
上传日期:2019-04-13 10:08:16
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  函数JavaScript中基于视觉自动机的编程,
(Visual automata-based programming in functional JavaScript,)

.babelrc (101, 2019-04-13)
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src/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/dispatcher/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/dispatcher/api.js (1770, 2019-04-13)
src/dispatcher/module.test.js (11751, 2019-04-13)
src/fsm/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/fsm/api.js (3136, 2019-04-13)
src/fsm/module.test.js (19648, 2019-04-13)
src/fsm/state.js (1398, 2019-04-13)
src/graphBuilder/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/graphBuilder/api.js (3576, 2019-04-13)
src/graphBuilder/module.test.js (7596, 2019-04-13)
src/index.js (60, 2019-04-13)
src/modelConsolidator/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/modelConsolidator/api.js (3178, 2019-04-13)
src/modelConsolidator/module.test.js (4946, 2019-04-13)
src/rosmaro/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/rosmaro/FSMState.js (316, 2019-04-13)
src/rosmaro/api.js (1635, 2019-04-13)
src/rosmaro/module.test.js (11282, 2019-04-13)
src/testUtils.js (1293, 2019-04-13)
src/utils/ (0, 2019-04-13)
src/utils/all.js (1522, 2019-04-13)

![Rosmaro logo]( # Rosmaro Reacting to the same action in different ways due to what happened in the past may be a challenge. Rosmaro is a framework for writing functions like this: ```javascript ({state, action}) => ({state, result}) ``` ![Rosmaro dispatch]( Check out [the Rosmaro documentation at](! Get Rosmaro using npm: `npm i rosmaro`. Rosmaro places great emphasis on two programming paradigms: * **Visual programming** - changes of behavior are drawn using the [Rosmaro visual editor]( * **Functional programming** - the whole model is a pure function built out of pure functions and pure data. First, you draw a graph. Then, you assign functional code to its nodes. It gives you: * **Automata-based dispatch** - actions are dispatched to handlers based on the current node of the state machine. There's no need to check the current state. * **The right model for the job** - the behavior-related state is expressed by a state machine, while the data-related state lives in a dictionary. * **Existing tooling** - it's easy to use with [redux]( and [redux-saga]( Rosmaro models support: * **Node multiplication** - a node may be multiplied using a function of the context. * **Reuse and composition** - models may be included within other models. * **Lenses** - thanks to [Ramda lenses]( the shape and size of your data-related state may be easily adjusted. * **Orthogonal regions** - multiple regions may be active at the same time. One of the ways to avoid state explosion. * **Subgraphs** - nodes of state machines may contain other state machines. ## News - [ A screencast about building a Ticket Vending Machine]( ## An example 1. Use the [Rosmaro visual editor]( to draw a state machine. ![The graph of The Cursed Prince]( 2. Write some functional code. This example makes use of the [rosmaro-binding-utils]( package. ```javascript const Frog = handler({ INTRODUCE_YOURSELF: () => "Ribbit! Ribbit!", }); const Prince = handler({ INTRODUCE_YOURSELF: () => "I am The Prince of Rosmaro!", EAT: ({action}) => === 'pizza' ? {arrow: 'ate a pizza'} : undefined }); ``` 3. Enjoy your `({state, action}) => ({state, result})` function! ```javascript [ {type: 'INTRODUCE_YOURSELF'}, // 'I am The Prince of Rosmaro!' {type: 'EAT', dish: 'yakisoba'}, // undefined {type: 'INTRODUCE_YOURSELF'}, // 'I am The Prince of Rosmaro!' {type: 'EAT', dish: 'pizza'}, // undefined {type: 'INTRODUCE_YOURSELF'} // 'Ribbit! Ribbit!' ].forEach(action => console.log( ({state} = model({state, action})) )); ``` [The complete code of this example]( can be found on GitHub. ## Documentation - [An example]( - [Building a model]( - [About drawing Rosmaro graphs]( - [About writing Rosmaro code]( ## Blog posts - [A JavaScript framework for functions of state and action]( - [What did we lose when we moved to Redux?]( - [Dynamic orthogonal regions in state machines]( - [Decomposing the TodoMVC app with state diagrams]( - [An overview of the Rosmaro-TodoMVC app codebase]( - [Testing the TodoMVC app]( - [State management in JavaScript: data-related state and behavior-related state]( ## Examples - [Bunny App]( a wizard implemented in Rosmaro, React, Redux and Redux-Saga. - [TodoMVC]( the famous TodoMVC demo app - [bool-less-todo]( a todo app implemented without boolean values and without variables ## Utilities - [rosmaro-snabbdom-starter]( - a zero configuration Rosmaro Snabbdom starter. - [rosmaro-redux]( - connects Rosmaro, **[Redux]( and [Redux-Saga](**. - [rosmaro-react]( - connects Rosmaro and **[React](**. - [rosmaro-binding-utils]( - makes writing simple Rosmaro handlers easier. - [rosmaro-tools]( - CLI tooling for Rosmaro. - [rosmaro-testing-library]( - testing utilities for Rosmaro. ## License Rosmaro is licensed under the MIT license.


