 2022-10-27)
Block/CommandBlock.js (822, 2022-10-27)
Block/DoubleLoopBlock.js (772, 2022-10-27)
Block/HatBlock.js (615, 2022-10-27)
Block/LoopBlock.js (823, 2022-10-27)
Block/PredicateBlock.js (571, 2022-10-27)
Block/ReporterBlock.js (799, 2022-10-27)
BlockContainers/ (0, 2022-10-27)
BlockContainers/BlockStack.js (28890, 2022-10-27)
BlockContainers/DisplayStack.js (7590, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/ (0, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_control.js (22410, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_deviceWithMicrobit.js (18148, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_deviceWithPorts.js (11630, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_fbColor.js (9686, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_fbMotion.js (12972, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_fbSound.js (4664, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_finch.js (19887, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_flutter.js (5844, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_hummingbird.js (5229, 2022-10-27)
BlockDefsAndList/BlockDefs_hummingbirdbit.js (6513, 2022-10-27)
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# BirdBlox 1. [Overview (for backend developers)]( 2. [Request list]( 3. [Overview (for frontend developers)]( 4. [BirdBlox translations]( ## Overview (for backend developers) This is the code for the BirdBlox JavaScript frontend. It is responsible for handling all the UI, block execution, etc. for the BirdBlox application. It is designed to run inside of a containing application (iOS or Android apps, for example). Anything the js code can't do by itself (issuing bluetooth commands, showing dialogs, saving files) is passed on to the containing application (backend) in the form of get/post requests. To ensure the backend always has an updated version of the frontend, clone the frontend's git repo into the backend and to a pull when changes are made. For debugging purposes, you can also set the frontend to be automatically downloaded from git on launch, but this is not used in the release version. The responsibilities of the backend are the following: * Display the HTML/JS frontend in some sort of webview that the user can interact with. * Connect to and communicate with bluetooth-enabled robots. * Provide sensor information (accelerometers, etc.) from the device to the frontend when requested. * Display dialogs when requested. * Play sounds when requested. * Save, open, and delete files to app storage. * Track which file is currently open. * Record sounds to the currently open file * Export/import files to/from other applications on the device. * Save/access key-value pairs used to store settings. The frontend uses GET/POST requests to send messages to the backend. GET requests are normally used, but POST requests are used for saving files. HTTP response codes are used to signal errors. Unless otherwise specified, any 200-type code can be used to signal success and any 400 or 500 code can signal an error. The backend sends messages to the frontend by directly calling a frontend function in `CallbackManager.js`. These functions return a boolean that is `true` if the request succeeded and `false` if the request is malformed. This is for debugging purposes only, so there is no need to check for and handle the `false` case. On iOS, we have switched to a more direct method of communication (instead of GET/POST), where the JS calls swift functions to send messages. It directly calls the function `window.webkit.messageHandlers.serverSubstitute.postMessage`, passing a JSON object containing the data that would normally be transferred using HTTP. This enabled us to remove the server from the iOS backend. ## Request list * [Bluetooth scanning]( * [Robot blocks]( * [Tablet sensors]( * [Dialogs]( * [Settings]( * [File management]( * [Cloud storage]( * [Sounds]( * [Error logging]( * [Miscellaneous]( ### Bluetooth scanning The backend and frontend communicate about specific Bluetooth robots using the robots' ids. On Android, Mac Addresses are used as ids while iOS provides its own unique Bluetooth ids. All requests mentioning a specific robot will have an `id=[device_id]` parameter. The frontend will initialize bluetooth scans using the `robot/startDiscover` request. These scans last for a reasonable amount of time as to not drain the battery. The backend then calls `CallbackManager.robot.discovered` with the list of discovered devices every time a new device is found. The frontend will call `robot/stopDiscover` to request that a scan be ended. If the scan times out before `stopDiscover` is called, the backend calls `CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut`, and the frontend might restart the scan. In any other case that a scan stops (including when the frontend calls `robot/stopDiscover`), `CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover` is called. #### /robot/startDiscover Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/startDiscover?type=[robotType] Example request: http://localhost:22179/robot/startDiscover?type=hummingbird When received, the backend begins a scan of unpaired devices of the specified type. If it is currently scanning for a different type of device, that scan is stopped and results are cleared. If a scan of the specified type is already occurring, no action is taken. #### /robot/stopDiscover Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/stopDiscover Stops the current scan if any. #### CallbackManager.robot.discovered Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.discovered(robotTypeId: string, robotList: string) -> boolean robotList - A percent encoded JSON array of objects, each containing name and id fields Example call: CallbackManager.robot.discovered("flutter", encoded); where encoded is '[{"id":"my_id","name":"my_name"}]' percent encoded Called any time a new device is discovered during a scan #### CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut(robotTypeId: string) -> boolean Example call: CallbackManager.robot.discoverTimeOut("hummingbird"); Tells the frontend that the discover timed out so the frontend has a chance to start the discover again. #### CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover(robotTypeId: string) -> boolean Example call: CallbackManager.robot.stopDiscover("hummingbird"); Tells the frontend that the discover stopped so the frontend has a chance to start the discover again. Called any time a scan stops unless it timed out. ### Robot connection/disconnection The frontend will tell the backend when to connect to or disconnect from a robot using the `/robot/connect` and `robot/disconnect` requests. The backend maintains a list of devices the frontend wants to connect to, and devices are instantaneously added or removed from that list as the frontend requests. The frontend has a similar list (visible to the user in the ConnectMultipleDialog) and it is important that these lists on the frontend and backend are always in sync. One the backend adds a device to this list (which we'll call the **connection list**), it attempts to connect to the device itself (asynchronously). The backend then calls `CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus` with `isConnected = true` when the device does connect and makes the same call with `isConnected = false` if the device ever unexpectedly disconnects. However, no devices should be removed from the connection list without the frontend's knowledge. If the frontend disconnects from a robot, it is removed from the connection list and treated as if it is disconnected while the actual disconnection occurs asynchronously. On connection to the robot, the backend checks the firmware version. If the firmware is out of date but still compatible with the app it calls `CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus`. If the firmware is incompatible, it calls `CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible` and immediately removes the robot from the connection list. This is the only time where the backend removes something from the list without the frontend making a request. #### /robot/connect Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/connect?id=[robotId]&type=[robotType] Example request: http://localhost:22179/robot/connect?id=SomeMacAddress&type=flutter Tells the backend to connect to a device. If the device is on the devices found during the last scan, the backend adds it to the connection list and tries to connect to it. Otherwise it returns a 404. #### /robot/disconnect Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/disconnect?id=[robotId]&type=[robotType] Example request: http://localhost:22179/robot/disconnect?id=SomeMacAddress&type=flutter Tells the backend to disconnect from a device. If the device is on the connection list, it removes it from the list and tries to disconnect from it. Otherwise, it returns a 404. #### CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus(robotId: string, isConnected: boolean) -> boolean isConnected - Whether the backend is able to communicate with the robot Example call: CallbackManager.robot.updateStatus("myrobotid", true); Tells the frontend whether a given robot is in good communication with the backend. When the robot is first connected, the fronted assumes isConnected is false. This function should be called with `isConnected = true` as soon as the robot connects, and with `isConnected = false` if it subsequently unexpectedly disconnects. #### CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus(robotId: string, status: string) -> boolean status - ["upToDate"|"old"|"incompatible"] Example call: CallbackManager.robot.updateFirmwareStatus("myrobotid", "old"); Tells the frontend the status of the robot's firmware. Frontend initially assumes firmware is up to date, so the function should be called with `status = "old"` if the backend discovers that the firmware is old but compatible. If the backend finds the firmware to be incompatible, `CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible` should be used instead. #### CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible(robotId: string, oldFirmware: string, minFirmware: string) -> boolean oldFirmware - percent encoded version of firmware that was on the robot minFirmware - percent encoded minimum version of firmware the backend requires Example call: CallbackManager.robot.disconnectIncompatible("myrobotid", "1.3", "2.0"); Tells the frontend that a robot has been removed from the connection list because its firmware was incompatible. The frontend will then remove the device from its own connection list and notify the user of the incompatible firmware, providing an option to view instructions to update the firmware. #### /robot/showUpdateInstructions Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/showUpdateInstructions?type=[robotTypeId] Example request: http://localhost:22179/robot/showUpdateInstructions?type=hummingbird When received, the backend redirects the user to a website containing instructions to update the firmware of their device. The website may depend on the type of robot. Currently this website is #### /robot/showInfo Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/showFirmwareInfo?type=[robotTypeId]&id=[robotId] If the firmware of the robot is up to date, this command presents an alert dialog with the text and a single option "Dismiss": Hummingbird Peripheral Name: [robot name from mac address] Bluetooth Name: [actual gap name] Hardware Version: [hardware version] Firmware Version: [firmware version] If the firmware isn't up to date, an additional line, `Firmware update available` is included with options "Dismiss" and "Update firmware", which links to the update page. ### Robot blocks These commands are used for blocks that control the inputs/outputs of the robots. Some commands (like the tri-led command) are shared between different types of robots. Since the BLE command may vary by robot type, a parameter `type` is provided for all commands. A robot is is also provided. The only exception is the `/robot/stopAll` command, since it affects all robots. On the backend, sensor values are regularly polled and cached so that the sensor requests can be immediately responded to with the cached values. For outputs, the has a state object which represents the state of all the outputs of a given robot. When an output request is made, the state is modified. It is then regularly synced with the robot using a set all BLE command. To prevent states from being missed (for example, if the user turns the LED on and off quickly), the backend actually tracks the current and pending states of the outputs, and only processes a command when the relevant output for that command has the same value in both states. Otherwise, the command waits in a queue. More detail can be found in the backend code. All robot commands should return an error response code if the specified device is not connected. #### /robot/stopAll Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/stopAll Turns off all the robot's outputs (LEDs, motors, servos, etc). On backends using the direct call system, also empties the queue of unprocessed robot block requests. #### /robot/in Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/in?sensor=[s]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] type - ["sensor"|"temperature"|"distance"|"sound"|"light"|"soil"] Example request: http://localhost:22179/robot/in?sensor=distance&type=flutter&id=robotid&port=2 Example response: 3.6 Returns the sensor value of the robot. Might be scaled differently depending on the type of sensor #### /robot/out/servo Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/servo?angle=[a]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] angle - int from 0 to 180 #### /robot/out/motor Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/motor?speed=[s]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] angle - int from -100 to 100 #### /robot/out/vibration Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/vibration?intensity=[i]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] intensity - int from 0 to 100 #### /robot/out/led Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/led?intensity=[i]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] intensity - int from 0 to 100 #### /robot/out/triled Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/triled?red=[r]&green=[g]&blue=[b]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] red - int from 0 to 100 green - int from 0 to 100 blue - int from 0 to 100 #### /robot/out/buzzer Request format: http://localhost:22179/robot/out/triled?volume=[v]&frequency=[f]&type=[t]&id=[id]&port=[p] volume - int from 0 to 100 frequency - int from 0 to 20000 ### Tablet sensors Different tablets have varying sensors that can be read using the sensor blocks. The frontend is told the reading and availability of sensors using the below requests If the tablet doesn't have the necessary permissions or hardware for a request, it should return an error and in the response body include a description of the error that can be shown to the user. #### /tablet/availableSensors Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/availableSensors Example response: "accelerometer\nbarometer\nmicrophone\ngps" Returns a `"\n"` separated list of sensors the device supports. For technical reasons, iOS always returns `""` to this request and uses the callback functions to give this information instead. #### CallbackManager.tablet.availableSensors Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.availableSensors(sensorList: string) -> boolean sensorList - percent encoded, "\n" separated list of sensors the device supports Example call: CallbackManager.robot.availableSensors(sensorList); where sensorList is the percent encoded form of "accelerometer\nbarometer\nmicrophone\ngps" #### CallbackManager.tablet.addSensor Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.addSensor(sensor: string) -> boolean sensor - ["accelerometer", "barometer", "microphone", "gps"] Tells the frontend to add the sensor to the list of supported sensors. #### CallbackManager.tablet.removeSensor Callback signature: CallbackManager.robot.removeSensor(sensor: string) -> boolean sensor - ["accelerometer", "barometer", "microphone", "gps"] Tells the frontend to remove the sensor from the list of supported sensors. #### /tablet/shake Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/shake Example responses: true false Returns whether the tablet was shaken. After returning true, it returns false on subsequent calls until the tablet is shaken again. #### /tablet/ssid Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/ssid Example responses: My WiFi null Returns the name of the WiFi the tablet is connected to or `null` if it is not connected to anything. #### /tablet/pressure Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/pressure Example responses: 104.3 Returns the a pressure in kilopascals #### /tablet/altitude Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/altitude Example responses: -1.245 Returns the change in the device's altitude (in meters) since the app was opened. This is determined using the device's barometer #### /tablet/orientation Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/altitude Example responses: Faceup Landscape: home button on left Landscape: home button on right Portrait: home button on bottom Portrait: home button on top Facedown In between Returns a string indicating the device's orientation. #### /tablet/acceleration Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/acceleration Example response: 7.432 4.295 -1.568 Returns the change in the device's acceleration in the x, y, and z directions, separated by spaces. This should be the total acceleration (including gravity) #### /tablet/location Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/location Example response: 100.456 70.823 Returns the latitude and longitude separated by spaces. Prompts for location permission if not granted yet. ### Dialogs There are three main types of dialogs: prompt, choice, alert. Prompt dialogs let the user enter text. Choice dialogs give the user two options to choose from. Alert dialog contain text and only one option. Dialogs are presented in response to http requests. When the user responds, a function in the CallbackManager should be called. Only one dialog will be requested at a time. Dialogs that are presented for a reason other than the commands below do not need to call CallbackManager functions. #### /tablet/dialog Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/dialog?title=[t]&question=[q]&prefill=[pr]&placeholder=[pl]&selectAll=[sa] title - The text to show in the top of the dialog question - The text to show in the body of the dialog prefill - (possibly "") The text that should already be in the dialog placeholder - (possibly "") The text to show in gray when nothing has been entered yet selectAll - ["true"|"false"], whether the prefill text should start out as selected Shows a dialog and calls `CallbackManager.dialog.promptResponded` when it is responded to. #### /tablet/choice Request format: http://localhost:22179/tablet/choice?title=[t]&question=[q]&button1=[bn1]&button2=[bn2] title - The text to show in the top of the dialog question - The text to show in the body of the dialog button1 - The text to show on the first button button2 - (optional) The text to show on the secon ... ...


