
上传日期:2023-10-03 15:01:43
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  此新闻应用程序提供了一个用户友好的界面来浏览和搜索新闻文章。它利用新闻API来根据用户查询获取实时新闻数据。
(This news app provides a user-friendly interface to browse and search for news articles. It leverages the News API to fetch real-time news data based on user queries.)

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index.html (5303, 2023-10-05)

![GitHub repo size]( [![Twitter Follow](]( # News Hub App This project is a simple news app that allows users to search for news articles based on keywords and view the latest news.
Live Demo

## Introduction This news app provides a user-friendly interface to browse and search for news articles. It leverages the News API to fetch real-time news data based on user queries.
## Features - `Search`: Users can search for news articles based on keywords or topics of interest. - `Responsive Design`: The app is designed to be accessible and usable on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. - `Navigation`: The app includes a navigation menu to easily navigate through different sections of the application.
## Technologies - HTML5 - CSS3 - JavaScript - [News API](
## Setup and Installation - Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone. - Obtain a free API key from [News API]( by signing up for an account. - Replace the `apiKey` variable in script.js with your obtained API key. - Open `index.html` in a web browser to run the application.
## Usage - Open the app in a web browser. - Use the navigation menu to browse different sections or search for news articles using the search feature. - Enter a keyword or topic in the search bar and click `"Search"` to fetch news articles related to that keyword. - Click on any article to read the full details.
## Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for any improvements or features you'd like to add.
## License This project is licensed under [MIT License](./LICENSE).


