
上传日期:2023-10-16 10:20:19
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  具有波形预览的多声道网络音频编辑器和播放器,
(Multiple track web audio editor and player with waveform preview,)

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# React-studio-js ![Screenshot]( "stem tracks mute solo volume control") features Record track, cut, split, shift track, CRUD operations for Annotations, save to local storage(optional) ![Screenshot]( "add annotations and crud operations") ## NextJS 13 TS Demo [NextJS 13 + TS Example]( [Github NextJS 13 + TS Example]( -- [Type Declaration file github]( ## React-Vite Demo [React-vite Example]( ## Browser Support react-studio-js requires webaudio in the browser to function correctly: [Can I Use?]( ## Installation `npm i react-studio-js` ## GitHub Reactjs example ```javascript import ReactStudio from "react-studio-js"; // =============Annotations Actions================> const actions = [ { class: "fas.fa-play", title: "Play Annotation", action: (annotation) => { ee.emit("play", annotation.start, annotation.end); }, }, { class: "fas.fa-plus", title: "Insert New Annotation", action: (annotation, i, annotations, opts) => { if (i === annotations.length - 1) { return console.log("not possible"); } let newIndex = i + 1; const newAnnotation = { id: String(newIndex), start: annotation.end, end: annotations[i + 1].start, lines: ["New Draft"], lang: "en", }; annotations.forEach((ann, indx) => { if (indx >= newIndex) { return ( = String(indx + 1)); } }); annotations.splice(i + 1, 0, newAnnotation); }, }, { class: "fas.fa-trash", title: "Delete annotation", action: (annotation, i, annotations) => { annotations.splice(i, 1); }, }, ]; // =============Annotations Actions================> var playlist = ReactStudio({ samplesPerPixel: 3000, mono: true, waveHeight: 70, timescale: true, container: document.getElementById("playlist"), state: "cursor", colors: { waveOutlineColor: "#222B36", timeColor: "grey", fadeColor: "black", }, controls: { show: true, width: 175, widgets: { collapse: false, }, }, annotationList: { annotations: [], controls: actions, editable: true, isContinuousPlay: false, linkEndpoints: false, }, zoomLevels: [500, 1000, 3000, 5000], }); playlist .load([ { src: "track 1 source", name: "name", gain: 1, }, { src: "track 2 source", name: "name", start: 8.5, fadeIn: { duration: 0.5, }, fadeOut: { shape: "logarithmic", duration: 0.5, }, }, ]) .then(function () { // can do stuff with the playlist. }); ``` ### Playlist Options ```javascript var options = { // webaudio api AudioContext ac: new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(), // DOM container element REQUIRED container: document.getElementById("playlist"), // sample rate of the project. (used for correct peaks rendering) sampleRate: new ( window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext ).sampleRate(), // number of audio samples per waveform peak. // must be an entry in option: zoomLevels. samplesPerPixel: 4096, // whether to draw multiple channels or combine them. mono: true, // enables "exclusive solo" where solo switches between tracks exclSolo: false, // default fade curve type. fadeType: "logarithmic", // (logarithmic | linear | sCurve | exponential) // whether or not to include the time measure. timescale: false, // control panel on left side of waveform controls: { // whether or not to include the track controls show: false, // width of controls in pixels width: 150, // whether to render the widget or not in the controls panel. widgets: { // Mute & solo button widget muteOrSolo: true, // Volume slider volume: true, // Stereo pan slider stereoPan: true, // Collapse track button collapse: true, // Remove track button remove: true, }, }, colors: { // color of the wave background waveOutlineColor: "white", // color of the time ticks on the canvas timeColor: "grey", // color of the fade drawn on canvas fadeColor: "black", }, // height in pixels of each canvas element a waveform is on. waveHeight: 128, // width in pixels of waveform bars. barWidth: 1, // spacing in pixels between waveform bars. barGap: 0, // interaction state of the playlist // (cursor | select | fadein | fadeout | shift) state: "cursor", // (line | fill) seekStyle: "line", // Array of zoom levels in samples per pixel. // Smaller numbers have a greater zoom in. zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096], // Whether to automatically scroll the waveform while playing isAutomaticScroll: false, // configuration object for the annotations add on. annotationList: { // Array of annotations in [Aeneas]( JSON format annotations: [], // Whether the annotation texts will be in updateable contenteditable html elements editable: false, // User defined functions which can manipulate the loaded annotations controls: [ { // class names for generated tag separated by '.' class: "fa.fa-minus", // title attribute for the generated tag title: "Reduce annotation end by 0.010s", // function which acts on the given annotation row // when the corresponding is clicked. action: (annotation, i, annotations, opts) => { // @param Object annotation - current annotation // @param Number i - index of annotation // @param Array annotations - array of annotations in the playlist // @param Object opts - configuration options available // - opts.linkEndpoints }, }, ], // If false when clicking an annotation id segment // playback will stop after segment completion. isContinuousPlay: false, // If true annotation endpoints will remain linked when dragged // if they were the same value before dragging started. linkEndpoints: false, // pass a custom function which will receive the mastergainnode for this playlist and the audio context's destination. // if you pass a function, you must connect these two nodes to hear sound at minimum. // if you need to clean something up when the graph is disposed, return a cleanup function. react-studio-js will cleanup the nodes passed as arguments. effects: function (masterGainNode, destination, isOffline) { // analyser nodes don't work offline. if (!isOffline) masterGainNode.connect(analyser); masterGainNode.connect(destination); // return function cleanup() { // // if you create webaudio nodes that need to be cleaned up do that here // // see the track effects example. // }; }, }, }; ``` ### Track Options ```javascript { // a media path for XHR, a Blob, a File, or an AudioBuffer object. src: 'track source .mp3 .wav', // name that will display in the playlist control panel. name: 'name', // volume level of the track between [0-1] gain: 1, // whether the track should initially be muted. muted: false, // whether the track should initially be soloed. soloed: false, // time in seconds relative to the playlist // ex (track will start after 8.5 seconds) // DEFAULT 0 - track starts at beginning of playlist start: 8.5, // track fade in details fadeIn: { // fade curve shape // (logarithmic | linear | sCurve | exponential) shape: 'logarithmic', // length of fade starting from the beginning of this track, in seconds. duration: 0.5, }, // track fade out details fadeOut: { // fade curve shape // (logarithmic | linear | sCurve | exponential) shape: 'logarithmic', //length of fade which reaches the end of this track, in seconds. duration: 0.5, } // where the waveform for this track should begin from // ex (Waveform will begin 15 seconds into this track) // DEFAULT start at the beginning - 0 seconds cuein: 15, // where the waveform for this track should end // ex (Waveform will end at 30 second into this track) // DEFAULT duration of the track cueout: 30, // custom class for unique track styling customClass: 'vocals', // custom background-color for the canvas-drawn waveform waveOutlineColor: '#f3f3f3', // interaction states allowed on this track. // DEFAULT - all true states: { cursor: true, fadein: true, fadeout: true, select: true, shift: true, }, // pre-selected section on track. // ONLY ONE selection is permitted in a list of tracks, will take most recently set if multiple passed. // This track is marked as 'active' selected: { // start time of selection in seconds, relative to the playlist start: 5, // end time of selection in seconds, relative to the playlist end: 15, }, // value from -1 (full left pan) to 1 (full right pan) stereoPan: 0, // pass a custom function which will receive the last graphnode for this track and the mastergainnode. // if you pass a function, you must connect these two nodes to hear sound at minimum. // if you need to clean something up when the graph is disposed, return a cleanup function. react-studio-js will cleanup the nodes passed as arguments. effects: function(graphEnd, masterGainNode, isOffline) { var reverb = new Tone.Reverb(1.2); Tone.connect(graphEnd, reverb); Tone.connect(reverb, masterGainNode); return function cleanup() { reverb.disconnect(); reverb.dispose(); } } } ``` ### Playlist Events react-studio-js uses an instance of [event-emitter]( to send & receive messages from the playlist. ```javascript import EventEmitter from "event-emitter"; import ReactStudio from "react-studio-js"; var playlist = WaveformPlaylist( { container: document.getElementById("playlist"), }, // you can pass your own event emitter EventEmitter() ); // retrieves the event emitter the playlist is using. var ee = playlist.getEventEmitter(); ``` An example of using the event emitter to control the playlist can be found in [/dist/js/examples/emitter.js]( #### Events to Invoke | event | arguments | description | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `play` | `start:optional, end:optional` | Starts playout of the playlist. Takes optional Number parameters in seconds `start` and `end` to play just an audio segment. `start` can be passed without an `end` to play to the end of the track. | | `pause` | _none_ | Pauses playout of the playlist. | | `stop` | _none_ | Stops playout of the playlist. | | `rewind` | _none_ | Stops playout if playlist is playing, resets cursor to the beginning of the playlist. | | `fastforward` | _none_ | Stops playout if playlist is playing, resets cursor to the end of the playlist. | | `clear` | _none_ | Stops playout if playlist is playing, removes all tracks from the playlist. | | `record` | _none_ | Starts recording an audio track. Begins playout of other tracks in playlist if there are any. | | `zoomin` | _none_ | Changes zoom level to the next smallest entry (if one exists) from the array `zoomLevels`. | | `zoomout` | _none_ | Changes zoom level to the next largest entry (if one exists) from the array `zoomLevels`. | | `trim` | _none_ | Trims currently active track to the cursor selection. | | `cut` | _none_ | cuts currently active track to the cursor selection. | | `split` | _none_ | split currently active track | | `statechange` | `cursor` / `select` / `fadein` / `fadeout` / `shift` | Changes interaction state to the state given. | | `fadetype` | `logarithmic` / `linear` / `sCurve` / `exponential` | Changes playlist default fade type. | | `newtrack` | `File` | Loads `File` object into the playlist. | | `addAnnotation` | `json` | adds Annotations for current playlist. | | `clearAnnotations` | _none_ | clears loaded annotations. | | `volumechange` | `volume, track` | Set volume of `track` to `volume` (0-100) | | `mastervolumechange` | `volume` | Set a new master volume `volume` (0-100) | | `select` | `start, end, track:optional` | Seek to the start time or start/end selection optionally with active track `track`. | | `startaudiorendering` | `wav` / `buffer` | Request for a downloadable file or web Audio buffer that represent the current work | | `automaticscroll` | `true`/`false` | Change property `isAutomaticScroll`. | | `continuousplay` | `true`/`false` | Change property `isContinuousPlay`. | | `linkendpoints` | `true`/`false` | Change property `linkEndpoints`. | | `annotationsrequest` | _none_ | Requests to download the annotations to a json file. | | `stereopan` | `panvalue, track` | Set pan value of `track` to `panvalue` (-1-1) | #### Events to Listen to | event | arguments | description | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `select` | `start, end, track` | Cursor selection has occurred from `start` to `end` with active Track `track`. | | `timeupdate` | `playbackP ... ...


