
上传日期:2011-11-12 21:08:07
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说明:  一个很经典的分离程序,可以高质量的分离出混叠信号,且不需要事先知道混叠信号的样式。
(A classic blind source separation program, you can isolate high-quality signal aliasing, and does not require prior knowledge of the style of signal aliasing)

TFBSSpack (0, 2003-09-03)
TFBSSpack\data.mat (6328, 2003-07-28)
TFBSSpack\demoTFBSS.m (4439, 2003-09-03)
TFBSSpack\joint_diag_rc.m (3873, 2003-07-28)
TFBSSpack\LICENSE.txt (15140, 2003-07-28)
TFBSSpack\tfbss.m (8674, 2003-09-03)
TFBSSpack\tfrspwv.m (4329, 2003-09-02)
TFBSSpack\window.m (5099, 2003-07-28)
TFBSSpack\新建 文本文档.txt (704, 2005-09-05)

******************************* The TFBSS code ************************************* TFBSS performs Blind Source Separation of (over)determined multiplicative mixtures of non-stationary real valued sources. TFBSS can be downloaded at http://www.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/~fevotte/TFBSS_pack TFBSS is based on the joint-diagonalization of whitened and noise-compensated Spatial Time-Frequency Distribution (STFD) matrices of the observations, corresponding to single auto-terms positions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The current main reference is: A. Holobar, C. Févotte, C. Doncarli, and D. Zazula, "Single autoterms selection for blind source separation in time-frequency plane", In 11 e EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, 3-6 septembre 2002. The iterative selection of maxima of the criteria in the above paper has been replaced by a more simple and computation friendly gradient approach to be published soon. The inner Iterative Joint Diagonalization has not been implemented in TFBSS. The first paper dealing with joint-diagonalization of STFD matrices is: A. Belouchrani and M. G. Amin, "Blind Source Separation Based on Time-Frequency Signal Representation'', IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 46. No. 11. pp. 2888-28***. November 19***. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The TFBSS pack contains the following MATLAB files: * tfbss.m : main program * joint_diag.m : performs joint-diagonalization of complex matrices. Available on J.F Cardoso web site (http://www.tsi.enst.fr/~cardoso/stuff.html) and used with the kind permission of its author. Copyright owned by J.F Cardoso - cardoso@enst.fr . * tfrridb.m & window.m : perform TFDs computation. Excerpts from the Matlab Time-Frequency Toolbox and used with the kind permission of their author F. Auger. Copyright owned by F. Auger - f.auger@ieee.org . Download the whole Matlab Time-Frequency Toolbox at: http://crttsn.univ-nantes.fr/~auger/tftb.html * demoTFBSS.m : demo script of TFBSS, separation of 4 noisy instantaneous mixtures of 3 Time-Varying ARMA sources. * data.mat : contains the sources used in demoTFBSS. For a quick overview of TFBSS performance, download all the files in a common directory and call demoTFBSS.m in a MATLAB command window. Feedback about your tests with real world signals is welcome. Please mail me results. Please report any bug. Author: C. Févotte (cedric.fevotte@irccyn.ec-nantes.fr) Copyright is owned by C. Févotte & A. Holobar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFBSS.m - Sept 9, 2002


