
上传日期:2023-10-12 21:05:44
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  日期和时间选择器,如IOS,
(Date and time picker like IOS,)

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# DatePicker&TimePicker Picker is a date and time picker library that supports view-based and jetpack compose UI design. The library has many different feature options to customize your widget. Also checkout this [Wheelview](https://github.com/ozcanalasalvar/Wheelview). Recent Article 2




# Jetpack Compose Usage
```java WheelDatePicker( offset =/*offset*/, yearsRange = IntRange(/*minYear*/,/*maxYear*/), startDate =/*startDate*/, textSize =/*textSize*/, selectorEffectEnabled =/*selectorEffectEnabled*/, darkModeEnabled =/*darkModeEnabled*/, onDateChanged = { day, month, year, date -> /*Handle date changes*/ } ) ``` #### Parameters Parameter | Type | Description ------ | ----- | -- offset | Int | Count of items to be shown on picker yearsRange | IntRange | Min and max date of picker startDate | Long | Selected date of picker by default today date textSize | Int | Size of text on picker selectorEffectEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable the selection effect darkModeEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable dark mode. If you disable it, although you set display settings dark, component stay light mode onDateSelected | | Called when the values in the picker date picker are updated

```java WheelTimePicker( offset =/*offset*/, timeFormat = TimeFormat.CLOCK_12H, startTime =/*startTime*/, textSize =/*textSize*/, selectorEffectEnabled =/*selectorEffectEnabled*/, darkModeEnabled =/*darkModeEnabled*/, onTimeChanged = { hour, minute, format -> /*Handle time changes*/ } ) ``` #### Parameters Parameter | Type | Description ------ | ----- | -- offset | Int | Count of items to be shown on picker timeFormat | TimeFormat | Time format of picker. TimeFormat.CLOCK_12H or TimeFormat.CLOCK_24H startTime | Time | Selected time of picker by default current time textSize | Int | Size of text on picker selectorEffectEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable the selection effect darkModeEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable dark mode. If you disable it, although you set display settings dark, component stay light mode onTimeSelected | | Called when the values in the picker date picker are updated

# View Usage
> **_NOTE:_** If you would like to use library on view based ui, add [androidx.compose.material3](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/compose-material3) to gradle dependencies.
#### Date Picker ```java datePicker.apply { setOffset(/*offset*/) setTextSize(/*textSize*/) setDate(getCurrentTime()) setDarkModeEnabled(/*darkModeEnabled*/) setDateChangeListener(object : DatePicker.DateChangeListener { override fun onDateChanged(date: Long, day: Int, month: Int, year: Int) { //Handle date changes } }) } ``` ```xml ```

#### XML attributes Parameter | Type | Description ------ | ----- | -- offset | Int | Count of items to be shown on picker textSize | Int | Size of text on picker darkModeEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable dark mode. If you disable it, although you set display settings dark, component stay light mode ##### Popup Usage ```java val datePickerPopup = DatePickerPopup.Builder() .from(/*context*/) .offset(/*offset*/) .textSize(/*textSize*/) .selectedDate(getCurrentTime()) .darkModeEnabled(/*darkModeEnabled*/) .listener(object : DatePickerPopup.DateSelectListener { override fun onDateSelected( dp: DatePicker?, date: Long, day: Int, month: Int, year: Int ) { } }) .build() datePickerPopup.show(supportFragmentManager, TAG) ``` ### Time Picker ```java timePicker.apply { setOffset(/*offset*/) setTextSize(/*textSize*/) setTimeFormat(TimeFormat.CLOCK_12H) setTime(/*hour*/, /*minute*/) setDarkModeEnabled(/*darkModeEnabled*/) setTimeChangeListener(object : TimePicker.TimeChangeListener { override fun onTimeChanged(hour: Int, minute: Int, timeFormat: String?) { //Handle time changes } }) } ``` ```xml ``` #### XML attributes Parameter | Type | Description ------ | ----- | -- offset | Int | Count of items to be shown on picker is24HourViewEnabled | Boolen | Time format of picker. If true TimeFormat.CLOCK_24H else TimeFormat.CLOCK_12H textSize | Int | Size of text on picker darkModeEnabled | Boolean | Uses to enable or disable dark mode. If you disable it, although you set display settings dark, component stay light mode

##### Popup Usage ```java val pickerPopup = TimePickerPopup.Builder() .from(/*context*/) .offset(/*offset*/) .textSize(/*textSize*/) .setTime(/*hour*/, /*minute*/) .setTimeFormat(TimeFormat.CLOCK_24H) .darkModeEnabled(/*darkModeEnabled*/) .listener(object : TimePickerPopup.TimeSelectListener { override fun onTimeSelected( timePicker: TimePicker?, hour: Int, minute: Int, format: String? ) { } }) .build() pickerPopup.show(supportFragmentManager, TAG) ``` ## Implementation Gradle ###### Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: ```groovy dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } ``` ###### Add the dependency ```groovy dependencies { implementation 'com.github.ozcanalasalvar.picker:datepicker:2.0.7' implementation 'com.github.ozcanalasalvar.picker:wheelview:2.0.7' //For view based UI's implementation 'androidx.compose.material3:material3:Tag' } ```


