
上传日期:2021-11-28 19:52:15
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化应用程序,,
(decentralized app,,)

.DS_Store (6148, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/package.json (1332, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/favicon.ico (3870, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/index.html (1721, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/logo192.png (5347, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/logo512.png (9664, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/manifest.json (492, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/public/robots.txt (67, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/App.css (564, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/App.tsx (3834, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/index.css (366, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/index.tsx (427, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/layout/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/layout/index.tsx (356, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/pages/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/pages/account/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/pages/account/index.tsx (660, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/pages/home/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/pages/home/index.tsx (1410, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/react-app-env.d.ts (40, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/reportWebVitals.ts (425, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/sagas.ts (102, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/setupTests.ts (241, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/store/ (0, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/store/actions.ts (724, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/store/reducers.ts (952, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/store/selectors.ts (776, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/store/store.ts (356, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/src/web3.ts (629, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/tsconfig.json (503, 2021-11-28)
decentraland-ui/yarn.lock (598510, 2021-11-28)
dummy-token/ (0, 2021-11-28)
... ...

# Decentraland Take Home dApp ## Install and run frontend ``` cd decentraland-ui yarn yarn start ``` ## Install and run server ``` 1. Open a new terminal tab: cd dummy-token npm install npx hardhat node #(this will start local server) 2. Open a new terminal tab: npx hardhat --network localhost run scripts/deploy.js #(This will deploy the dummy contract) npx hardhat --network localhost faucet : deployed contract token address (Token.sol) : ethereum account token (in this example metamask account token). 3. Connect your MetaMask extension to the localhost network. You should have 1 ETH in your balance. 4. Add the Dummy Token to MetaMask: Click on `Import tokens` Paste on `deployed contract token address` (Token.sol) the Dummy Token contract address (from step 2) Set decimals to 0 You should see `100 DUMMY` tokens in your wallet ``` ### Stack ``` yarn typescript react redux jest ethers.js web3 ``` #### Corrections (TODO) ###### Remove any and add the correct types ###### Move Async functions to Saga generators ###### Using re-selects where we need ###### Eslint + prettier ###### Setup tests for selectors, generators, components ###### Finish loading reducer ###### More styling


