
上传日期:2023-10-12 08:41:14
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用HTML、CSS、PHP&MySQL从VA-11 HALL-a重新创建新闻网站“增强眼”。,
(Recreation of The Augemented Eye, a news website, from VA-11 HALL-A using HTML, CSS, PHP & MySQL.,)

.htaccess (585, 2023-10-24)
About.php (3451, 2023-10-24)
Article.php (2744, 2023-10-24)
Compose-Article.php (6320, 2023-10-24)
Compose-Gallery.php (4206, 2023-10-24)
Contact-Us.php (729, 2023-10-24)
Cursors/ (0, 2023-10-24)
Cursors/CALICOMP1.1.cur (766, 2023-10-24)
Error Pages/ (0, 2023-10-24)
Error Pages/404.php (254, 2023-10-24)
Fonts/ (0, 2023-10-24)
Fonts/CyberpunkWaifus.ttf (11960, 2023-10-24)
Galleries.php (6564, 2023-10-24)
Gallery.php (1505, 2023-10-24)
Header.php (1681, 2023-10-24)
Home.php (1881, 2023-10-24)
Images/ (0, 2023-10-24)
Images/404.png (136634, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/ (0, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/404.png (176130, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/About.png (122729, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Article (lorem ipsum).png (66151, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Article.png (60466, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Compose-Article.png (32890, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Compose-Gallery.png (27742, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Contact-Us.png (27698, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Galleries.png (68210, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Gallery.png (99973, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Header (admin).png (9374, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Header (normal user).png (7977, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Home.png (116404, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Login.png (27086, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Logout.png (94475, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/News.png (55086, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Profile (current user).png (76383, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Profile (other user).png (57254, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Profile-Preview-Hover.png (9459, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Registration.png (37961, 2023-10-24)
Images/Screenshots/Send-Newsletter.png (27223, 2023-10-24)
... ...

# Table of Contents: - [Description of Application]( - [Installation & Setup]( - [Install XAMPP & services]( - [Setting up emails]( - [Edit sendmail.ini]( - [Edit php.ini]( - [If you plan on using a Gmail email]( - [Enabling mod_rewrite]( - [Setting up FileZilla (FTP)]( - [Setting up database (MySQL)]( - [Moving files to appropriate locations]( - [How To Use]( - [Features]( - [Error Handling]( - [Unable to connect]( - [Pictures not showing]( - [Database errors]( - [Style Guide Followed]( - [Features I would've liked to implement]( - [Resources Used]( - [Screenshots]( ## Description of Application: **The Augmented Eye** is a digital news source from the game VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action One of the project options for a PHP course I did was to create a news website, at the time I was playing through VA-11 HALL-A and I thought recreating The Augmented Eye could be more fun than simply creating a basic news website. This version is slightly more involved than the version found in-game, it features user accounts, article & gallery posting and more. # Installation & Setup: ## Install XAMPP & services: Open XAMPP Control Panel and install the following services: - Apache - MySQL - FileZilla ## Setting up emails: ### Edit sendmail.ini: Find your sendmail.ini file at: XAMPP_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/sendmail/sendmail.ini Update the following fields: smtp_server=YOUR_SMTP_SERVER auth_username=YOUR_SMTP_USERNAME auth_password=YOUR_SMTP_PASSWORD ### Edit php.ini: In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on Config next to Apache Select php.ini #### Search for \[mail function] & update the following fields: SMTP=YOUR_SMTP_SERVER sendmail_from=YOUR_SMTP_EMAIL #### While you're here, if you plan on uploading large files: 1. Search for output_buffering 2. Switch it to On ### If you plan on using a Gmail email: #### Generate an app password: Go to Use the search bar to search for _app passwords_ ##### Update the fields as follows: ###### sendmail.ini: auth_username=YOUR_GMAIL_EMAIL auth_password=GENERATED_APP_PASSWORD ###### php.ini: sendmail_from=YOUR_GMAIL_EMAIL ## Enabling mod_rewrite In the XAMPP Control Panel, click on Config next to Apache Select httpd.conf Look for the following line ``` #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ ``` Uncomment it by removing # at its beginning. ``` LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ ``` Find all occurrences of ``` AllowOverride None ``` and change them to ``` AllowOverride ``` ## Setting up FileZilla (FTP) : Within XAMPP Control Panel, click Admin next to FileZilla When prompted to connect to a server, just click OK Select **Edit** > **Users** from the menu Click the **Add** button in the Users section Enter FILEZILLA_USER_NAME as the name of the user account. Under Account settings enable the Password checkbox. Enter FILEZILLA_PASSWORD as the password of the user. If you'd like to use a different username/password: you'll need to edit lines 18 & 19 in [PHP Scripts/FTP-Handler.php](/PHP%20Scripts/FTP-Handler.php) ``` $ftp_username = 'FILEZILLA_USER_NAME'; $ftp_password = 'FILEZILLA_PASSWORD'; ``` Under Page, select Shared folders Add a directory as a Shared folder. Select all eight checkbox options that are available in the **Files and Directories** section Set it as the home directory at the bottom right of the Shared folders section. Navigate to the directory you selected: Create a directory called Profile Pictures Copy [pfp-placeholder.png](/Images/pfp-placeholder.png) from [Images](/Images) to the folder. Copy [Kimberly.webp](/Images/Staff/Kimberly.webp) to from [Images/Staff](/Images/Staff) to the folder & rename it to 1.webp Copy [Donovan.webp](/Images/Staff/Donovan.webp) to from [Images/Staff](/Images/Staff) to the folder & rename it to 3.webp ## Setting up database (MySQL): [Download and install MySQL]( - During installation, when prompted, select the **Full** installation type. Open MySQL Workbench Select Local Instance under MySQL connections. [Download this repository]( Open the zip file and navigate to the [SQL Scripts folder](/SQL%20Scripts) in it. Drag and drop the 3 scripts into MySQL Workbench and run them. After running the third: Edit line 18 & 19 in [PHP Scripts/Database-Handler.php](/PHP%20Scripts/Database-Handler.php) to values from the [3. View_MySQL_Users.sql](/SQL%20Scripts/3.%20View_MySQL_Users.sql) script results: ``` $db_username = '~~username~~ -> a value from the User column'; $db_password = 'password -> that users password, probably empty'; ``` ## Moving files to appropriate locations: 1. Navigate to your XAMPP installation folder. 2. Create a folder in the htdocs folder named: The Augmented Eye 3. [Download this repository]( 4. Open the zip file. 5. Extract the contents of The-Augmented-Eye-main in the zip into the folder from step 2. # How To Use: Preloaded user account info (Email -> Password): - admin -> admin - -> awe - -> awe - -> awe - -> Large Beer Open a web browser and navigate to [localhost/The Augmented Eye/Home](localhost/The Augmented Eye/Home) To view your profile/logout, hover over the welcome message at the top left. If you're having issues, ensure you did everything from the Installation & Setup section. If you're still having issues, check the Error Handling section. *This website is best browsed getting comfortable. Grab some drinks, some snacks, and enjoy!* *So sit back and relax. I hope you have a good time!* ## Features: ### User related: - [x] User accounts - [x] Admin accounts - [x] Profiles - [x] Profile Pictures - [x] Password emailing upon registration - [x] Password & profile picture changing ### Article related: - [x] Viewing - [x] Sorting - [x] Posting - [x] Tags - [x] Sharing - [x] Comments ### Gallery related: - [x] Viewing - [x] Sorting - [x] Posting ### Other: - [x] Newsletter Sending (admins only) - [x] Articles from [the game]( - [x] URL rewriting to remove the .php file from browser URLs - [x] 404 page # Error Handling: ## Unable to connect: Open XAMPP Control Panel. Ensure Apache, MySQL and FileZilla are all running and configured correctly. ## Pictures not showing: Change line 17 in [PHP Scripts/FTP-Handler.php](/PHP%20Scripts/FTP-Handler.php) ``` $ftp_hostname = '~~ -> localhost'; ``` Also, ensure lines 18 & 19 match a valid users credentials in FileZilla. If you're still getting errors, ensure the FileZilla user your using has permissions on their shared folder. ## Database errors: ### Create a new MySQL user Run the following in MySQL workbench: ``` CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; ``` Run the following in the MySQL Command Line Interface: ``` GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON the_augmented_eye.* TO 'username'@'localhost'; ``` Change lines 18 & 19 in [PHP Scripts/Database-Handler.php](/PHP%20Scripts/Database-Handler.php) if needed. # Style Guide Followed: I made an exception for file name format since I wanted uppercase characters in my page names. # Features I would've liked to implement: I was kinda in a rush to get this finished tho, wanted to move on to the next project yaknow. - [ ] Media queries for resizing elements based on viewport size. - [ ] Responsive arrow when hovering over welcome message. - [ ] More form validation checks. - [ ] User bio. - [ ] View users post history on profile. - [ ] Let the user update the rest of their information aswell, at the moment they can only update their password and profile picture. - [ ] Seperating article/gallery view counts into its own table. - [ ] Filtering articles by tag. - [ ] More admin pages. - [ ] Help display based on current OS. - [ ] Proper [Post/Redirect/Get]( on submit # Resources Used: - - - - # [Screenshots](Images/Screenshots)


