
上传日期:2023-10-09 15:38:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  基于Windows API的Nim编程语言的简单gui库,
(A simple gui library for Nim programming language based on Windows API,)

Nimforms/ (0, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/apimodule.nim (28270, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/button.nim (9674, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/calendar.nim (7692, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/checkbox.nim (4639, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/colors.nim (2886, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/com.nim (15507, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/combobox.nim (12869, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/commons.nim (12659, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/comtypes.nim (20041, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/contextmenu.nim (6256, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/controls.nim (10280, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/datetimepicker.nim (10949, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/dialogs.nim (7557, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/events.nim (3553, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/forms.nim (20516, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/groupbox.nim (4417, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/label.nim (4899, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/listbox.nim (12745, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/listview.nim (30979, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/nimforms.nim (529, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/numberpicker.nim (14017, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/progressbar.nim (7849, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/propertygrid.nim (1853, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/radiobutton.nim (4929, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/textbox.nim (6407, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/trackbar.nim (22148, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/treeview.nim (22163, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/typemodule.nim (15567, 2023-12-19)
Nimforms/winmessages.nim (13161, 2023-12-19)
Screenshot_210.jpg (95170, 2023-12-19)
app.exe.manifest (623, 2023-12-19)

# Nimforms A simple gui library for Nim programming language based on Windows API ## Screenshots All controls ![image]( ## How to use: 1. Clone or download the repo. 2. Place the **Nimforms** folder in your project folder. 3. Import **Nimforms/nimforms** module in your source file. And start coding. 4. NOTE: Copy and paste the `app.exe.manifest` file from this repo to your exe location. And rename the file with your exe file's name. For example, if your exe file's name is `program.exe`, the manifest file must be `program.exe.manifest`. ## Sample code This is the code that created the window in above screenshot ```nim import nimforms var frm = newForm("Nimforms GUI Library", 675, 500) frm.onMouseUp = proc(c: Control, e: MouseEventArgs) = echo "X: " & $e.x & " Y: " & $e.y frm.createHandle() var btn = newButton(frm, "Normal", autoc=true) var btn2 = newButton(frm, "Flat Color", btn.right + 10, autoc=true) btn2.backColor = 0x83c5be var btn3 = newButton(frm, "Gradient", btn2.right + 10, autoc=true) btn3.setGradientColor(0xeeef20, 0x70e000) var dtp = newDateTimePicker(frm, btn3.right + 10, autoc = true) dtp.font = newFont("Tahoma", 14) dtp.foreColor = 0xe63946 var cmb = newComboBox(frm, dtp.right + 10, w=120) cmb.addItems("Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS") cmb.selectedIndex = 0 var gb = newGroupBox(frm, "GroupBox1", 10, btn.bottom + 20, 120, 150) var lb = newLabel(frm, "Static Text", 20, gb.ypos + 30) lb.foreColor = 0x7b2cbf var lbx = newListBox(frm, gb.right + 20, btn.bottom + 20) lbx.addItems("Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", "ReactOS") var lv = newListView(frm, lbx.right + 10, btn.bottom + 20, ("Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", 100, 100, 110)) lv.addRow("Win7", "openSUSE", "Mojave") lv.addRow("Win8", "Debian:", "Catalina") lv.addRow("Win10", "Fedora", " Big Sur") lv.addRow("Win11", "Ubuntu", "Monterey") var np = newNumberPicker(frm, 20, lb.bottom + 40) np.decimalDigits = 2 np.step = 0.5 var np2 = newNumberPicker(frm, 20, np.bottom + 10) np2.buttonLeft = true np2.backColor = 0xffbf69 var gb2 = newGroupBox(frm, "Compiler Options", 10, gb.bottom + 20, 180, 170, true) var cb = newCheckBox(frm, "Threads On", gb2.xpos + 20, gb2.ypos + 40, autoc = true) var cb2 = newCheckBox(frm, "Hints off", gb2.xpos + 20, cb.bottom + 10, autoc = true) var rb = newRadioButton(frm, "Consoe App", gb2.xpos + 20, cb2.bottom + 10, autoc = true) var rb2 = newRadioButton(frm, "GUI App", gb2.xpos + 20, rb.bottom + 10) rb2.foreColor = 0xff0054 var tb = newTextBox(frm, "Enter text", gb2.right + 20, gb.bottom + 40, autoc = true) var tkb = newTrackBar(frm, gb2.right + 20, tb.bottom + 20, cdraw = true, autoc=true) var pgb = newProgressBar(frm, gb2.right + 20, tkb.bottom + 20, perc=true, autoc=true ) var tv = newTreeView(frm, pgb.right + 20, lv.bottom + 20, h=200, autoc=true) tv.addTreeNodeWithChilds("Windows", "Win7", "Win8", "Win10", "Win11") tv.addTreeNodeWithChilds("Linux", "openSUSE Leap 15.3", "Debian 11", "Fedora 35", "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS") tv.addTreeNodeWithChilds("MacOS", "Mojave (10.14)", "Catalina (10.15)", " Big Sur (11.0)", "Monterey (12.0)") proc btnClick(c: Control, e: EventArgs) {.handles:btn.onClick.} = # NEW !!! 'handles' pragma echo "clicked on btn" proc onTrackChange(c: Control, e: EventArgs) {.handles:tkb.onValueChanged.} = pgb.value = tkb.value frm.display() # All set, we can now show the form ! ```


