
上传日期:2023-09-08 09:02:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Fly.io的简单公共FTP服务器,
(A simple public FTP server for,)

.dockerignore (236, 2022-06-08)
Dockerfile (853, 2022-06-08)
LICENSE (1071, 2022-06-08)
conf/ (0, 2022-06-08)
conf/ (1788, 2022-06-08)
conf/vsftpd.conf (3631, 2022-06-08)
fly.toml (1174, 2022-06-08)

# fly-ftp-server A simple FTP server for []( (based on [alpine-ftp-server]( using `vsftpd` _very secure FTP daemon_. ## Customise Edit the `name` in the `fly.toml` to one of your choice: ```toml app = "fly-ftp-server" ``` The `[env]` block in the `fly.toml` contains the port range for passive connections: ```toml [env] MIN_PORT = 21000 MAX_PORT = 21005 ``` If you change them, that `MIN_PORT` and `MAX_PORT` must match up with the ports in the `fly.toml` file's `[services]` section. Unfortunately Fly [does]( [not]( currently support providing a port range for TCP. So you need to provide them individually. Which makes providing a large number of ports harder, but possible. The `[env]` block also has an `ADDRESS` value. Run `fly info` to get _your_ app's IPv4: ```toml ADDRESS = '' ``` You may also want to adjust the FTP options. Take a look at the `conf/vsftpd.conf` file, adjusting that to your needs. We have generally used default values. ## Deploy **Note:** Say _No_ at the end, since you need to do a couple of things before you can deploy: ``` $ fly launch An existing fly.toml file was found ? Would you like to copy its configuration to the new app? Yes Creating app in /path/to/it Scanning source code Detected a Dockerfile app ? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name): your-name-here ? Select organization: personal (personal) ? Select region: lhr (London) Created app your-name-here in organization personal Wrote config file fly.toml ? Would you like to setup a Postgresql database now? No ? Would you like to deploy now? No Your app is ready. Deploy with `flyctl deploy` ``` Why _not_ deploy right now? 1. You need to create a volume to store the uploaded files. 2. You need to specify the `USERS` that are permitted to connect to the server. So let's do that: ## Storage The provided storage is ephemeral so you will need to create a [volume]( in the region you plan on deploying your app in (for example `lhr`). The size is in GB. For example: ``` fly volumes create ftp_data --region lhr --size 1 ``` Volumes are by default encrypted. The command should return its details to show it was successful. ## Users The `USERS` value must be a space-separated list of users. Each user _must_ have a name and password. And can _optionally_ have a home folder. And _optionally_ a UID. We'll mount the volume above to the `/data` folder. So for example you _could_ run this which would create a user called **example**, with a password of **example**: ``` fly secrets set USERS="example|example|/data/example" ``` ... but of course your command should use a better name and a more secure password. Each user should be separated by a space. For example these examples create _two_ users: ``` USERS="username|password|/data/username foo|bar|/data/foo" USERS="username|password|/data/username|5000 foo|bar|/data/foo|5001" ``` Run that and you should then see: ``` Secrets are staged for the first deployment ``` Now you can go ahead and deploy the app: ``` fly deploy ``` You should see it build, push the image, then create the release: ``` ==> Monitoring deployment 1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy --> v1 deployed successfully ``` Conform the app is running with `fly status`. Now try connecting to it using your FTP client. Use `` as the hostname, 21 as the port, and one of the username/password from your secret `USERS` value. You will need to use plain FTP and so there _may_ be a warning about security. ## Debugging Use `fly logs` to see what is output and look for any errors. If you have left our default TCP healthcheck in the `fly.toml`, you should see _its_ connections roughly every five seconds: ``` 2022-06-08T16:02:09Z app[abcdefg] lhr [info]Wed Jun 8 16:02:09 2022 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client "" 2022-06-08T16:02:14Z app[abcdefg] lhr [info]Wed Jun 8 16:02:14 2022 [pid 2] CONNECT: Client "" ``` Try running `fly ssh console` to connect to a vm. Once there you can check `vsftpd` is running e.g: ``` ps -a | grep vsftpd 528 root 0:00 pidproxy /var/run/vsftpd/ true 550 root 0:00 vsftpd -opasv_min_port=21000 -opasv_max_port=21005 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 722 root 0:00 grep vsftpd ``` From there you can also check files uploaded by users (into the `/data` folder). Run `cd data` and you should see the folders for your users e.g `/data/username`. Check the folder's owner matches the one _you_ set in your `USERS` secret. If not, that would explain if a particular user can't connect. And look inside the folder to see the files are present and valid. This basic FTP server does not use FTPS. In _theory_ you should be able to modify it to use Fly's provided TLS handler or provide your own certificate.


