
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-11-13 01:01:06
上 传 者nand_sharma00
说明:  Exe crypter which crypt any exe.

pe_modified_hello.exe (28672, 2004-04-20)
hello_src (0, 2004-05-05)
hello_src\hello.c (108, 2004-04-20)
hello_src\hello.dsp (4270, 2004-04-20)
hello_src\hello.dsw (533, 2004-04-20)
hello_src\hello.exe (28672, 2004-04-20)
hello_src\hello.ncb (41984, 2004-05-05)
hello_src\hello.opt (48640, 2004-05-05)
hello_src\hello.plg (246, 2004-05-05)
opcode_crypt_src (0, 2004-05-05)
opcode_crypt_src\Form1.frm (2160, 2004-05-05)
opcode_crypt_src\Project1.vbp (684, 2004-05-05)
opcode_crypt_src\Project1.vbw (49, 2004-05-05)
crypted.exe (28672, 2004-05-05)
do_opcode_crypt.exe (20480, 2004-05-05)
final.exe (28672, 2004-05-05)
original_hello.exe (28672, 2004-04-20)
decrypter stub (0, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\crypter.c (456, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\execrypter.dsp (4327, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\execrypter.dsw (543, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\execrypter.ncb (33792, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\execrypter.opt (48640, 2004-05-05)
decrypter stub\execrypter.plg (1412, 2004-05-05)

This is the download package that goes with the article "Build your own executable crypter" http://sandsprite.com/CodeStuff/Build_your_own_executable_crypter.html Files found in this package: original_hello.exe -> unaltered hello world exe (outputs hellow world, waits for keypress then exits) pe_modified_hello.exe -> exe with all PE modifications except entry point mod (file still runs normally) crypted.exe -> opcodes crypted, no decrypter in place yet (output from do_opcode_crypt.exe will not run) do_opcode_crypt.exe -> quick VB app to do the opcode crypting. copies pe_modified_hello.exe over crypted.exe then does modifications. final.exe -> final binary with decrypter code in place and offsets set. works just like it should :) directories: \hello_src -> C source code to hello.exe \opcode_crypt_src -> VB6 Source to opcode crypter \decrypter stub -> C source to generate decrypter asm stub have fun ;) -dzzie


