
上传日期:2023-10-22 22:35:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Odin编程语言的简单GUI库。,
(A simple GUI library for Odin programming language.,)

RW-BKP/ (0, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/buttons.odin (12588, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/calendar.odin (8798, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/checkbox.odin (7241, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/combobox.odin (20971, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/dateandtime.odin (2994, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/datetimepicker.odin (14079, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/groupbox.odin (4393, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/imagelist.odin (2881, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/ini.odin (708, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/labels.odin (9265, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/listbox.odin (16884, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/listview.odin (25306, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/msgbox.odin (2992, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/numberpicker.odin (15785, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/progressbar.odin (10641, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/radiobutton.odin (8121, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/textbox.odin (10229, 2023-12-19)
RW-BKP/trackbar.odin (21526, 2023-12-19)
Screenshot_201.jpg (97764, 2023-12-19)
app.exe.manifest (937, 2023-12-19)
app.odin (5806, 2023-12-19)
app.pdb (12259328, 2023-12-19)
bin/ (0, 2023-12-19)
bin/app.exe.manifest (937, 2023-12-19)
docs/ (0, 2023-12-19)
docs/button_docs.odin (1783, 2023-12-19)
docs/calendar_docs.odin (1045, 2023-12-19)
docs/checkbox_docs.odin (674, 2023-12-19)
docs/combobox_docs.odin (2874, 2023-12-19)
docs/control_docs.odin (3151, 2023-12-19)
docs/datetimepicker_docs.odin (3800, 2023-12-19)
docs/form_docs.odin (2452, 2023-12-19)
docs/groupbox_docs.odin (284, 2023-12-19)
docs/label_docs.odin (1047, 2023-12-19)
docs/listbox_docs.odin (2570, 2023-12-19)
docs/listview_docs.odin (7106, 2023-12-19)
docs/msgbox_docs.odin (2640, 2023-12-19)
... ...

# Winforms A simple GUI library for Odin programming language. It is built upon win32 API functions. So it needs Windows 64 bit to run. Currently, it's a work in progress project. ## Control List Button, Calendar, CheckBox, ComboBox, DateTimePicker, GroupBox, Label, ListBox, TextBox NumberPicker (Updown Control), ProgressBar, RadioButton, TrackBar, TreeView, MenuBar ## Screenshot ![image]( ## Example -- This is the code used to create the window and controls in the above image. ```rust package main import "core:fmt" import "core:mem" import "core:runtime" import ui "winforms" // Global declarations print :: fmt.println ptf :: fmt.printf pgb : ^ui.ProgressBar // We are using pgb & tk in inner procs. So these must be globals. tk : ^ui.TrackBar // MakeWindow :: proc() { using ui frm := new_form( txt = "Odin is fun") frm.width = 1100 frm.height = 500 frm.font = new_font("Tahoma", 13) // When we click on somewhere, it prints the mouse coordintes. // Handy at design time because, you can easily know the points for a new control. print_points(frm) create_handle(frm) // Let's add a menubar and some menu items. mbar := new_menubar(frm, "File", "Edit", "Format") menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[0], "New Work", "New Client", "Exit") menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[1], "New Client", "Copy", "Delete") menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[2], "Font", "Line Space", "Para Spce") menubar_add_items(mbar, mbar.menus[0].menus[0], "Contract Work", "Carriage Work", "Transmission Work") mbar.menus[0].menus[1].onClick = newclient_menuclick // Set the event handler // Create some buttons. b1 := new_button(frm, "Normal", 10, 10, 110, 35 ) b2 := new_button(frm, "Flat Color", cright(b1) + 20, 10, 120, 35 ) set_property(b2, CommonProps.Back_Color, 0x94d2bd) // New function. b3 := new_button(frm, "Gradient", cright(b2) + 20, 10, 110, 35 ) button_set_gradient_colors(b3, 0xfb8500, 0xffbe0b) // A combo box cmb := new_combobox(frm, cright(b3) + 20, 10, autoc = true) combo_add_items(cmb, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS") set_property(cmb, ComboProps.Selected_Index, 0) // A DateTimePicker dtp := new_datetimepicker(frm, cright(cmb) + 20, 10, autoc = true) // A GroupBox gb := new_groupbox(frm, "Format Options", 10, cbottom(b1) + 20, w=230, h=110, autoc = true) // A Label lb1 := new_label(frm, "Line_Space", gbx(gb, 10), gby(gb, 40), autoc = true) // NumberPicker aka UpDown control or Spinner np1 := new_numberpicker(frm, cright(lb1) + 15, gby(gb, 35), autoc = true, deciPrec = 2, step = 0.25) np1.foreColor = 0x9d0208 lb2 := new_label(frm, "Col Width", gbx(gb, 10), cbottom(lb1) + 20, autoc = true) np2 := new_numberpicker(frm, np1.xpos, cbottom(np1) + 15) np2.buttonOnLeft = true np2.backColor = 0xcaffbf gb2 := new_groupbox(frm, "Compiler Options", 10, cbottom(gb) + 20, w = 210, h = 200, autoc = true) // A CheckBox cb := new_checkbox(frm, "Show Timings", gbx(gb2, 10), gby(gb2, 40), autoc = true) cb2 := new_checkbox(frm, "No Entry Point", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(cb) + 20, autoc = true) // A RadioButton rb1 := new_radiobutton(frm, "SubSystem:Windows", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(cb2) + 20) rb1.foreColor = 0xd90429 create_control(rb1) rb2 := new_radiobutton(frm, "SubSystem:Console", gbx(gb2, 10), cbottom(rb1) + 10) // A ListBox lbx := new_listbox(frm, cright(gb) + 10, cbottom(b1) + 10, autoc = true) listbox_add_items(lbx, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS") set_property(cb2, CheckBoxProps.Checked, true) // A ListView. (For now, Details view is possible.) lv := new_listview(frm, cright(lbx) + 10, cbottom(b3) + 10, 340, 150, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", 100, 120, 100) listview_add_row(lv, "XP", "Mountain Lion", "RedHat") listview_add_row(lv, "Vista", "Mavericks", "Mint") listview_add_row(lv, "Win7", "Mavericks", "Ubuntu") listview_add_row(lv, "Win8", "Catalina", "Debian") listview_add_row(lv, "Win10", " Big Sur", "Kali") // Adding a context menu for list view control_add_contextmenu(lv, "Compile", "Link Only", "Make DLL", "Make Console") lv.contextMenu.menus[0].onClick = contextmenu_click // Handler for "Compile" menu // A TextBox tb := new_textbox(frm, cright(gb2) + 10, cbottom(lbx) + 20, autoc = true) // A ProgressBar pgb = new_progressbar(frm, lv.xpos, cbottom(lv) + 15, lv.width, 30, autoc = true, perc = true) // A TrackBar tk = new_trackbar(frm, lv.xpos, cbottom(pgb) + 20, 200, 50) tk.customDraw = true tk.onValueChanged = track_change_proc // A TreeView tv := new_treeview(frm, cright(lv) + 20, dtp.ypos, 250, 220, autoc = true) treeview_add_nodes(tv, "Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS") treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 0, "XP", "Vista", "Win7", "Win8", "Win10", "Win11") treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 1, "Mountain Lion", "Mavericks", "Catalina", " Big Sur", "Monterey") treeview_add_childnodes(tv, 2, "RedHat", "Mint", "Ubuntu", "Debian", "Kali") // A Calendar cal := new_calendar(frm, tv.xpos, cbottom(tv) + 20, true) // Event handling procs track_change_proc :: proc(c : ^ui.Control, e : ^ui.EventArgs) { ui.progressbar_set_value(pgb, tk.value) } newclient_menuclick :: proc(sender: ^ui.MenuItem, e: ^ui.EventArgs) { print("New Client selected") } contextmenu_click :: proc(sender: ^ui.MenuItem, e: ^ui.EventArgs) { ptf("%s option is selected\n", sender.text) } // All set, now we can display the form! start_mainloop(frm) } main :: proc() { track: mem.Tracking_Allocator mem.tracking_allocator_init(&track, context.allocator) context.allocator = mem.tracking_allocator(&track) defer mem.tracking_allocator_destroy(&track) MakeWindow() ui.show_memory_report(&track) } ``` ## How to use -- 1. Download or clone repo. 2. Copy the folder **winforms** and paste it in project folder. 3. Import **winforms** in your main file. Done !!! ## Note To enable visual styles for your application, you need to use a manifest file. Here you can see a **app.exe.manifest** file in this repo. You can copy paste it in your project folder. Then rename it. The name must be your exe file's name. Here in my case, my exe file is **app.exe**. So my manifest file's name is **app.exe.manifest**. However, you can use a reource file and put an entry for this manifest file in it. Then you can compile the app with the manifest data embedded into your exe.


